Pillars of Character

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A person who upholds high standards of decent behavior can be considered as moral. People don't respect those who are vulgar or act immorally. A moral person is one whose conduct is good especially concerning sexual and ethical conduct

Morality is usually based on moral laws such as the 10 Commandments. One commandment states that you should not commit adultery, but instead lead a decent life. Dedication to your family is also important is being moral.


A person who lies and cheats is not considered to be a moral person. This is especially true for someone who deceives his or her spouse and has extra-marital affairs. A public official who takes bribes is considered unethical or immoral. A major area in morality is pornography, which are lewd and sexually oriented pictures. Being moral gives you self-respect. You feel good about yourself when you know you are doing the right thing.

The best relationship is the one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.


Human being is essentially a social animal. Our first relationship starts at home. A good family leads to a good society and to a good nation.

Trust Almost all relationships as parent/child/teacher/buyer/seller/are based on trust. Listen in a relationship there could be barriers as language and comprehension. A good listener can break these barriers, listening shows caring. When the other person feels he/she is being cared for he/she is motivated

Avoid Arguments An argument is one thing you will never win . If you win you lose and if you lose you lose. The best way to avoid argument is to avoid it. An argument is an expression of temper whereas a discussion is an expression of logic.

Develop a Sense of Humor A sense of humor makes a person likable and attractive. Humor helps one convey a serious message in a light manner, taking the sting out of the bite.

Do not make Hasty Judgments Hasty and baseless judgment is the most dreadful enemy to relationship


There are various issues and factors that hinder relationships, they are 1. Individualism and independence 2. Irresponsible behavior 3. Bad habits such as drinking and smoking 4. Not fulfilling certain obligations 5. Generation gap 6. Absence of appraisal 7. Peer group influence 8. Unhealthy competition


Tool- 1. Relaxation The best way to immediately build communication rapport is to smile and relax your body (and especially your face). This may seem simple, but is very important. A genuine smile presents an open door to communication.

Tool 5. Authenticity
Acting authentically with others basically involves acting with integrity. It means being truly honest with both yourself and others. In a power relationship authenticity is based on being yourself, and avoiding acts that create false appearances. Being authentic creates deep levels of mutual trust and true respect.

Tool 6. Acknowledge Generously

Acknowledge other peoples positive qualities. Appreciating their strengths and contributions builds strong bonds of trust. Recognize your own qualities, and put them into action.

Tool 7. Take Action

Build a power relationship with your own self, and you will easily do so with others. Ask yourself: What thoughts and behaviors will attract the kind of relationships I desire?

What one action can I take today to empower my current relationships?

The quality or state of being a person
Characteristics that distinguishes an individual The totality of an individuals behavior Personality is the combined total of all that an individual is and of everything that constitutes a persons physical, mental, emotional make up. Personality in a simplified form of What a person really is Gordon Allport

Appearance Intelligence Emotionality Sociability Moral character Flexibility


The behaviour level: The outer most layer of our personality is the behavior layer. Ultimately, everything about us is seen by our behaviour. In one time acquaintance, one cannot judge a person. Therefore, behavior on the basis of one or two interactions cannot indicate the true personality.

The feelings level: - Below the level of behavior is the level of feelings. Feelings are a very powerful part of human personality. Behavior can swing like a pendulum, dictated by feelings.

The feelings level: Below the level of behavior is the level of feelings. Feelings are a very powerful part of human personality.

The attitudinal level: Attitude is the seat of decision-making.

Positive attitude changes our feelings and our behavior. Negative attitude produces the corresponding negative feelings and behavior.

The value level: influence of our relatives and teachers the word of God and our own exposure to various external and internal experiences in our lives determine our value system.


Listen: Its possible to hear the words a person speaks without really listening to what He/she says. When someone has a problem, He/she needs someone to confide in, someone to understand. Develop the art of listening.

Don't jump to conclusions: You are not a mind reader. Try to think things out before you judge a person.

Say "thanks: Everyone needs to know they are appreciated. When someone is kind to you or puts forth an effort to help you, say "thanks."

Pray: Prayer fills one with humility and faith. It gives courage to go on. Prayer will help you live a happy, productive, loving life.

Commit your way to the lord;trust in him and he will do this. Psalm:37:5


Think: Take a "think break" every day. It is at such times that ideas are born. Ideas, can change lives and accomplish much for God's kingdom.

Pleasing Personality: Be kind, loving, caring, thoughtful, sympathetic, and positive to project selfimage with confidence and firm in decision. Your attitude, behavior and manners project your inner self and win many hearts. Neat, clean, well dressed with maintained BODY makes you confident.

Cultivate a Smile: Be friendly and happy. A smile is the longest word in the world with a mile between the first and the last letter. The smile is the shortest distance between two people. People are more responsive to cheerful person. It invites friendship, affection, and confidence and encourages the disheartened.

Give Honest Appreciation & Avoid Criticism: Appreciation is demanding to encourage enthusiasm in an individual. Sincere appreciation and flattery(sweet talk) are two different actions altogether. Appreciation means complimenting heartily to make a person feel important and raise his spirits . Criticism in turn, wounds hearts, brings inferiority, discourages a person and leaves scars of despair.

Tact: This is securely favoring position to make a person friendly. Avoid being irritated but firmly and kindly speak your say without entering into an argument. Be optimistic in views and avoid negative impacts of words.

Voice Modulation: A persons voice reflects his personality. The way one feels, behaves, moods, attitudes are reflected through his voice. Soft, pleasant, husky voice with low pitch, not harsh, dull or lifeless, but bold, confident, clear, well pronounce play a vital role in self reflection. Mirror practice proves to be beneficial for better pronunciation and also find yourself in a corner of a room and repeat your name often till you find your voice clear, soft, but audible.

Correct Posture: (attitude)

Stand erect with an authority with lifted face, chin forward and upward, face alert, shoulders straightened without standing stiff. Balanced in a natural looking way Tummy should be in and not get distracted and have presence of mind by avoiding all ways like scratching your nose, jingling keys or coins in pocket, rocking back & forth on your heels etc. Walk should be graceful with proper strides, easy, feet moving parallel to each other with arms swinging and shoulders relaxed. Palm should be towards the body. Sit erect with hands on your legs, with neat curves of your dress falling at your knees or feet together in a managed way.

Be an Interesting Person:

Be zestful in life and enjoy thoroughly. Be creative, pour new ideas and fill your life with Interest, hobbies, and ambitions, exhibit your talents. Develop your tastes, your positive approach. Imbibe the habits of reading, music, creativity, walking, socializing. This will widen your visions, improve on personal efficiency, concentration, and power of observation, optimistic and make you a lively person.


Life requires action, and action requires values. how to live their life. All persons live in accordance with the philosophy(attitude) of life that they have framed for themselves, consciously or unconsciously


Purpose of life must be fixed in the earlier stages of life. Why are we here? What is life all about? What is the meaning of it all? What is most important to me in my life? What are my deepest values and beliefs?

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