Biblical Dispensations

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Biblical Dispensations

What is a Dispensation?
A method of interpreting history that divides Gods work and purposes towards mankind into different time periods. A period of time during which God deals in a particular way with man in respect to sin and mans responsibility. First found in 1 Cor. 9:17


When studying Dispensations Malachi 3:6

Pertinent questions to ask when studying Dispensations

Why did God not want anyone to kill Cain after he had murdered Abel? Why did God later institute corporal punishment? Why did God allow mankind to eat animal flesh only after the flood? Gen. 9:3-4 Why is circumcision and animal sacrifices no longer required?

Pertinent Questions
Who did Cain have children with if there were no other persons on the earth? Why then did God forbid sexual relations among siblings in Lev. 18:9; 20:17

Characteristics of a Dispensation
It must have a particular way of God administering his rule It must have a particular responsibility for man It must contain divine revelation which had not been given before It must have a time-period called an age during which this divine revelation is dominant in the testing of mans obedience to God

The Seven Dispensations

Innocence Conscience Human Government Promise Law Grace Millennial Kingdom of Christ

From Adam and Eve to the fall of man Commands: 1. Replenish the earth 2. Subdue the earth 3. Have dominion over the animals 4. Take care of the garden 5. Abstain from eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil

Innocence (contd)

Consequences of Mans failure - judgment on Satan - judgment on the woman - judgment on the earth - judgment on the man - Divine mercy - Promise of the seed to deliver. Gen 3:15

From the fall of Man to the flood It shows what mankind will do if left to their own will and conscience, which has been tainted by the inherited sin nature Man had to choose between good and evil Gen. 4:7 Failure of man Gen. 6:5,11,12 Consequences the flood Divine mercy 8 persons were saved

Human Government

Genesis 8:20 11:9. From the Flood to the call of Abraham God instituted human government - man governing man. Romans 13:1-2 God allowed man to eat meat Man had dominion over the animals Murder was prohibited Gen. 9:6 Capital punishment instituted. To be fruitful and multiply. Gen 9:7

Human Government (contd)

Gods divine Mercy - God will never curse the earth again - There will never be another worldwide flood - The sign of Gods promise will be the rainbow

From the call of Abraham to the Exodus Genesis 11:10 15:21 Abraham was in idolatry but he still obeyed God Mans responsibility (Gen. 26:2-3) was to not go down into the land of Egypt but to the land that God gave him Gods promises and covenants Gen 12:1-3, 13:14-17, 15:6

Promise (contd)
Gods promises to Abram - make him a great nation. Gen. 12:2 - will make his name great. Gen. 12:2 - will make him bless others. Gen. 12:3 - will protect him and his descendants - will curse them who treat Abram and his descendants wrong. Gen. 12:3 This was the beginning of Gods dealing with His chosen nation, Israel

Promise (contd)
Mans failure All of Jacobs house went into Egypt. Genesis 47:1 Consequences: Slavery, sin and idolatry

Gods divine mercy: Deliverance and perseverance of Israel

From Sinai (commandments) to Calvary Before that man was trusting in his own strength. Mans promise to God: Exodus 19:1-8 Mans responsibility to keep the law Exodus 19:5 These laws were given to the nation of Israel only Romans 2:12, 9:4

The Three Distinct parts of the Law

1. The Eternal Moral Law of God 2. The Ceremonial Law 3. Civil Law

The Eternal Moral Law of God

The things that were always right and wrong, regardless of the Dispensation Love and obey God with all your heart, soul and mind Love your neighbor as yourself

Ceremonial Law
Deals with developing a relationship of obedience to God (Exodus 19 23) 1. Temple worship 2. Sacrifices 3. Circumcision 4. Sabbath keeping

Civil Law
Deals with developing a relationship of mutual good with other people 1. This was the constitution of the nation of Israel 2. It forms the basis for a lot of our laws today and in the laws of many countries that have been influenced by Christianity

During the Dispensation of law

Gods people had a history of failing Him They rebelled against God while Moses was on Sinai receiving the laws. Ex. 32:4 They grumbled and complained against God in the book of Judges. 2:11, 3:7,12, 4:1,6:1, 10:6, 13:1 They rejected Gods plan of theocracy. They wanted a king 1 Sam. 8:7 Many of their kings led them to evil. 1 Kings 11:6; 15:26,34; 16:19,30

During the dispensation of Law

They grumbled and complained against God while he was taking them out of Egypt into the Promised Land. Ex. 16:3

Judgment during the Dispensation of Law

The kingdom was divided into two - The Northern kingdom (Israel) 10 tribes - The Southern Kingdom (Judah) 2 tribes The Northern Kingdom was taken captivity by Assyria. 2 Kings 15:29 The Southern Kingdom was taken captivity into Babylon. 2 Kings 24:12-16

Dispensation of Grace
Jesus came with grace to redeem us from sin John 1:17 The Law was a curse because nobody could keep it. Its ultimate purpose was Romans 3:20, Gal 3:24-25 Does not mean that people were not saved before by grace - Noah Gen. 6:8 - - Abraham Gen. 15:6

Dispensation of Grace
God moved beyond the Jews and reached out to the Gentiles The church which started out Jewish, became dominated by Gentiles over the years

Testings under Grace

No obedience to the Law Relationship with Christ - Acceptance of Him. John 1:12 - A life of holiness. Grace has a twofold manifestation - Our Salvation Romans 3:24 - Our walk with God Romans 6:15

The Millennial Dispensation

The people of Israel will return to their land They will have peace Jesus, the Prince of Peace, will rule over them for 1,000 years. Rev. 20:4 There will be peace and goodwill towards men Satan will be bound for the 1,000 years . Rev. 20:2-3



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