Callpath Trace Analyzer

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CallPath Trace Analyzer

> CT/CPT (CT7100) is a simple but powerful diagnostic tool that allows Radio Link verification and statistical coverage analysis of a cell-site in both Uplink and Downlink directions > CT/CPT (CT7100) can also be utilized for geographical coverage analysis (both UL and DL) of a cell or the network. This is possible when the tool is used in conjunction with a GPS logging unit carried by a mobile user with a distinct SIM card.

>CT/CPT is typically used to quickly check the following aspects of a cell-site for the verification of its radio performance:
>Radio Link Balance
>Coverage limitations in UpLink / DownLink

>Problems in the Construction / Equipment

>Abnormal losses in the Tx / Rx path (cables, jumpers, connectors, antenna and the BTS)

>Interference / Relative sensitivity Levels

>RxQual distribution with respect to RxLev in both UpLink and DownLink directions


>Specific uses of CT/CPT include :

>Utilized Coverage Radius
>Statistical distribution of the distance (Timing Advance) of subscribers from the cell during busy hour

>Statistical Coverage Performance

>RxQual degradation percentage, RxLev distribution with respect to distance, maximum utilized coverage radius

>Geographical Coverage Performance

>Drive-test Plots of UL/DL RxLev and RxQual

>CT/CPT has the following two phases:
>OMC-R / Unix phase
>Activation of Call Path Trace / Trace Control object >Retrieval of Data

>PC / Excel phase

>Processing of Data >Interpretation of Results

OMC operations
>OMC-R / Unix phase
>Two different objects are available on the OMC-R for tracing communications
>Call Path Trace object
>For tracing all communications on selected paths as in TRXs (transceiver objects) and Cells (bts objects) irrespective of the IMSI of the subscribers.

>Trace Control object

>For tracing calls made by the mobile stations with the specific IMSIs listed in the MSC table GSMTRACE.

OMC operations
>The two objects have the same types and syntax of trace data / measurements available but have slightly different scope of use
>Trace types available on both objects are :
>Basic >Handover >Radio
>The Basic and Handover type contain information about channel types, HO cause etc. > Radio type contains Layer 1 measurements information

>The trace type Radio is required for the CT/CPT tool analysis

OMC operations
>As stated earlier, the scope of use for the two objects Call Path Trace and Trace Control differs slightly
>Call Path Trace
>Can be used by taking measurements of the existing users. A realistic view of the network >No need to send out drive-test teams. Saves time and is costeffective >Statistics are distributed over different users and different handsets >No control over collecting information on specific routes. But works well for diagnosing faulty sites

OMC operations
>Trace Control or simply Call Trace
>Controlled environment measurements using specific mobile stations with the IMSIs in the GSMTRACE table >Specific routes can be driven and the GPS data (optional) can be logged and merged (using time-stamps) for plotting of both UL and DL information >Statistics are for the specific hand-set in use
>It is recommended to test an MS if accurate measurements are required as different hand-sets from the same manufacturer can be upto 6 dB off (or more) in measurement reporting

OMC operations
>The objects have to be created on each BSC on which the call traces are required
>Only one Call Path Trace and one Trace Control object is needed per BSC >In case of Call Path Trace, the list of objects on whom communications need to be traced can be modified on the OMC GUI whenever desired >In case of Trace Control, the list of IMSIs to be traced can be modified in the NSS table GSMTRACE whenever desired

OMC Operations
> The objects Call Path Trace or Trace Control are created in the default state of locked (inactive) and have to be unlocked (activated) in order for the BSC to start recording data
>In case of Call Path Trace activation, all* the new communications entering the observation area are traced by the BSC* (according to limits) >In case of Trace Control activation (or Call Trace), the BSS trace is invoked on the request of the MSC whenever the specific IMSI undergoes call set-up or location-update etc..

>OMC-functional limitations:
>1 Call Path Trace and 1 Trace Control object per BSC >Can allow 20 Trace Control and 20 Call Path Trace objects over all BSCs

>10 IMSIs at a given time can be processed in Call Trace sessions in the whole BSS network managed by the OMC-R
>Can handle at least 3 active Call Path Trace sessions simultaneously in the BSS network

>BSC-processing limitations:
>3 Call Path Trace communications traced at maximum per BSC simultaneously if Trace Control is not activated on that BSC. 1 Call Path Trace communication traced if Trace Control is activated on the same BSC

>3 Trace Control communications (3 IMSIs) traced at maximum per BSC simultaneously if Call Path Trace is not activated on that BSC. 1 Trace Control communication traced if Call Path Trace is activated on the same BSC

>OMC / SYBASE memory and storage limitations:
>10 hours of total traced communications per day in Radio mode
>30 hours total in basic and handover modes

>The SYBASE database keeps measurements for the past 3 days and then it is purged

>Trace functionality will not work if SYBASE tables containing trace measurements are filled-up
>Manual purge will have to be performed

PC Operations
> The text files obtained by querying the SYBASE database need to be transferred to a PC > CT/CPT tool will read the files and process the measurements > The results will be summarized in a table and detailed graphical analysis is also available > A formatted measurement file can also be obtained for Call traces that can be merged with GPS data to allow import into map display software (Mapinfo etc)

PC Operations

> The output of the excel portion of the tool will be discussed in the following slides > The BTS type (for link balance and sensitivity) should be known for analysis

PC Operations

PC Operations
> The following information is provided in the measurement report (on a per cell or per TRX basis):
> Link Balance (Median dB) : It is the median of the link balance. Each measurement takes into account the DTX flag and is compensated in case of power control as if it were disabled.
> Link Balance = RxLevel_DL - RxLevel_UL + (BS Pwr Comp. - MS Pwr Comp.)

> Link Balance (StdDev dB) : It is the standard deviation of the link balance (including power control compensation). > Avg. BS rxLevel (dBm) : It is the arithmetic average for RxLevel Uplink. (without power control compensation). > Avg. MS rxLevel (dBm) : It is the arithmetic average for RxLevel Downlink. (without power control compensation).

PC Operations
> % BS degraded : Percentage of measurements with
RxLevel_Uplink > the RxLevel BS degraded threshold and with RxQual_Uplink > the RxQual BS degraded threshold.

> % MS degraded : It is the percentage of measurements with

RxLevel Downlink greater than (>) the RxLevel MS degraded threshold and with RxQual Downlink greater than (>) the RxQual MS degraded threshold.

> Avg. Timing Advance : Arithmetic average for timing advance. > Max. Timing Advance : Maximum timing advance value

> ARFCN & (BSIC) : It is the absolute RF channel number of each

TRX. If the output line represents the cell, it corresponds to the BCCH ARFCN and the BSIC of the cell. When using Frequency Hopping, the ARFCN is not displayed.

RxLev distribution
RxLEVEL (dBm) Distribution
350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

















RxLevel Distribution:
>This graph plots the histogram of RxLev_UL and RxLev_DL without correction of power control. The bars show the number of measurement samples for each RxLev_XX. Only the RxLevels with more than 10 samples are displayed.
>This graph can provide statistical information about the distribution of users in different levels of coverage in a cell with Call Path Trace.


RF Link Balance
RF Link Balance (dB)
500 400 300 200 100 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0















RF Link Balance :
>This graph represents the RxLevDL - RxLevUL values for all the measurement samples taken for a particular cell (or an individual TRX). The bar chart represents the density function while the blue chart shows the cumulative distribution of the difference. The Link Balance Value is taken at the 50 % distribution point. The ideal link balance value for a cell depends on the power level settings, configuration (duplexor, combiner) and the type of equipment used. >If the LB value of a cell obtained through measurements is greater than the ideal value obtained through calculations, then it indicates a problem in the UpLink path. On the other hand a downlink path problem will cause the measured value to be less than the ideal one.



RxQual distribution
RxQUAL Distribution
500 400 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UL DL

RxQual Distribution:
>This graph depicts the histogram of the RxQual measurements for a cell (or TRX) for both the uplink and the downlink. The bin heights reflects the number of measurements corresponding to a RxQual value. >This graph shows the relative distribution of the quality of communications in a cell.

RxQual vs RxLev
Avg. RxQUAL vs RxLEVEL (dBm)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Avg RxQual UL Avg RxQual DL















Avg. RxQual vs RxLev :

>CPT calculates the RxQuality average for each power level value. Before the computation of the average, each RxQual figure is translated into its BER (Bit Error Rate) Representative value. Then the BER average is computed and finally converted to one of the eight Quality figures. >This graph can be used to identify the de-sensitization of the Uplink or DownLink due to external interference or malfunction.



RxQual dist vs RxLev

RxQUAL dist. vs RxLEVEL (dBm) - UL
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0 and 1 2 3 4 5















RxQual dist. vs RXLev:

>This graph shows the percentage distribution of RxQuality values for each RxLevel measurement on the Uplink. Only the RxLevels with more than 10 samples are displayed. >A similar graph is displayed by the tool for the Downlink measurements.



6 and 7

Average RxLev vs TA
Avg. RxLEVEL (dBm) vs TimAdv - UL
10 11 12 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

-50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 Min RxLev Avg RxLev Max RxLev

Average RxLevel vs Time Advance :

>This graph shows the average, minimum, and maximum UL RX level for each Timing Advance value observed in a cell (or TRX) for the duration of the trace. A similar graph is produced showing the average, minimum, and maximum DL RxLevel for each Timing Advance value. >This graph can be used to compare RxLevs at certain cell radii.

Call Trace Charts for RxLev

Available with the Call Trace Option on per call basis
RxLevels (dBm)
-50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110


































694.70 694.77

m in. RxLevel_UL RxLevel_DL RxLevel Neigh

RxLev Chart:
6 5

>This Chart displays the UL and DL Rx Lev measurements versus time in a 4 3 call trace session. This also shows the best neighbor RxLev across the 2 time of the measurement. 1



































>This can help in determining optimum power budget handover margin and/or signal level handover thresholds and margin in certain situations



Trace Charts for RxQual

Available with the Call Trace Option on per call basis
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
683.75 684.12 684.43 684.75 685.07 685.40 685.72 686.03 686.35 686.67 687.00 687.32 687.67 687.98 688.32 688.63 688.95 689.27 689.58 689.92 690.23 690.55 690.88 691.23 691.55 691.88 692.20 692.52 692.83 693.15 693.48 693.80 694.12 694.43 694.77 694.77 695.32 695.32

m in. RxQual_UL RxQual_DL

RxQual Chart:
6 5

>This Chart displays the UL and DL Rx Qual measurements versus time 4 in a 3 call trace session. It also shows which path has worse quality across the 2 time of measurement.
1 0 >This chart can be aligned with the previous chart to see the respective RxLev during bad RxQual durations on both the links. It can then also be used to determine the optimum signal quality handover thresholds and margin.
683.75 684.12 684.43 684.75 685.07 685.40 685.72 686.03 686.35 686.67 687.00 687.32 687.67 687.98 688.32 688.63 688.95 689.27 689.58 689.92 690.23 690.55 690.88 691.23 691.55 691.88 692.20 692.52 692.83 693.15 693.48 693.80 694.12 694.43

Trace Charts for TA

Available with the Call Trace Option on per call basis
Timing Advance
5 4 3 2 1 0




































m in.

Timing Advance :
>This Chart is useful to find out the Timing Advance distribution for trace mobile in a specific call over time. >This can be aligned with the signal level and RxQual graphs for further investigation as TA value gives an estimate of distance from the cell


MS Power Control
Available with the Call Trace Option on per call basis
MS Power
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
683.75 684.12 684.43 684.75 685.07 685.40 685.72 686.03 686.35 686.67 687.00 687.32 687.67 687.98 688.32 688.63 688.95 689.27 689.58 689.92 690.23 690.55 690.88 691.23 691.55 691.88 692.20 692.52 692.83 693.15 693.48 693.80 694.12 694.43 694.77 695.32

m in.

MS Power control :
>This Chart shows the UL power control implementation in the network for the traced MS over time. It can be used to verify and optimize the power up and power down thresholds and step sizes on the uplink when aligned with the Uplink RxLev and RxQual graphs.

Serving ARFCN
Available with the Call Trace Option on per call basis
Serving ARFCN
760 755 750 745 740 735 730
683.75 684.12 684.45 684.78 685.10 685.43 685.77 686.08 686.42 686.75 687.07 687.40 687.77 688.10 688.42 688.75 689.08 689.40 689.73 690.07 690.38 690.73 691.08 691.42 691.75 692.08 692.40 692.73 693.07 693.38 693.72 694.05 694.37 694.70 695.27

m in.

Serving ARFCN :
>This Chart shows the Absolute RF Channel Number (ARFCN) for the trace call over time. Again, this is part of the set of graphs generated for a call trace session and can be used in conjunction with the previous graphs to detect handover and obtain further information. In this example HO takes place from frq. 756 to 739 then 739 to 748 and so on.

Data Collection Tips

Data Collection Tips

Data Collection Tips


RxQual Dist

Timing Advance Dist

RxQual vs RxLev Dist

RxQual vs RxLev


Link Balance Dist

Link Balance Dist

Link Balance Dist

RxLev/RxQual vs TA

Troubleshooting Problem

Identifying Problem

Identifying Problem
What to look for.

Expected Link Balance

> Following table depicts the Link Balance for different coupling with BTS Power Output 44.7dBm

Coupling System/Band Duplexor - 900 MHz Duplexor -1800 MHz H2D - 900 MHz H2D - 1800 MHz

Expected Link Balance 5.27 8.27 2.27 5.27

Allowable Range +/- 3 +/- 3 +/- 3 +/- 3

> If Link Balance higher than acceptable range Uplink Problem > If Link Balance lower than acceptable range Downlink Problem

Link Balance Analysis

> Before flagging a cell having hardware issue, ensure that RxQual vs RxLev graph shows no serious interference issue > It is possible to have heavy interference falsely indicate a poor link balance

Link Balance Analysis

Link Balance Analysis

Link Balance Analysis

Identifying Problem


Link Balance Analysis

> As mentioned earlier, part of the radio cell-site verification process deals with analyzing the radio link balance and the performance of the equipment.
> An imbalanced cell, either due to incorrect power level settings or abnormal losses in the Tx / Rx path, will result in sub-optimal performance and can possibly have severe degradation of service. > Insufficient balanced overlap between cells may cause high occurrences of Call Establishment Failures, Call Drops and Handover problems etc.

> Following slides gives how to set the power level for a balanced path and what to expect in the link balance plots. > Any unexpected link difference value should lead to an investigation to find the cause of the abnormal loss.
> (using TML/BTS-tester and cable/antenna sweep gear)

Radio Link Considerations

Factors affecting RX Signal Level:
BS Power MS Power Cable losses Coupling losses Antenna gain DLNA Diversity gain Rx module Tx module
Standard Conf. DLNA conf. BTS Components affecting Signal Level
Combiner Duplexor Rx Splitter Power Amplifier Connectors TX/RX modules

Antenna Gain Rx Sensitivity

Common cable Losses

Radio Link

Rx Sensitivity

Specific Tx Cable Losses Combiner losses TxPa Output Power TxPa Output Power Antenna Gain Rx Sensitivity

Rx Diversity Gain


Base Station
Duplexor Combiner Power Amplifier DLNA MS Components affecting Signal Level
Tx moduler Rx module MS antenna

S8000 (-110 dBm sens.) Link Budget

Coupling Type Worst Case Diversity Gain: 5 dB
Duplexor Only Hybrid Combiner

Max. Insertion Loss

< 1.5 dBm < 4.5 dBm

Antenna Gain: 18 dBi H-Plane: 60-65 E-Plane: 5-6

S8000 (new) BTS Performance:

Link Balanced at 55 dBm EIRP, worst case Capacity Range from 1 to 8 TRX

Conventional S8000 BTS without Masthead Equipment Hybrid Combiner


Feeder Losses: <3 dB

MS Power : MS Antenna Gain: BS Antenna Gain: Common Cable Losses BS Ref. Sensi. : Diversity : Max Up. Losses BS Power : BS Power Coupling Losses Common Cable Losses BS Antenna Gain: BS EIRP MS Antenna Gain: MS Ref. Sensi.: Max Dw. Los. Link Balance EIRP for Balance:

Guaranteed Ref, Sensitivity: -110 dBm Nominal TX Power: 44.7 dBm

Duplex. Duplex.

30 dBm 0 dBi 18 dBi 3 dB -110 dBm 5 dB 160.0 dB 30 44.7 4.5 3 18 55.2 0 -102 157.2 -2.8 55.2 W dBm dB dB dBi dBm dBi dBm dB dB dBm

30 dBm 0 dBi 18 dBi 3 dB -110 dBm 5 dB 160.0 dB 30 W 44.7 dBm 1.5 dB 3 dB 18 dBi 58.2 dBm 0 dBi -102 dBm 160.2 dB 0.2 dB 58.0dBm


Combiner LNA/Splitter



BTS Cabinet


OMC-R Power Level settings

OMC-R BTS power setting:
> To regulate the power value at the output of the BTS by allowing the user to input the compensation value for the coupling losses.
> The attenuation in the combiner is taken into account by manually inputting the value as a parameter in the Bts Site Manager object. The suggested values are 1dBm for duplexor coupling and 4 dBm for H2D coupling. > The attempted output power is equal to the sum of BsTxPwrMax and the Attenuation
> Attempted Output Power = BsTxPwrMax + Attenuation

> The Real TX output power cannot go beyond the TX maximum power
> Real TX output Power = attempted output power

> The real BTS output power then depends on the real coupling losses.

OMC-R Power Level settings

TX maximum & minimum Power Capability
BTS Types Minimum Maximum S8000 31 dBm 44 dBm S2000H 31 dBm 44 dBm S2000L 24 dBm 37 dBm

OMC power setting

Attenuation value set at the OMC

Actual PA output

Coupling losses

BTS output to antenna feeder

Requested Setting = OMC setting + Attenuation value

PA power resulting from the Requested Setting if less than or equal to max

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