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Barriers to Communication

Barriers to Communication

Communication is the process of transfer of ideas and expressions from one person to another. It is the way of self expression

Barriers in communication affect the clarity, accuracy and effectiveness of the message.

Barriers to Communication
1.Semantic barriers. 2.Organizational barriers. 3.Interpersonal barriers 4.Individual barriers 5.Cross cultural barriers 6.Physical barriers/channel and media barriers 7.Technological barriers

Semantic Barriers
Semantics is the science of meaning. Different people assign different meanings to one specific message. This is due to the problems with meanings, significance and the sending and reception of the meaning and content of the message.

Semantic Barriers
Various types of semantic gaps found in day-to-day use. Words having similar pronunciation but multiple meaning b) b) Badly expressed message-Lack of clarity and precision create a badly expressed message. c) Wrong interpretation- Whenever one interprets a symbol, ones own understanding may be different from that of others.

Semantic Barriers

D) Unqualified assumptions Sometimes the sender may send information which is not clarified to the receiver, as he does not understand the assumptions clearly. E) Technical language- When technical language is used in the communication process, it creates barriers in understanding the message in the same sense and spirit.

Organisational Barriers.
This type of barrier develops due to the problems with physical distance between members with respect to their functional specialization of tasks, power, authority and status relationship, values held and ownership of information.

Organisational Barriers.

Organization culture and climateThe climate and culture of an organization ultimately influences the freedom , trust and interaction pattern among its people. Organizational rules and regulations: While some may be so rigid that they influence the flow of information in a wrong direction.

Organisational Barriers.

Status relationships: The status , power and position act as a hurdle in the effectiveness of communications. Individuals may not be able to say what they wish to say because of their fear for the position and power of the other party in the communication process. Complexity in Organizational structure: The complex hierarchical structure of the organization will not allow a free flow of information.

Inadequate facilities and opportunity ; The organization may not have adequate communication facilities, equipment and mechanisms .

Organisational Barriers.

Lack of co-operation between superior and subordinate : There may not be proper cooperation between the superior and subordinate for various personal or organizational reasons, which may lead to improper communication.

Interpersonal Barriers
Effectiveness of communication depends a lot upon the interpersonal relationship between two people. Barriers emanating from superiors: Time shortage - The superior may not devote enough time for his employees due to their busy schedule or other preoccupations. As a result ,a gap is created between the superior and subordinates. Lack of trust -Some times, the supervisors may not trust their subordinates because of a variety of reasons, which can act as a hurdle in the free flow of communication.

Interpersonal Barriers

Lack of consideration for employees needs : The employer may not devote enough time for his employees . Wish to capture authority The superior may hide confidential and important information from an employee in view of capturing and retaining his own authority. This could act as a barrier to communication between the two.

Interpersonal Barriers( Superior- subordinate)

Fear of losing power of control: The supervisor may have a fear of losing power of control, if he freely expresses his ideas and view with his subordinates. Bypassing: Bypassing also affects communication and acts as a barrier. Due to by passing inner feelings of employees are not freely expressed, creating bottlenecks, into free exchange of information.

Interpersonal Barriers

Information overload: Due to extra information provided to employees, they may miss certain important information, which can act as a barrier in communication.

Interpersonal Barriers


Barriers emanating from subordinates

Lack of proper Channel Subordinates will not feel free to communicate because of pressure of position ,power and authority. No interest to communicate- There may not be any interest on the part of subordinates to have a dialogue, discussion and interaction with the superiors, which affects the communication process adversely.


Interpersonal Barriers( Superior- subordinate)

C) Lack of co-operation - Lack of cooperation and mutual understanding also leads to hiding of certain information between the superior and subordinates in the organization. D) Lack of trust : There may be a lack of trust and co-ordination between the superior and subordinate , which may lead to in effective communication.

Interpersonal Barriers( Superior- subordinate)

E) Poor relationship between superior and subordinate : A good

relationship must develop between superiors and subordinates frequently and freely. They must interact to improve the upward and downward communication system.

Interpersonal Barriers( Superior- subordinate)

F) Fear of penalty- If a subordinate feels that because of free expression and upward communication, he will face some type of penalty, there is a possibility that he may not convey the complete message to the superior.

Individual or Psychosociological Barriers

Individual barriers are the major bottlenecks in interpersonal communication.

Individual or Psychosociological Barriers




1)Style- Style, the manner in which a person communicates . A few barriers related to style are as follows: Linguistic accent in oral exchanges are stylistic in nature. They often affect people. The form of expression (idiom) colours a transaction. The listener could be distracted by the style and the use of strange expressions. Types of humour also play a part in style. People not only use varying styles of humour, they also react differently to different kinds of jokes sometimes failing to convey the proper message in the way it has intended.

Individual or Psychosociological Barriers

D) The choice of brevity as opposed to full detail in a presentation is also another elements of style. Style can be reflected through the use of a direct approach rather than an indirect one. E) The qualities of credibility and charisma override many other aspects of style. Both the presence and the absence of these qualities can affect the flow of communication

Individual or Psychosociological Barriers

3)Selective Perception The receiver may make a world of his own around himself. He projects his interest and expectations as he decodes messages. 4) Halo effect: People do not listen carefully because of impressions based on earlier encounters. Even one of the parties having a halo effect will disrupt the flow of communication. 5)Status relationship: There may be a status and power relationship , which may hinder the communication process and affect the effectiveness of communication. Senior officers tend to indulge in monologues.

Individual or Psychosociological Barriers

6)Poor attention and retention : Human memory may not always retain what is told. This causes a communication breakdown and necessitates the repetition of the message using several channels. 7)Inattention: The preoccupied mind of the receiver and the reluctant non-listening is one of the major psychologies barriers. It is because of it that people do not react to ideas/messages received in communication. 8)Undue importance of written words: Written communication often tells what is to be done but not why it should be done.

Individual or Psychosociological Barriers

8)Defensiveness: If one feels threatened by a message , one becomes defensive and responds in such ways that reduces understanding .Such defensive behaviour prevents understanding. 9) Closed mind : Limited intellectual background, limited reading and narrow interests can cause a persons mind to be narrow. This limits the ability to take new ideas

Individual or Psychosociological Barriers

10)State of health : Physical condition can affect the efficiency in all communication skills. 11)Filtering : Filtering is the process of reducing details or aspects of a message.

Cross Cultural/Geographic Barriers

Culture is a shared set of values and attributes of a group. The communication barriers are also seen because of difference in language geographic locations, national character, time and so on.

Physical Barriers / Channel and Media Barriers

a. b.

Noise. Distance


Information overload.

Technological barriers.

They are barriers which arise due to technological advancements in the field of communication .Technology generates lot of information, which is beyond the capacity of the recipient.


As Marketing Requested It

As Sales Ordered It

As Engineering Designed It

As Production Manufactured It

As Maintenance Installed It

What the Customer Wanted

Measures to Overcome Barriers in Communication

1) Fostering good relationships 2)Purposeful and well focused communication 3) Co-ordination between superior and subordinates 4)Avoid technical language 5)Accuracy 6)Clarity

Measures to Overcome Barriers in Communication

7)Division of labour 8)Minimise semantic problem 9)Proper Communication Channels. 10)Right feedback


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