CPG Operational Guidance For Franchise Delivery For Partners

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Operational Guidance for Franchise Delivery

Quality Assurance Services Collaborations and Partnerships Group

Aims of session
Introduction Key documents Development of the guidance Structure and content of the guidance Key processes in the initial stages of a franchise partnership Published Information Admissions Student Registration Questions

Partner institutions will be required to

adopt all aspects of University quality management processes and regulations

Franchise Framework Section 2, paragraph b

Consider what key quality assurance processes the University will expect you to adopt

Key documents
Franchise Framework and Appendices Activity Cycle Operational Guidance for Franchise Delivery Other University guidance documents referenced in the Operational Guidance Academic Processes for Franchise Delivery (calendar) Academic Principles and Regulations http://www.leedsmet.ac.uk/staff/collaborationspartnerships.htm

Development of Operational Guidance for Franchise Delivery

How to for partners and internal staff Operationalise the requirements of the Framework Ongoing review with a view to annual update Comparable student experience Equivalency of QA process Franchise-specific templates Consistency of practice across partners

Operational Guidance Structure and Contents

Pre-delivery Operational plan Approval of partner staff Published information Student life cycle Admissions Student registration Student induction and representation Student files Continued

Operational Guidance Structure and Contents continued

Annual Monitoring and Review Module Evaluation Assessment Process Mitigation and extenuating circumstances Cheating, plagiarism and unfair practice External Examiners Moderation Board of Examiners and Examination Committees Certificates and graduation Student appeals and complaints

Published Information
Quality Code, Chapter B10: University must have effective control over published information Publicity and marketing material web based, hard copy prospectus, leaflets, newspaper adverts, backdrops, plasma screen displays, etc Course documentation
Programme specification Course approval template Module approval template Course handbook Module handbook/guide

Published Information continued

QAA HE Review judgement on whether published information is fit for purpose, accessible and trustworthy Approval process varies depending on type of published information For marketing and publicity materials, see Published Information Approval Process Response from University within ten working days bear in mind for print deadlines

Shared responsibility between university and partner Consistent application of process Evidence base at partner Standard, Non-standard, AP(E/C)L See Franchise Admissions Process flowchart Monitoring via Link Tutor, Mutual Review

Student Registration
See Franchise Student Registration Process flowchart 21 days after the delivery commencement date Franchise registration data template (codes) Accuracy of data important Highest level of qualification Confirmation of registered students by partner Trigger invoice Students to confirm in writing if withdrawing

Further staff development

Staff Development Toolkit for franchise partners Additional sessions available on: Student induction and representation Annual Monitoring and Review (including module evaluation) Board of Examiners Mitigation and extenuating circumstances Cheating, plagiarism and unfair practice Student appeals Any additional staff development required around QA activities contact Collaborations and Partnerships Group


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