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Gullivers Travels

Bob, Jeong Hyun Min, Jackie, Choi Sang Bum, Marie, Son Min Ji, Sarah, Yook Sae Ra, Teri, Han Sang Jun, 2010137038 2010162033 2010155038 2010153004 2010131046

I was a ships doctor. One day, the ship was hit by a violent storm, and I was shipwrecked alone. I reached the miniature land of Lilliput, where only fifteen-centimetre-tall people live.

At first, the King of Lilliput was

alert to a giant man so he put

chains on my legs. But as I got used to life in

Lilliput, the King freed me under

some conditions. Two weeks later, one official

told me the dangerous situation

of Lilliput, facing war. I promised to fight for Lilliput.

The war took place in Lilliput. I, in the side of the Lilliput, kept military movement of the side of Blefuscans.

Therefore, Lilliput wasn't conquested.

But the king of the Lilliput gets complain about me not conquesting the Blefuscans.

One day, when the Palace of the Lilliput is on fire, I was drunk and put out a fire by my urine. This makes Queen of the Lilliput angry. In addition to this, I recognized that cannot live between two small-human-world. So I decided to go back to the place where I was living. Being happy for a while, everyday boring, I decided to leave on a trip again.

I wants to travel arround the world more, so I started traveling the world again. They anchored a strange island and I got off from his ship. Just then, some huge people appeared to them and another sailors ran away to the ocean. I was leaved alone in the island, and picked up by huge people.

The people picked up me and went back to their house.

At first, they cared me well, but as time passed, they used me to show people and earned money.

Finally, They went to kings palace to sell me at expensive money.

The king cared me well.

He interested in small country that I was lived.

He listened excitely about

my country. Queen also interested in my

story, so she always have

dinner with me. I stayed very well in the


Majesty of Brobdingnag was much interested to hear of England.

So I told about history and society

of England, which astonished him. He protested that it seemed no more than a sequence of conspiracies, murders, banishments. His injurious judgment of my noble and beloved country pained me exceedingly.

I wished to be once more

with people of my own mind, I longed for my own country. One day, I was taken to the seacoast. While I was alone, suddenly, my travelliing-cabinet was seized by a great bird who took it far out to sea and then let it drop. Fortunately English ship rescued me and brought once more safely to England.

I started sailing again at a friends

request. Unfortunately we were caught by pirates and they left me alone in the middle of the ocean. Some hours later I saw land and went to the beach. And I discovered the flying island of Laputa. Laputans have a lot of interest in

music and Mathematics.

So they spend long time thinking about mathematical problems.

Laputa is only able to move on the

country called Balnibarbi that belongs

to the King of Laputa. And I decided to travel Glubbdubdrib

and Luggnagg near Balnibarbi.

Glubbdubdrib is the country of magicians who can order the ghost to

be their servant.
And in Luggnagg, there are Struldbrugs, human who never die.

On 7th September, 1710, I started my voyage again. But I was left alone on

the beach of a small island in the middle of the Indian Ocean because my
sailors attacked me and took control of the ship. It was the country of Houyhnhnms which are intelligent Horses ruling Yahoos.

They are so peaceful and right. So I behave like them.

But I couldnt stay there any longer so came back home and couldnt accept ordinary people.

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