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Unit 2 : Safety first Theme : Advertising consumers and safety

Sequence : Read and Consider Around the text " Conditional Sentence Type 1 "

Task 1: Look at the three pictures then answer the questions.


what will happen if she eats the apple? If she eats a apple, she will be healthy. what will happen if she the hamburger? If she eats a hamburger; she will become fat.


What will happen if she doesn't practice sport? If she doesn't practice sport, she won't lose weight.


what will happen if he exercises every day If the exercises every day, he will keep fit.


If clause / condition


main clause

If If

She eats the apple + present simple + rest of the sentence

She'll be healthy + subject + future + rest of the sentence

or Let us take the same example

main clause


If Clause

She'll be healthy subject + + rest of the sentence future

If + .............

She eats the apple + present simple + rest of the sentence

Task 2: Refer to the sentences have then answer the questions.

How many parts/ actions are there? There are two parts. Which one is the main part? What does it express? The 2nd part is the main clause. It expresses the result. Which one is the subordinate? What does it express? The if part is the subordinate it expresses condition. Which part depends on the other? Why? If clause depends on the main clause.

What tense is used in the main clause?

The future is used in the main clause.

What tense is used in the subordinate clause?

The present simple is used in the subordinate clause.

Task 3: Join each clause in "A with the most suitable clause in "B"
A If I have a headache, You will put on weight, If I dink too much coffee, She will go on diet,

Ill stay awake all night If she gains more weight Ill take an aspirin If you eat a lot of chocolate

Task 4: Give the correct from of the verbs between brackets.

a- You (to willhave) have more energy if you drink milk every day. eat eat) less, you will lose weight. b- I f you (to

c- If you don't (not/ jog) jog every morning, you won't feel fit.
d- Your teeth will (hurt) het you if you eat a lot of candies.

e- He will go to the doctor if he (feel) feels ill.

Task 5: Game "Chain game

Every one sits in a circle. The first person says a first conditional sentence. The second person makes the first person's main clause his if clause and ends the sentences . . . Group 1 : If I work hard for my exams, Group 2 : If I stop smoking, Group 3: If I eat rotten food,...

Group 4: If I practice sport,

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