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Advanced Transportation Engineering

Unit-I Soil- Stabilized Road: Preliminary investigation, materials, techniques of stabilizations, methods of stabilization, mechanical, Mehras Method, Soil, cement, soil bitumen and soil lime stabilization. Suggested Reading: 1. S K Khanna & C E G Jesto Highway Engineering 2. L.R. Kadiyali, (2000) Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering , Khanna Publications, New Delhi. 3. Sharma, S. K. (2012) Principles, Practices and Design of Highway Engineering including Airport Pavements. S. Chand and Company ltd, New Delhi. 4. Huang, Y. H.Pavement Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall,Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 2004. 5. Yoder, E. J.; Witczak, M. W. (2012) Principles of Pavement Design, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Indian Edition, New Delhi. 6. F.L. Mannering, W.P. Kilareski and S.S. Washburn, Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

Unit-1: Soil- Stabilized Roads

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Purpose of soil stabilization Preliminary investigation Materials Techniques of stabilization Methods of stabilization
A. B. C. D. E. Mechanical stabilization Mehras Method Soil cement stabilization Soil bitumen stabilization and Soil lime stabilization

6. Methods of construction

Definition of Soil Stabilization

Process of treating a soil in such a manner as to maintain, alter or improve the performance of the soil as a construction material. The changes in the soil properties are brought about either by the incorporation of additives or by mechanical blending of different soil types

1. Purpose of soil stabilization

To improve the strength To economize the road cost To make use of locally available material To reduce high plasticity, excessive swelling/shrinkage To control dust To facilitate compaction and increase load bearing capacity To reduce frost susceptibility, compressibility, settlements To improve permeability characteristics

2. Preliminary investigation for Soil Stabilized Roads

Investigation of route and alignment Soil survey and field identification of soils Survey for availability of materials and transportation Laboratory tests on soils
Sampling from site and detailed investigation of Index and Engineering properties

Soil classification
Unified Classification System, HRB or Revised PCA method

3. Materials
Aggregate (Crushed stone, sand, slag) Fine Soil (silt and clay) Stabilizers/Additives
Lime Cement Fly-ash (cementing) Bituminous materials (water proofing and binding) Polymers (water proofing and binding) Calcium chloride (used as dust-palliative) Sodium Chloride (compaction aiding and evaporation preventing) Sodium silicate (used for sandy soil stabilization) Lignin (by-product from paper industry used as cementing binder) Resins (woods product used to reduce water absorption) Molasses (by-product from sugar industry used as dust-palliative)

4. Techniques of stabilization
1. Proportioning technique

2. Cementing agents

3. Modifying agents

4. Water proofing agents

(bituminous materials, polymers)

5. Water repelling agents

(vinsol resin-wood product)

6. Water retaining agents

(calcium chloride)

7. Heat treatment
(clayey soils, soft aggregate)

8. Chemical stabilization
(sodium silicate)

5. Methods of stabilization
A. Mechanical stabilization
Intelligently blending locally occurring materials to obtain desired grading Internal friction improved by coarser particles Cohesion improved by clay fraction Applications: 1. Soil-Aggregate mixtures 2. Sand-clay mixtures 3. Sand-gravel mixtures 4. Stabilization of soil with soft aggregates

B. Stabilization by additives
Lime Cement Fly-ash Bituminous materials Polymers, Calcium chloride, Sodium Chloride, Sodium silicate, Lignin, Resins, Molasses

Mix design in mechanical stabilization

Soil and aggregate mixed in suitable proportions to achieve Dense and stable mixes Particle size distribution is a major factor in determining the stability of the mix To achieve high value of density grain size distribution should follow the Fullers curve given by p=100(d/D)n
Where p=percentage passing any sieve d=aperture of the sieve in question D=the maximum size of the aggregate n=exponential, 0.45 to 0.5

Fullers curve
p=100(d/D)n n=0.45 D=37.5mm Sieve size % [mm] passing, p 37.5 25 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.600 0.300 0.150 0.075 100.0 83.3 73.6 61.0 53.9 39.5 28.8 21.1 15.6 11.4 8.3 6.1
Percentage passing, %
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Sieve Size, mm

Proportioning of Materials
Two graphical methods in common use for proportioning of materials are,
Triangular chart method and Rothfuch's method Trail and error method (bituminous/concrete mix design)

Triangular chart Method

This method is applicable when three materials are to be mixed The materials may be conveniently divided as coarse aggregate, sand and fines and their percentages are marked on a triangular chart Let materials A, B and C are coarse, medium and fines respectively. Points A, B and C are plotted on the triangular chart knowing the grain size distribution. Point D is plotted in the triangular chart representing the desired gradation.

Triangular chart Method

Now the graphical construction for obtaining the proportion of A, B and C is made by producing the line CD to meet the line AB to E.

Rothfuch's method
This method is used when a number of materials have to be mixed together for obtaining appropriate gradation. The gradation may be decided either based upon recommended grain size distribution charts or by any equation like Fuller's gradation. On a graph paper when Y-axis represents percent passing and Xaxis representing particle size a diagonal line is drawn from point corresponding to 100 percent particles passing i.e maximum particle size passing to a point corresponding to zero percentage passing i.e smallest particle size. For different material say A, B and C sieve analysis has to be done and percentage finer has to be calculated at each range of particle size for all the materials. And the balancing straight lines of A, B and C are obtained by allowing only minimum of the areas on the center sides of the balancing lines.

Rothfuch's method
The opposite ends of the balancing line of A and B are joined (i.e zero point passing of material A is pointed with 100 percent passing B). Similarly the opposite ends of the balancing lines of B and C are joined. The points where these lines meet the desired gradation line represent the proportions in which type materials A, B and C are to be mixed. These values may be read from the Y-axis by projecting the Points of intersection

Stabilization of soil with soft aggregates (Mehras Method)

Soft aggregates Gravel, moorum and kankar (an impure form of lime stone mixed with clay and earth), over burnt bricks are also used for road construction A method of stabilization using brick aggregates and soil was suggested by S.R. Mehra The principle behind this method is to embed in a soil mortar, course aggregates roughly 1/3rd of the total volume. Each aggregate is enveloped all round in the compacted soil and is protected from crushing effect of traffic

Stabilization of soil with soft aggregates (Mehras Method)

Construction method in Brief Soil collection from approved borrow pits and road side stacking Spreading, water sprinkling up to OMC and mixing leveling to proper grades and desired camber 115mm thick loose base course sandy soil compact using 8 ton roller to a thickness of 75mm Surface course material Brick aggregate + soil in the ratio of 1:2 mixed with adequate water is spread to 115mm loose thickness and compact to 75mm After rolling the surface is watered and left overnight. The surface is again rolled and finished The road is closed to traffic for 4 to 5 days and kept sprinkled with water After 2 weeks opened to traffic, initially only rubber tyred vehicles allowed With bituminous surfacing it can perform better

Soil cement stabilization

Addition of cement to soil improve its strength Almost all soils can be treated with cement Soil cement is able to spread the load over a wide area and bridge over locally weak spots of the underlying sub-grade or sub base Quantity of Cement 4 to 14% Unconfined Compressive Strength 1.7 to 2.76MN/sq.m at 7days Factors affecting strength of soil cement mixes
Cement content Moisture content Soil type Degree of pulverization in mixing Mixing Compaction Curing

Soil bitumen stabilization

Bitumen treatment binds particles together (cohesion improvement) Bitumen treated mixture becomes less prone to the adverse effects caused by ingress of water Spray of bitumen on surface of low-volume roads can prevent dust and stop the entry of water into the road types of bitumen treatment
1. Soil aggregate bitumen 2. Bitumen spray

Soil bitumen stabilization

Different Binder type:
Road tars Bitumen Cut-backs Bitumen emulsions Foamed bitumen
Treatment sand bitumen Soil bitumen Soil aggregate bitumen Bitumen spray Approx. quantity of Bitumen 4-10% 4-8% 2-6% 5 lit/sq.m 2-3applications

Soil Lime Stabilization

The aluvial silty soils of northern plains, delta clayey soils, black-cotton soils and moorums are eminently suitable for soil-lime stabilization Lime (Ca(OH)2) treatment reduces plasticity substantially Soil swell and shrinkage potential significantly reduces Unconfined Compressive strength of 28days curd specimens may be of the order of 0.7 to 1.7MN/sq.m Quantity of lime 3-10% by weight of dry soil Benefits of lime stabilization are influenced by
Purity of lime Fineness of lime Degree of pulverization of soil Degree of compaction Curing conditions

6. Methods of construction
1. In-place or in-situ mixing

2. In-plant mixing
A. Stationery plant

B. Travelling/Mobile plant

In-situ Mixing

Mobile Plant Mixing

Field Control during construction

Test Screening over 4.75mm sieve Purpose of test To check pulverization

Moisture density relationship To form basis for field density check Field density and moisture To monitor and control field content compaction

Stabilizer content
Compressive strength test of stabilized mix

To check application rate and uniformity To determine effectiveness of stabilizer mixing

Post construction tests

Test Stabilizer content (total quantity used) Compressive strength test of field cores Purpose of test To check application rate and uniformity To determine effectiveness stabilizer mixing, compaction and curing

Wetting and drying tests on cores

Field moisture content

Same as above and also to check loss of strength on alternate drying and wetting To determine moisture loss during curing

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