2013-12-30 Suspensions Data (DRAFT)

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Suspensions and Attendance Data DRAFT and Internal Confidential

DRAFT and Internal Confidential

December 1 2013

CPS Suspension Rates, SY12-13

Elementary School
OSS per every 100 students 12.63

High School
32.97 -10.26%

% Change in OSS per 100 +12.95% students, from SY12 to SY13 % of misconducts resulting in OSS % misconducts resulting in ISS % misconducts documented as using Restorative Practice 62% 13% 5%

44% 38% 12%

Average OSS Days

% Change in OSS Days, from SY12 to SY13



DRAFT and Internal Confidential

OSS increasing amongst youngest students, decreasing in HS

OSS by Grade Level, SY11 to SY13
100% 90% 80% 70% 43913 38040 36015 9th to 12th 6th to 8th

Percent of total OSS

60% 50% 40% 20684 30% 20% 10% 7070 5000 SY11 20857 18451

4th to 5th

Sharpest increase in infractions and suspensions among the youngest student populations (48% increase in Pre-K/K OSS, 19% increase in 1st to 5th OSS) Increase in infractions among all elementary grade levels

4680 SY12

7376 5704 SY13


See appendix for more information.

Decrease in infractions and suspensions among high school students


DRAFT and Internal Confidential

Suspension Trends By High School Network

OSS per 100 students by High School network, SY11-13


50.00 #OSS per 100 students





0.00 SY11 SY12 SY13

South Side 59.45 60.67 60.15

Far South Side 49.77 48.72 56.72

West Side 51.42 47.32 51.67

Southwest Side 49.78 35.68 27.97

North-Northwest Side 28.95 23.42 22.04

DRAFT and Internal Confidential

Suspension Trends By Elementary Network

OSS per 100 students by Elementary network, SY11-SY13
45.00 40.00 35.00 OSS per 100 students 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00

Englewoo AustinBurnham dNorth Park Gresham Lawndale 32.38 32.84 38.25 21.91 24.48 27.89 17.05 18.07 27.21

Skyway 22.19 22.73 23.40

GarfieldLake Humboldt Calumet 23.68 16.42 21.14 15.16 13.56 16.14

Rock Island 16.97 6.58 11.85

Fulton 12.28 10.48 10.43

Midway 10.16 8.67 7.31

Pershing 6.68 6.64 7.00

Fullerton 6.53 6.00 6.73

PilsenLittle Village 3.51 4.36 4.94

Ravenswo od-Ridge 4.98 4.12 4.18

O'Hare 4.10 3.65 3.41

SY11 SY12 SY13

DRAFT and Internal Confidential

Suspension Trends By Grade Pre-K & Kindergarten

SY2012-13 Trends Length of Suspensions: 51% 1 day 43% 2-3 days 5.6% 4-5 days Repeat Suspensions 72.4% suspended once 18.6% suspended twice 4.9% suspended 3-4 times 4% suspended 5+ times OSS Demographics 86% Male 77% African American SCC does not allow the use of OSS or ISS in response to infractions at the Pre-K/K levels.

DRAFT and Internal Confidential

Suspension Trends By Grade 1st 5th grades

SY2012-13 Trends Length of Suspensions: 45% 1 day 46% 2-3 days 8% 4-5 days Repeat Suspensions 64% suspended once 18% suspended twice 12% suspended 3-4 times 5% suspended 5-9 times +37 students suspended 10-20 times OSS Demographics 74% Male 85% African American

DRAFT and Internal Confidential

Suspension Trends By Grade 6th-8th grades

SY2012-13 Trends Length of Suspensions: 39% 1 day 44% 2-3 days 14% 4-5 days 3% 5+ days Repeat Suspensions 60% suspended once 20% suspended twice 14% suspended 3-4 times 7% suspended 5-9 times +70 students suspended 10-20 times OSS Demographics 81% Male 77% African American

DRAFT and Internal Confidential

Suspension Trends By Grade 9th-12th grades

SY2012-13 Trends Length of Suspensions: 33% 1 day 45% 2-3 days 18% 4-5 days 5% 5+days Repeat Suspensions 54% suspended once 20% suspended twice 17% suspended 3-4 times 7% suspended 5-9 times +133 students suspended 10-20 times OSS Demographics 62% Male 71% African American

DRAFT and Internal Confidential

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