Psy 2300 Exam Review

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1. A scientific approach to dealing with the challenges we face is characterized by:

A: research B: critical thinking C: random sampling D: emotional appeal

B: Critical


2. Psychology is a scientific discipline that deals with:

A. Behavior and mental

processes B. Only mental processes C. Only behavior issues D. Only our biologic predispositions

A: Behavior and mental processes

3) While attending the county fair, Jane has her palm read and is amazed at how accurate the palm reader describes her (Jane's) personality. Jane is now a true believer in palm reading, but unfortunately, has been fooled by what?
A. Barnum effect

B. Bailey effect
C. Barnes effect D. Noble effect

A: Barnum effect

4. Research has found that a boost in happiness after winning the lottery:
A. Remains even after the money is

gone B. Remains only for a few days C. Tends to last for several years D. Tends to fade within a year or so

D: Tends to fade within a year or so

5. A researcher discovers that children who watch less television earn higher grades in math. However, the researcher cautions that one cannot simply infer that watching less television will cause grades to rise. What method of research did this researcher likely utilize?
A. The case study method B. The correlational method C. The experimental method

D. The survey method


B: The correlational method

6. An effective method of dealing with test anxiety is to:

A. Ingest 20 ounces of your favorite energy

drink B. Study with at least 20 people before the night of your exam C. Identify irrational, catastrophizing thoughts and replace with rational thoughts. D. Call a friend to complain about the instructor

C: Identify irrational, catastrophizing thoughts and replace with rational thoughts.

7. The reason that it is difficult for people to perform two things well at the same time is a result of what?
A. Divided attention
B. Neural concentration C. Proactive memory interference D. Genetic redundancies


A: Divided attention

8. The reasonably stable patterns of emotions, motives, and behavior that distinguish one person from another:
A. Character
B. Temperament

C. Traits
D. Personality

D: Personality

9) Jill is caught cheating on an exam and blames her instructor for allowing students to have cell phones present in the room. After all, she explains, I couldn't text message my classmates if I didn't have my cell. Jill's explanation would be an example of what defense mechanism?
A. Projection

B. Denial
C. Rationalization

D. Sublimation


C: Rationalization

10. At which stage do children explore their world (and release libidinal energy) through placing things in their mouths?
A. Oral B. Anal C. Genital D. Latency

A: Oral

11. The reasonably stable patters of emotions, motives, and behavior that distinguish one person from another:
A. Character B. Temperament C. Traits D. Personality

D: Personality

12. Jill is caught cheating on an exam and blames her instructor for allowing students to have cell phones present in the room. After all, she explains, I couldn't text message my classmates if I didn't have my cell. Jill's explanation would be an example of what defense mechanism?
A. Projection

B. Denial
C. Rationalization D. sublimation


C: Rationalization

13. At which stage do children explore their world (and release libidinal energy) through placing things in their mouths?
A. Oral
B. Anal C. Genital D. Latency


A: Oral

14. Three-year-old Johnny is in the grocery store and begins screaming for a candy bar. According to psychodynamic theory, which aspect of Johnny's personality is exerting itself?
A. Ego

B. Id
C. Supergo

D. Self


B: Id

15. Tom often finds himself chewing on pen caps, smoking and biting his nails. According to psychodynamic theory, Tom is experiencing what?
A. Projection B. Fixation C. Sublimation D. Oral antagonism


B: Fixation

16. Ryan is sitting in a chair awaiting a dental procedure. When Ryan sees the needle containing the pain killer, he becomes anxious. According to the classical conditioning model, Ryan's reaction would be a(n):
A. Unconditioned stimulus

B. Unconditioned response
C. Conditioned stimulus D. Conditioned response


D: Conditioned response

17. According to operant conditioning, if you kick a soda machine three times and a can of soda is dispensed each time, in the future you are ____________ to kick a soda machine.
A. More likely

B. Less likely
C. Not likely at all D. None of these


A. More likely

18. Jane receives a passing grade on a spelling test and her parents inform her that she is excused from doing the dishes for one week. What aspect of operant conditioning are Jane's parents employing?
A. Negative punishment

B. Positive punishment
C. Negative reinforcement D. Positive reinforcement


C: Negative reinforcement

19. Psychologists recommend that parents use which of the following methods to mold their children's behavior?
A. Positive punishment
B. Positive reinforcement

C. Negative punishment
D. Time outs


B: Positive reinforcement

20. Marty watches a television show in which the characters are hitting a laser printer with a baseball bat. Later that day, Marty's parents find Marty hitting their laser printer with a baseball bat. According to social-cognitive theory, how has Marty learned this behavior?
A. Positive reinforcement

B. Negative reinforcement
C. Reciprocal determinism

D. Observational learning


D: Observational learning

21. The process by which immigrant (or nondominant) groups adapt to the social customs and expectations of the host country or dominant culture:
A. Immigration

B. Transformation
C. Acculturation D. Adjustment


C: Acculturation

22. Maintaining strong ethnic identification is linked to:

A. A better psychological health B. Poorer psychological health

C. Depression
D. Crime


A: A better psychological health

23. According to the text, ___________ American girls are likely to be happier with their appearance than ___________ American girls.
A. African, European B. European, African C. Russian, Irish D. Irish, Russian


A: African, European

24. An altered state of awareness in which a person becomes highly suggestible or responsive to suggestions is known as?
A. Hypothesis
B. Hypnosis

C. Biofeedback training
D. Meditation


B: Hypnosis

25. Young Dre is having a difficult time deciding between his two favorite flavors of ice cream. Dre would like to have both crunchy-munchy and caramel blast, but his father says that Dre can only choose one flavor. What type of conflict is Dre experiencing? A. Parent-child B. Approach-avoidance C. Approach-approach D. Multiple approach avoidance


C: Approach-approach

26. It seems to Maria that almost every day on the way to work, she seems to get stuck in traffic on the freeway. According to Lazarus, Maria is experiencing:
A. A life change B. A behavioral sink C. Acculturative stress D. A daily hassle


D: A daily hassle

27. According to the text, a positive method for African-American parents to help their children cope with acculturative stress is to:
A. Help their children become more aware of

the value of their own culture. B. Encourage their children to fully adapt to American culture and deny their heritage. C. Avoid children from other cultures D. Help their children to develop a victim mentality


A: Help their children become more aware of the value of their own culture.

28. Robert has been experiencing headaches for the past week. When Robert has a headache, he takes an aspirin to minimize the pain. The aspirin serves as a (n):
A. Endorphin

B. Analgesic
C. Prostaglandin D. neurotransmitter


B: Analgesic

29. According to Kobasa, which of the following characteristics is not an aspect of psychological hardiness?
A. Commitment B. Challenge C. Control D. Containment


D: Containment

30. People with more optimistic attitudes tend to:

A. Be more resilient B. See the glass as half empty

C. Seek counseling
D. Experience poorer health outcomes


A: Be more resilient

31. Sometimes Amy finds life to be too difficult to deal with. At times like these, Amy turns to ecstasy just to help herself get through the day. Amy would be utilizing what type of coping technique?
A. Defensive

B. Active
C. Positive

D. Superior


A: Defensive

32. According to a recent APA study, how many Americans report that they are experiencing extreme levels of stress in their lives?
A. One-half

B. One-third
C. One-fourth D. All


B: One-third

33. The ability to delay gratification and maintain selfcontrol when a motive is thwarted is defined as:
A. Conflict B. Tolerance for frustration C. Will power D. Type a behavior


B: Tolerance for frustration

34. Annika is walking down a dark alley when a large, dark hooded figure appears in front of her. Annika becomes frightened and turns to run in the opposite direction. It is likely that Annika has just entered what stage of the general adaptation syndrome? A. Exhaustion stage B. Alarm reaction stage C. Resistance stage D. Respiration stage


B: Alarm reaction stage

35. If a stressor is not properly dealt with during the resistance stage, an individual may enter what stage of the general adaptation syndrome?

A. Alarm reaction stage B. Respiration stage C. Exhaustion stage D. Expiration stage


C: Exhaustion stage

36. Normally, Andre is a pretty relaxed individual, however, on the night before his final psychology exam, Andre is feeling quite anxious and he is having a difficult time concentrating. What type of anxiety is Andre experiencing?
A. Trait anxiety

B. Stage anxiety
C. School anxiety

D. State anxiety


D: State anxiety

37. Stress has a domino effect on a set of endocrine glands that are labeled the:

A. Autonomic nervous system B. Immune system

C. Pathogen system
D. Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)



D: Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis

38. In terms of ethnicity and health, the life expectancy of African Americans lags behind that of European Americans by how many years?
A. 15 B. 7 C. 4 D. 9


B: 7

39. Jay has been experiencing chronic and severe headaches for the past two years. After seeking medical help, Jay discovers that he is suffering from migraine headaches. Jay's doctor informs him that migraines appear to be caused by: A. Muscle tension B. Increased endorphin activity C. Changes in blood flow to the brain D. Increased steroid activity


C: changes in blood flow to the brain

40. Which of the following is not a common symptom of Premenstrual Syndrome?

A. Depressed mood B. Lack of energy C. Increased concentration and energy D. Migraines


C: Increased concentration and energy

41. Most of the research linking negative emotions to heart disease has focused on:
A. Cancer B. Lifestyle factors

C. Headaches
D. Hostility and anger


D: Hostility and anger

42. According to the job strain model, which jobs place workers at greater risk of heart disease?

A. High demands and low control B. High demands and high control

C. Low demands and low control

D. Low demands and high control


A: High demands and low control

43. During a visit to his doctor, John discovers that he (John) is at risk for chronic heart disease. Which of the following would likely not be a recommendation that the doctor would give John to reduce his risk?
A. Stop smoking

B. Modify type A behavior

C. Exercise D. Increase salt intake


D: Increase salt intake

44. Hans Selye observed certain similarities in the body's response to different stressors that he called the:
A. General adaptation syndrome B. Gradient activated stress C. Gross anatomical situation D. Graded Autonomic Saturation


A: General adaptation syndrome

45. The three stages of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS), in order, are
A. Alarm reaction stage, resistance stage,

exhaustion stage B. Alarm reaction stage, exhaustion stage, recovery stage C. Resistance stage, alarm reaction stage, exhaustion stage D. Exposure stage, resistance stage, recovery stage


A: Alarm reaction stage, resistance stage, exhaustion stage

46. Physiologist Walter Cannon labeled the body's efforts to mobilize its resources to cope with a stressor as:
A. Tend and befriend B. Cringe and cower C. Fight or flight D. Duck and cover


C: Fight or flight

47. Jerry has been exposed to prolonged periods of stress in his job as a factory line assemblyman. This extended sympathetic activity may lead to:
A. Anxiety B. Anger

C. Depression
D. Hostility


C: Depression

48. African-Americans are more likely than European-Americans to develop all of the following diseases except
A. Breast cancer B. HIV/AIDS

C. Heart disease
D. Hypertension


A: Breast cancer

49. Occupations characterized by both _____________ and ___________ place workers at greater risk of heart-related problems.
A. High demands, low control

B. Low demands, low control

C. High demands, high control

D. Low demands, high control


A: High demands, low control

50. Which of the following environmental factors is associated with aggression, as discussed in the textbook?
A. Loud noise

B. High temperatures
C. Air pollution D. Crowding


B: High temperatures

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