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A Presentation of

Nishi Khola Small Hydropower Project, 3.5MW


April 2012

Project Location
Baglung District

Nishi SHP

Region Zone District VDC Rajkut River

: Western Region : Dhaulagiri : Baglung : Devisthan, Burtibang, : Nishi Khola

Project Data
By ROAD via Butwal Kathmandu-Butwal Butwal-Ridi Bazaar Ridi-Burtibang Burtibang-Devisthan New (along alignment) By ROAD via Pokhara Kathmandu-Pokhara Pokhara-Baglung Baglung-Burtibang Burtibang-Devisthan New (along alignment)

: : : : :
: : : : :

258km (Black Topped) 71.08 km (Black Topped) 70 Km (Gravel Road) 5 Km (Earthern Track) 3 Km
199.0km (Black Topped) 72.58 km (Black Topped) 40 Km (Gravel Road) 5 Km (Earthern Track) 3 Km

Rated Capacities
Installed Capacity Design Discharge@ 40% exceedance Scheme Gross Head Net Head Design Flood @100 yrs return period Catchment area at Intake Plant Factor D/s release Annual Energy Dry Season Energy Wet Season Energy : 3500 KW

Project Data

: : : :
: : : : : : :

7.76 m3/s Run Off River (ROR) 53.82 m 51.38 ~ 53.17 m

338.8 m3/s 202.14 km2 67.06% 214.0 lps 20.50 GWhr 3.72 GWhr 16.79 GWhr

Project Data
Catchment Characteristics
Catchment area at Intake of Nisi SHPP is 202.14 km2 Ungauged catchment No long term flow available Model developed for hydrological study of ungauged catchment are Hydest and MIP. Long term monthly discharge at Intake are prorated from CAR method with discharge at Rudrabeni station (Station no. 417.0)


Nisi Khola at proposed intake 202.14 km2 33 km2 169 km2 100% 16.34% 83.66%

Badigad Khola at Rudrabeni 1990.0 km2 378 km2 1612.0 km2 100% 18.99% 81.01%

Catchment Area >3000 m <3000 m

Remarks Nisi wrt Gauge station 417.0 10.15% 8.73% 10.48%

Comparison of Mean monthly flows by different methods

Mean monthly flows, Q m3/s

Comparison of Hydrographs

Hydest MIP 4.72 3.54 2.55

Catchment Ratio 3.44 2.70 2.29

Mean Monthly Flows

55 50 45 40 35 Flow, m3/s 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
1 2 3

January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean Monthly Flow

2.57 2.19 1.97

2.76 9.46 29.15 35.07 26.92 11.79 5.16

5.11 11.79 28.49 49.13 32.42 15.72 8.06

2.33 7.86 30.07 40.57 33.47 14.38 6.96








Catchment Ratio


Catchment ration based on Gauged discharge at Rudrabeni station (Stn no. 417.0

Comparison of Flow duration curve

Flows, m3/s Probability percentage,% Hydest 0% 5% 20% 25% 40% 45% 50% 60% 65% 80% 95% 100% 67.90 39.93 20.84 17.10 5.90 5.16 4.41 2.92 2.67 1.94 1.29 1.13 MIP 49.13 39.94 25.94 18.91 10.30 8.24 7.07 5.50 5.05 3.77 2.29 1.97 Catchment Ratio 54.38 44.36 27.69 19.71
50 70
Flow Duration Curve with different methods



6.40 5.06 3.99 3.39 2.40 1.38 0.54




Flow, m3/s 0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Probability Exceedence , %

90% 100%


Catchment Ratio

Comparison of Extreme floods at Nisi Intake

Extreme Instantaneous Flood (m3/s)

Flood Summary of Nisi Khola

Return Period (years)

Hydest 169.967 273.945 351.553 431.878 544.573 635.363 732.102 868.807 979.754

Gumbel's distribution
103.12 166.22 207.99 248.06 299.93

Log Log Pearson III Normal

99.73 122.33 171.94 201.35 256.29 299.62 346.52 391.47 479.72 104.34 124.59 167.43 187.90 222.60 246.09 269.86 289.75 326.21
Discharge (m3/s)

500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Gumbel's distribution Log Pearson III Log Normal

2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000

377.53 428.62 467.23

Return Period in Years

Project Layout

Headworks @Devistan VDC

Main structures on Left Bank Diversion weir on 300m upstream of Devistan village Powerhouse approx 2km downstream of Devisthan village

PH @ Left Bank of Nisi at Devistan VDC

Salient Features:
Diversion weir Underslucie Intake Gravel Trap Desander basin Penstock Pipe : : : : : : Free Overflow type 20m, 3m high, FSL 1126.0m, HFL=1129.5m. 1 bay, 4.0m X 2.5m, crest EL1123.5m Side intake double Orifice 3.5m X 1.3m 15m X 3.0m X 2.5m, 10 mm particles 2 Dufour, 75m long, 5m wide and 4.5m deep, 0.2mm particles 2.4 m dia Steel, (1768.34m +82.15m)=1850.6m, thickness 6mm-12mm 7m dia X 16.65m high, semi exposed Surface type 34 X 10 X 9m Rectangular RCC channel ,length 39.5m X width 2.2m Outdoor type 2 units, Horizontal Francis ,2.5MVA 2 units ,Brushless type Self Excited, 2.5 MVA 6.3/33kV outdoor type 8.0km, 33kV single circuit upto Badigadh A substation NEA 33kV Substation at

Surge Tank Power House Tailrace Switchyard Turbine Generator Transformer Transmission line Interconnection

: : : : : : : : :

Project Cost:
Total Cost of the Project: NRS 418.197 Million based on 2010 Market
Interest Miscellaneous Capitalization Expenses Cost (during 1.20% Preliminary Expenses construction) 1.03% 9.10% Office Equipment & Vehicle 0.47% Project Management & Supervision 2.25% Transmission Line & Switchyard 2.94% Land Procurement 1.93% Infrastructure Development Site Office & 0.36% Camping Facilities Construction 1.29% Construction Design & BOQ Preparation 0.90%

Civil Construction Works 28.63%

ElectroMechanical Plant & Machinery 20.67%

Metal Works 29.24%

Financial Indicators:
Total Cost of the Project Specific Project Cost Unit Energy Cost : NRs.418.197 million @2010 : US$ 1,572 per kW : NRs. 3.72 per kWH

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) : 16.96 % Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C Ratio) : 1.42

Discounted payback period Construction Period

: 175.883 Million NRS

: 10.84 Years : 36 months

Monthly Revenue & Net Energy

12 3.00

Revenue generation (Million Nrs)








Annual Net Energy Annual Revenue

: :

19.57 GWhr NRs. 88.31 Million

Net Energy GWh

Project Keydates:
Survey license received Negotiation with local communities Preliminary report submission : 2065/04/28 : 2065-066 : 2066/04/

Feasibility report submitted

Application for Project Upgrading and Coordinate Modification IEE/ TOR approval

: 2067/04/25
: 2067/04/25 : 2068/08/29

Major Correspondence:
2067/04/25 2067/06/26 2067/11/18 2068/04/25 2068/05/19 2068/06/12 2068/08/28 2068/11/05 : Application for Project Upgrading and Coordinate Modification : Letter received with time extension but coordinate without being modified : Reply on letter no. 675-067/068 : : : : : Time Extension Self declaration letter Progress Report Net worth Regarding presentation

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