Eprogress Training 2008

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eProgress Training

Making the Initial Contact

When you get a student from Kelly you’ll need to make contact with the family
within 48 hours. Never expect a parent/guardian to return your call. If you call
and no one answers at 9am call again at 11am and again at 1pm and 5pm until
you get someone to answer the phone. Call several times all throughout the day.
Once you get in touch with the parent/guardian you’ll need to gather the following
information in order to begin the tutoring process for that student.
•Name/Address of Parent/Guardian (be sure to confirm both first & last name as it may
differ from the student’s last name
•Name of the district & school that the student attends
•Name & phone number of his/her teacher
• Grade level
•Subject that he/she needs tutored in
•Confirm that there is a computer with Internet in the home, if they don’t, ask if they can go
to a library or community center that they can go to. If they can’t then you can mention that
in-home tutoring is a possibility but that you will have to get back with them.
•What time/days the student prefers to be tutored (make sure it fits into your schedule) Most
students will tutor 2 or 3 times a week. All sessions are 1 hour. When you set up this time it
should remain consistent from one week to another. Ex. Tuesdays/Thursdays from 4:00-
•Email address if you’re tutoring online
Once you’ve gathered the information above thank them for their time and let them know
that you’ll be contacting the teacher and writing a Student Improvement Plan. Tell them
that you’ll mail the plan to them for them to sign and return to you. Inform them that
tutoring (in most districts) cannot begin until the plan has been returned.
After you’ve gathered information from the parent you’ll
need to attempt to contact the student’s teacher to confirm the
needs of the student. If you can’t get in touch with a teacher
after trying for 48 hours move on without their input.

Once you’ve gathered information from both the

parent/guardian & teacher, if possible, you’ll want to take a look
at any test data the district has provided (note: test data is not
always provided for our students). You’re just looking, again, to
confirm the needs of this student to ensure that you write a
Student Improvement Plan that will help meet those needs. The
time that you spend gathering information and writing the plan
is to be included on your invoice at the end of the month so keep
track of this time.
Writing the SIP (Student Improvement Plan)
After you’ve reviewed the information that you have gathered from
parent/guardian, teacher & test data you’re ready to write the SIP. To
do this you’ll either go to the Cayen website (only available for a few
districts-if you’re tutoring a student in one of those districts you will
be trained on Cayen) and submit the SIP online using their form or
you’ll fill out the form on the next screen.

Either way you’ll want to be as detailed as possible, include state

standards from www.achievementtech.com (covered later in the
training), and make certain that you have thoroughly filled out the SIP.
After it has been written you’ll mail a copy to the parent with a paid
return envelope for them to return it in once they sign it. You’ll also
email a copy to Kelly. She will submit it to the district for approval
and let you know when tutoring with that student can begin. Some
districts let us begin before the SIP is approved, others have us wait.
Whether online or on the sample below you’ll need to submit your SIP
for approval & mail a copy to the parents within 1 week of getting
your student.
Fill out all of
at the top
for each

This entire table section should be

filled out with appropriate goals,
start/end time, assessment
information, etc. You’ll also
copy/paste State Standards into this
table that your student will be
working on.

This is where the parent needs to sign the SIP. Once

they’ve returned the signed SIP to you send it to
Kelly. She’ll sign it and submit it with signatures to
the district. Hopefully by this time the district will
have already approved the email copy that Kelly
sent them so that you can get started.
Once you have the ‘ok’ to begin tutoring you’ll let the parent know
that you’re ready to begin and set up the first date for tutoring to
start. Explain during this conversation that you’ll be sending a link
(for online tutoring) to the email he/she has provided. Explain to the
parent to simply click on that link at the time tutoring is to start and
allow the computer to go through the download process. Make sure
they know to ‘accept’ the downloads. If they haven’t shown up after
15 minutes call to make sure they’re doing alright with the download.
This can be a lengthy process the first time but once it’s on their
computer it won’t take very long at all for them to sign in to the
online tutoring session. All online sessions take place on elluminate.

It is important to know the number of sessions your student is

allowed to have. This varies by district. If you don’t have a copy of
our “Number of Sessions” document email Mary @
mbondurant@columbus.rr.com and she’ll send you a copy. You
have to track how many sessions they complete and make certain that
you don’t go over the number of sessions they’re allowed to have. If
you do go over you will not be paid for the extra sessions.
Welcome to
Elluminate is the site This is the whiteboard area. The tools to the left allow you to
where you will highlight or type important information on this board. To use any
communicate with your tool simply click on it and then click on the board. To type simply
click on the capital A and then click over here and start typing. To
students during each highlight click on the yellow marker and highlight what you’d like
tutoring session. on the board. The wand is another tool you can use to point out
important information. I typically use this board to type important
tips & formulas for students to refer back to as they work on their
lessons. You can add shapes to your whiteboard as well or you can
freehand draw if you need to using the pen.
This is the chat area. You
communicate by typing in the
smaller rectangle below, then hitting
enter to send your message. It will
appear in this box for your student
to read.
Once you are logged in your
name will appear in this box.
Your student’s name will
appear here as well.

To save the chat conversation In addition to the whiteboard and chat area you can also communicate
simply click on “file” above, then with your students/parents using the microphone in the lower left corner
“save” then “direct message” To use it simply click once on the picture of the microphone, then click
conversation. This saves it to your again to shut it off. It must be shut off before your student can respond
computer for future reference. with their microphone. In the same way they must shut theirs off before
you can respond. If they forget to shut off the microphone you can
temporarily take it away from them by clicking on the picture of the mic
beside their name in the box at the top left of the screen. You can take
away the whiteboard or other tools by clicking on their picture beside the
student’s name. If they get out of control drawing on the whiteboard, for
example, you can take away that tool by clicking on the white square
beside the student’s name.
Please note the hand with an arrow, faces & hands to the left. Students
can click on the hand with the green arrow to let you know they have a
question. It will ding to alert you. Students can also click on the
faces/hands to express understanding or confusion. When they click on
one it will appear beside their name in the top left box. Students in
general really enjoy this site and students of all ages use these tools.

If you happen to be tutoring more than one student and you need to
send a message to just one student you can do so by using the pull-
down menu to the left beside the word “send.” It currently says
“all” in the pull-down box. When you click on it you can select the
student you wish to send a message to and type in the chat area.
When you hit send your message will only go to the student
When you meet with your students on elluminate
you’ll spend the first few minutes welcoming them to
the tutoring session. You’ll let them know what lessons
they’ll be working on for the day and then direct them
to open a new Internet window and go to
http://www.myskillstutor.com where they’ll work on
their lessons for the next 45-50 minutes. Then use the
last few minutes of each session to communicate with
the parents. Anytime your student has a question
about the lessons he/she will come back here for your
guidance. Use this site to communicate and answer
questions. You can also speak on the microphone even
when this window is minimized. (Possibly necessary to
minimize this window while you read to your student if
the need help with directions or something of that
Welcome to My
Skills Tutor
This is the website where students will work
on their lessons.
User Name: first/last name, no spaces, no
Password: eprogress
Site: vcsohio01
This is the login for both tutors and students.
Once you’ve logged on you’ll see this page. Anytime you
need refreshed on how to do something on this site you
can click on the “View Tutorials” link to the left.
The first step on myskillstutor is to create your class.
To do so begin by clicking on “classes” to the left.
You’ll have to add a class the first time you login to
myskillstutor but once you’ve completed this step
you don’t have to do it again, that will be your class
for the entire year. To add a class simply click on
“add classes” to the left.
Give your class a name. It
Type your class name here, then can be as simple as “First
click “add this class.” Last Name” (insert your first
and last name of course.) 
Once you’ve added a class you’ll be brought back to this
screen. From here you can click on “class properties” to
add students and create/give assignments. The next time
you login you’ll simply click on “classes” and then you’ll
go straight to “class properties” to set up your
assignments for each individual student.
Adding Students to My Skills

The first step after creating

your class will be to add
students to your class list. To
do so click on “students” to
the left.
When you click on “students” you’ll be brought to this screen.
Click on “enrollment” to continue in the process of adding
students to your class.
If your student’s name is on the list simply
put a checkmark beside the name and
then click “enroll selected students.” If
his/her name is not on the list go ahead
and click on “add new students” and it
will take you to the page where you will
add them to this list. Make sure you check
to see if their name is on the list before
adding them! It’s important to avoid
having them on here twice!
On this screen you’ll be adding your student’s
to the list. Add the first and last name and then
create his/her user name by typing first/last
name with no spaces or caps. The password is
always eprogress. Once you’ve completed those
steps click “add this student” to the left if
you’re adding one student. However, if you
have a list of students to add you can click “add
this student and next” and you can add all of
your students one right after another.
After you’ve added your students,
they will appear on this list. Make
sure they are selected with a green
check in the box next to their name
and then click on “enroll selected
students.” Then they’ll be in your
class. 
This screen will appear to show you that
the student is enrolled. Next you’ll click on
Creating Assignments in My
Skills Tutor

You’ll need to add an assignment for each student.

To do so click on “add assignment.”
You’ll first give the assignment a name. It is
helpful to include the student’s first name in
the name of the assignment. For example,
Mary’s Math Assignment. Then type a note
for students. Something simple reminding
them to always do their best and ask questions
anytime they have them. The mastery will
need to be changed to 90%. Then choose the
lessons that you’ll be assigning based on the
conversations you’ve had with the
parents/teacher of the student. To choose a
lesson click on the plus sign beside the
Content Title.
Once you click on the plus sign
the titles of each section will come
up for you. Simply click on
“select all pretests” and the blue
dots will appear. Then scroll up
and click “done.”
You’ll then see this screen.
This will be full of a
spreadsheet with all of your
students’ names down the left-
hand side and all of the
assignment names across the
top. You’ll notice the small
yellow box that appears when
you move your mouse over the
checkbox. This is when
including the student’s first
name in the assignment name
comes in handy. You can
make sure Mary Ann is
getting the assignment that
belongs to her…Mary’s Math
Assignment. Check the box
and then click done.
And that’s it.  The assignment is done and when your student logs in to complete the
lessons everything will be ready for him/her. IF a student scores lower than a 50% on a
pretest you’ll need to move them down one level (example from Math B down to Math A).
If a student scores higher than a 90% on a pretest then move them up one level. To do that
simply login to myskillstutor, click on classes, class properties and then modify assignment.
There you’ll be able to follow the previous steps to assign the correct level.
When a student logs in this is the
first screen that he/she will see.
Instruct them to click on their
assignment, example: “Mary’s
Math Assignment”
That will bring the student to this page where your
note to them will appear in the box and then you’ll
instruct them to click on the assignment title (Math B).
This screen will appear for the student. Please
note the computer guides them through their
lessons at the top of the screen. You can instruct
your students to complete the next
recommended activity. If they score lower than
a 90% (mastery) they will have to complete the
lesson again (except for pretests/posttests). It’s
important to let them know this so they’ll be
sure to ask for help as they need it. The
computer will not change the next
recommended activity until they score a 90%
on the lesson. Once they have completed the
pretest/all of the lessons/posttest for a section
THEN they can move on to the next section.
As students complete the lessons their
score will appear on this page to the
right of the lesson title. It is helpful as
their tutor to login as them in a
separate window and come to this
screen. Just leave it open and as they
finish a lesson you can click on the
refresh button and the score will pop up
for you so you’ll be able to see
immediately what they got on each
When you are logged in as yourself you can view any activity the student is working on by clicking on
“view activity” to the left of the homepage screen. The activity will pop up for you to work through so
that you can assist your students. It is from these activities that I get the tips/formulas/etc to type on the
whiteboard for students to refer back to as they work on lessons. That insures that all tips and formulas
are consistent with their lesson and directions to avoid confusion. Make sure you’re not logged in as the
student when viewing an activity or you’ll be doing their work for them!
SIS Website

Welcome to the SIS (Student

Information System) website!
Login using your first/last name, no spaces, no caps
and the password “changeme” unless you’ve
already created your own password.
Create your own password. This will be your password for the
remainder of the year.
Adding Students to SIS

You’ll first need to add

your students to the SIS
website. First check to
be sure they’re not
already on this site.
Type the first few letters
of their last name in the
student information
box, if their name
doesn’t appear go ahead
and add them to the SIS.
To do this simply click
on “add new student”
beside Student
Add all of the
you have
available to
you. Including
first/last name,
gender, etc.
Scroll down on that
page and add the
school district, email
address, grade level,
pupil type and pupil
status. To begin with
you’ll make their
status “assigned”
using the pull down
menu. Once you begin
tutoring you’ll change
that status
accordingly until they
have completed their
allotted number of
sessions and are
“done.” Click “add”
to add them to the SIS
Finding Your Students on Once
added your
students to the
SIS to get to
his/her page in
the future -
you’ll simply
login to the
website, type the
first few letters
of his/her last
name in the
blank and click
on the name
when it pops up
for you. This will
take you to the
The student
information page
has two blue
rectangles in the
center. The smaller
of the two is used to
jump from one
student’s page to
another without
going back to the
home page.
Journaling on SIS

The larger of the

two rectangles is
where the
majority of our
record keeping
takes place. To
begin with you’ll
click on
“journals” and
then click “view
This screen
will appear
and you’ll
want to click
on “add”
under the
word journals
to the left. To
view all
journal entries
simply click
“view all.”
To add your journal entry simply start typing in the empty box.
ALL contact with parents and teachers must be entered in the SIS
as a journal entry. Be sure to record all emails that you send,
voicemails that you leave as well as conversations that you have.
Include details in your journal entry such as time/date/content or
outcome of the conversation. Record everything-even if they never
answer and voicemail doesn’t pick up! Also use the journal section
to record the amount of time you spend working on SIPs for
students. You’ll also want to create an entry noting the tutoring
schedule that the student will have, for example, T/TH from 4:00-
5:00. When finished click “add.” IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU
JOURNAL AREA! As soon as you make a call or send an email
come and journal the results!
Reassignment Policy:
It is important to journal your contact as soon as you
communicate with the parents/teachers. Every attempt to
contact them must be entered into the journal even if no
one answers and no machine picks up. Once you are given
a student you will have 72 hours (3 days) to attempt to
make initial contact with your student’s parent/guardian.
Never assume a parent is going to call you back. Feel free
to leave messages and journal that information but you
must keep calling to try to get in touch with the
parent/guardian. If there are no journals after 72 hours
your student will be reassigned as it will be assumed that
you are too busy to take on more students at that time. It is
vital that we get these students started and contacted right
away. If no contact has been entered administration will
assume no contact has been made. Again, even if they
don’t answer-journal your attempts to show to
administration that you are trying to reach that student.
Creating Session Records &
Two-Week Reports

In addition to
journaling you’ll
also use this site to
keep track of all
session records and
two-week reports.
Click on “SES” in
the larger blue
rectangle and then
click “view info.”
You’ll be brought
to this screen.
Simply click on
“add new” under
Session Records
to create a new
session record.
Session Records (Lesson Plans &
Session Summaries)

Make sure your name appears as the tutor name and that
the time and date of the tutoring session are correct. Then
write your lesson plan. This will be based on the lessons
the student will be completing on myskillstutor. You’ll
also want to copy and paste the state standard that the
lesson meets from www.achievementtech.com into your
lesson plan. To find the standard that each lesson falls
under simply click on “alignments and correlations at the
top of the page on that website. Then click on states,
choose the state you’re working with. Choose the content
that your student is working on (example Math B) and
then you’ll see each of the individual lessons from Math B
and the standards that they meet. Copy and paste that
standard into your lesson plan.
Once you’ve completed the session with your
student you can scroll down and complete the
summary of the session. This is simply a
summary of how the session went. Include in
your summary the scores that the student
earned on each lesson, any concepts that you
discussed with student with on elluminate, any
improvements the student made, etc. Then at the
end of the session click “add.” Note: lesson plans
should be completed prior to the tutoring
session. Once you click “add” this session record
will show up automatically on your invoice for
you. If you need to edit it at anytime you can do
so by clicking on ‘view’ and ‘edit’ from the
student’s information page.
Two-Week Reports To create a 2-
week report
you’ll click on
SES and then
“add new”
under 2-week
reports. Again,
anytime you
need to edit a
session record
or 2-week
report simply
click “view”
beside the
that you wish
to edit. Then
click “edit”
and make your
Make sure the name and date are correct. Put a 2 for postage
b/c once you type this summary you’ll print this page and send
one to the parents and one to the teacher = 2 stamps. Type
your two week summary. This should include scores,
information of improvements the student has made, etc. You
can copy and paste snippets from your session record
summaries and add to them. Once you’ve finished typing it
and have printed it click “add.”
Updating Student Information on
SIS We also use
this page to
keep track of
a student’s
To enter this
click on
then click
view info.
When you click on family
this screen will appear. To
enter the information click
on “edit” then enter the
information that you have. If
it changes please come back
to this screen and update the
Creating An Invoice

To create
your invoice
at the end of
each month
click on
beside staff
Make sure the name and dates are correct. You’ll want to create
the invoice at the end of each month when you are certain that
you’re done tutoring for that month and won’t have anything else
to add to your invoice. Click on “New Invoice.”
Your session records will appear automatically above. Then you’ll simply need to add any other amount of time that you’ve put into
tutoring. For example, when you go through the training you’ll click “add a new line” and under description type “eProgress Training.”
Then for QTY you’ll use a decimal system, if you’ve spent an hour and a half writing an SIP for example then you’ll put 1.5 under QTY. If
you’ve spent two hours and 15 minutes in training you’ll put 2.25 in the QTY. Then make sure the description is detailed and accurate. The
price should be 18.00. Then the computer will do the multiplication for you. Add a new line for postage, under QTY put the number of
stamps that you’ve used, under type pull down the menu and choose postage, then write a detailed description of what you’ve used postage
ON THIS INVOICE. Price should be 0.41. If you’ve attended a fair or open house for eProgress you’ll get paid for mileage. Add a new line,
record the amount of miles you traveled to and from the fair or open house. Then again, type a detailed description. The price should be
0.445. The computer will do the math. Once you’ve entered EVERYTHING from session records to time spent communicating with parents
to postage make sure it’s all correct and then click “CREATE”. After you create it send an email to
kelly.claibourne@eprogressacademy.org letting her know your invoice is ready to go. Do NOT click create until you’re done for the month!
A Few Things To Remember 
As a tutor of eProgress you agree that you won’t at any time talk
about, teach, discuss or encourage anything having to do with
religion or religious beliefs.
• In the case of a no-show you’ll wait 15 minutes, call to find out
why the student isn’t showing up and log that call (even if they
don’t answer) in the journal of SIS website. Put the no-show on
your invoice – you’ll be paid $6 per no-show.
•If a student misses 3 sessions (you’ll call the parent/guardian
after each session) call the teacher and see if he/she can
encourage the student to attend tutoring.
•After 5 consecutive no-shows tutoring services are terminated
for that student. Call home one last time and inform them of this
condition, also call and inform the teacher, district & Kelly.
Journal this as well.
Quick List of Websites & Login Info
first/last name no caps, no Lessons are completed
spaces on this site
www.elluminate.com Site where you’ll meet
first/last name no spaces, no caps your online students

http://sis.eprogressacademy.org Site where you’ll enter ALL

contact with students/parents &
first/last name no caps, no spaces teachers, lesson plans, session
Password that you’ve created summaries, two-week reports,
and invoices
www.achievementtech.com Site where you’ll find state
No login required standards & benchmarks to use
on Student Improvement Plans
& Lesson Plans
If you have any questions, please don’t
hesitate to email
mbondurant@columbus.rr.com or


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