Effective Adjustment To New Environment

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Presented By:

Abhishek Kumar- D38 Shahjar Jogi- D40 Utkarsh Jaiswal- D41 Naman Bhutani- D42

Adjustment is a continued process in which a person

varies his behavior relationship between himself and his environment. Adjustment refers to the degree of harmony between the person and his environment.

Characteristics of a well adjusted person

Awareness of his own strengths and limitations. Respecting himself and others.

An adequate level of aspiration.

Satisfaction of his basic needs. Absence of critical or fault finding attitude.

Characteristics of a well adjusted person

Flexibility in behavior. The capacity to deal with the adverse circumstances.

A realistic perception of the world.

A feeling of ease with his surroundings. A balanced philosophy of life.

Why is Executing Change so Challenging?

People will resist change.
We live in an era of perpetual change/unrest. Weve run out of the resources required to deal with change.

We incorrectly focus an inordinate amount of energy into

trying to make people feel comfortable during a major change. We focus on getting the change installed and miss realizing the return on investment expected from the change

Organization Strategies for Successfully Realizing the Results in Change

Look for ways to decrease unnecessary demands on

existing resources.
Increase the organizations capacity and resilience for

dealing with the disruption of change

Follow a process for managing change and transition

Managing Change vs Managing Transition

Change is the shift in the external situation; the thing that has changed. It can

happen fast.
Transition is the reorientation people need to make in response to the change.

This can take time.

To be successful in both the implementation and in helping people we need to

manage both the change and the transition.

A transition management plan is a necessary component of a change

management plan and presumes that the underlying change is being well managed.

A well-managed change ensures that

There is an identified Executive Sponsor for the change

Leaders understand the shifting roles of Sponsors, Implementers

Agents and Advocates during change Change teams are set up as needed (e.g. implementation, transition, communication, etc.) The need for the change has been effectively established and communicated to everyone more than once using a variety of medium. The impacts of the planned change - indirect, as well as direct - have been identified and communicated. Those who will be impacted by the change have been involved in the planning, or at the very least, will be involved in its implementation. The details of the implementation are generally understood as they emerge and are modified to fit changing circumstances

Roles During Change

Executive or Initiating Sponsors

Sustaining Sponsors

Implementer(s) or Target(s) Change Agent


The person with the authority to make a change happen. Has direct authority over the individuals who will

implement the action or change. Has access to and/or control over the resources (money, time and people) needed to implement action or change. Has a clear vision, identified goals and measurable outcomes for the change initiative. Executive or Initiating Sponsors usually the top executives in the organization and Sustaining Sponsors usually those who are responsible for sponsoring the change in their own areas or units.

Implementer(s) or Target(s)
The people who are authorized to implement the change

(and often are also expected to change something about the way they are doing their work). Have direct line responsibilities to the Executive or Sustaining sponsor. Most effective when they clarify their questions and concerns about what is expected with their Sponsor at the beginning of a change Provide sponsors with information about issues that might block or impede success thereby providing an essential feedback loop in the system Requests necessary resources that leverage and reinforce success)

Change Agent
Can work with both the sponsor and the implementers but

does not take on their roles (e.g. functions as a Consultant or Coach). Can be internal or external to the organizations Is focused on helping the sponsor and implementers stay aligned with each other May act in a number of roles - data gatherer, educator, advisor, facilitator or coach in order to aid sponsors and Implementers in achieving success. Must be sponsored to work with the Implementers or Targets - has no direct-line authority over the Implementers or Targets.

Has a good idea and is in search of a sponsor Can occupy any role in the organization

Most effective if they show how their idea is

compatible with issues important to the Sponsors change projects and goals

Steps for Managing Change

Model for Managing Transition

What You Can Do at Each Stage

Look for signs of upcoming changes that may affect you Find out all you can about personal transition Develop skills that will help you better deal with change and transition

Help people look for signs of upcoming changes Offer people training in dealing with change and transition Develop skills that will help you better lead people through change and transition

Helping People Deal with Denial

Suggested Actions for Individuals
Listen, listen, listen pay attention to what you are hearing Seek the information you need to deal with the changes Ask questions to find out what is changing and what is not Decide how this change might impact your life, and your work.

Suggested Actions for Leaders

Clearly explain: the change without denigrating the past why change is needed what is over and how people will be affected what will not change Ask for reactions Listen, listen, listen pay attention to what you are hearing Show caring and concern Respond to questions, clear up any misunderstandings, and acknowledge objections Acknowledge losses Allow people time to grieve Knowledge and Skills: Change management Managing Transition Grieving process Strategic communication Facilitating Meetings

Knowledge and Skills: Personal Transition Grieving process Communication skills

Phase The Lull Between the Waves Individual Look for signs and Develop Skills for Change and Transition Listen, Seek, and Ask Resistance (Endings) Ask, Express, Mourn, and Seek Support Exploration (Neutral Zone) Seek control, understanding, support, purpose, plan and participate. Commitment (New Beginning) Getting Ready for the Next Wave Develop knowledge and skills Celebrate success Reflect on Experience and Leader Help look for signs of change Offer training and Develop skills for change and transition Explain, Ask, Listen, Respond to Questions and Acknowledge Concerns Surface Resistance, Listen Show Caring Respond to Questions and Acknowledge Concerns Explain purpose and plan Ask for support Encourage Creativity and Ideas Involve people Start Training Hold Steady Develop Skills and Knowledge Celebrate Success Reflect on Experience and


Short Story about Adjustment

Once there was a quarrel between all the GOD in the heaven. They were fighting verbally among each other to decide who is the best among SOIL, WATER, AIR, FIRE, and TREES.

The fighting continued for several years and nothing was concluded. Finally all went to LORD VISHNU for the decision of the best.

Lord Vishnu heard the topic and said Among all the contestants who needs no effort from outside to survive in the whatever situation or condition put on is the best. All were confused and asked to explain. Lord Vishnu said the water is the best among all. Because it can survive in the every situation or condition put on without any effort from outside.

Hearing this everybody asked the reason why water needs no effort from the outside.
Lord Vishnu said, Water has a gene with it. It is called ADJUSTMENT

Thank You..!!

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