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Writing an Editorial Piece

What is Editorial Writing?


only part of the newspaper that is subjective and shares the opinions of the staff with the reader. Uses effective argument to promote a point of view. editorial is defined as: A relatively short, usually unsigned column offering the opinion of the newspaper on a variety of topics.


Various Functions of Editorials

Explain a policy, decision, or action Persuade readers to take a course of action or respond to a situation Answer criticism or a question Warn or caution readers to beware of possible consequences ahead

Various Functions of Editorials cont.

Criticize an action, lack of action, performance, or event. Praise accomplishments Entertain or take a light or humorous look at an event that readers can learn from. Lead readers to take a course of action or to resolve an issue.

Parts of an Editorial

Introduction: give a brief statement of background concerning the editorial topic. Reaction: Explain the position of the editorial. Details: Provide support for the position you are taking Conclusion: Comment on recommended solutions, alternatives, and direction, and restate your position

Writing your own Editorial Column

Be fair. Do not begin writing before doing the necessary research to avoid a flawed argument. Use the End Rule: When completed, ask yourself if you can summarize the entire point of your editorial in one or two sentences. Never use the word I. However, you and we are acceptable.

Editorial Flow Chart

Introduction: Summary of the issue

Reaction: The author and/or papers stance

Details: What can be done to solve the problem

Background: Evidence
supporting your stance

Background: Evidence
contradicting your stance

Conclusion: Do not summarize, offer solutions

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