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By Group 9 Aayushi Singh Akul Sharma Anvesh Reddy Methuku Dev Sharma Divya Sharma

1. Analysis of the Cooking Medium Market in 1984 as per facts given in the case

Low Market Share of Refined Oils Bulk Packs commanded major portion - Sold Loose in Small Quantities Small Packs costlier than Loose Fats Precedence to Price over Quality Severe Price Competition Quality of Small Packs v/s Loose Fats with chances of adulteration Changing Trends Increase in Non-groundnut oil brands Nutritional/Health Benefits with Scientific Justification

2. Marketing Problem
To assess opportunity for a new brand of nongroundnut refined cooking oil offering distinct consumer health benefit in a stagnating/declining brand proliferating SPRO market and determine the best product concept aiming To capture substantial share of health conscious segment

Increase the overall share of the firm in SPRO market

Analysis of Steps taken by IPL

Choice of Base Oil Options
R&D Cell expertise brought into consideration
To further work upon determining profitability and feasibility based on consumer appeal

Identifying Consumer Benefits and Product Attributes

Based on published literature, technical literature and past research by the firm

Generating Product Concepts

21 Concepts generated based on the product attributes and consumer benefits
Reduced to 4 with 2 for each Base Oil option based on discussions within team and with experts

Discussions with knowledgeable people and elimination based on it

Identification of attributes and determination of extent of consumer satisfaction on attributes being offered by existing brands

3. Marketing Research Problem

To determine consumer preferences and purchase intentions for identifying best product concept and attributes for a new brand in the SPRO market as also conducting the survey in the most efficient way possible Identifying the (Questionnaire) relevant information to be gathered

Choosing the Sampling Technique and administering the survey

Evaluation and assessment of current offerings in the market to identify consumer preferences and benefits mix
Identifying the Consumer Demographics, Psychographics and Price Sensitivities

4. Review of Sampling Method

Small Sample Size not aptly representative of the population Non-probability sampling used with Convenience and Judgment factored in Cluster Sampling across the nation should have been used Refined Oil Consumption pattern not considered Stores should also have been surveyed based on Sales to understand consumer needs better Minimization of actual and planned responses to ensure sample reflects the population

5. Review of Questionnaire
Income Classification has not been considered Questionnaire ended on an abrupt note; instead the preferences or future needs of the non-consumer of packed refined oils could be recorded

The questionnaire is lengthy and complex and would require time to administer; Number of questions could be reduced
Price of the product could be added under factors considered for existing brands Q.9a is subjective and response would be perception based if the respondent is unaware of the brand Reason for switching to a new brand could be added Questions on knowledge of health benefits could be added

An option of Others could be added in Q.7

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