LM17A Ethics Slides

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Definition: Accepted principles of conduct When we do something that impacts the lives of others, we are guided by ethics


Moral -- What is right and wrong Legal -- Actions governed by regulations Ethical -- Engineers code of conduct

Definition: Ability to make ones own ethical decisions

Definition: Ability to make ones own ethical decisions Consistent with: engineers moral principles generally accepted codes of engineering conduct obligations that the engineer has accepted the law applicable Code of Ethics

Is My Decision Ethical?
Is it consistent with my professional moral principles? Is it consistent with generally accepted codes of conduct
AIChE Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics of the National Society of Professional Engineers The Engineers Creed

AIChE Code of Ethics

Uphold and Advance the integrity, honor, and dignity of the engineering profession by: Being honest/impartial, serving with fidelity
Employers, clients, public

Striving to increase competence/prestige of the engineering profession Using knowledge/skill for enhancement of human welfare

AIChE Code of Ethics

1. Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public in performance of your professional duties 2. Formally advise your employers/clients if you perceive that a consequence of your duties will adversely affect the present or future health/safety of your colleagues or the public
Consider further disclosure if warranted

AIChE Code of Ethics

3. Accept responsibility for your actions/recognize the contributions of others
Seek critical review of your work Offer objective criticism of the work of others

4. Issue statements/present information only in an objective/truthful manner

AIChE Code of Ethics

5. Act in professional matters for each employer/client as a faithful agent/trustee and avoid conflicts of interest 6. Treat fairly all colleagues/coworkers, recognizing their unique contributions and capabilities 7. Perform professional services only in your areas of competence

AIChE Code of Ethics

8. Build your professional reputation on the merit of your services 9. Continue your professional development throughout your career and provide opportunities for the professional development of those under your supervision

Why Discuss Ethics?

The world is not always BLACK and WHITE White!
(e.g. do you falsify data to substantiate your recommendation, if some bad data show a poorer choice to be better?)

Rehearsal is important!

Some Helpful Heuristics

1. Use a traditional problem-solving strategy for solving ethical problems. 2. Consider what will happen if a decision is based on a false assumption. 3. Be honest. 4. Be concerned about the welfare of your company and employees. 5. Do not let other people make ethical decisions for you.

More Helpful Heuristics

6. Ask yourself if your decision would be different if you worked for another part of the company (or for another company). 7. Imagine that you live just outside the plant fence. 8. Imagine that you work for the EPA. 9. Ask for the opinion of someone else in your organization. (Suggest that the facts pertain to a different organization.)

The RIGHT Decision . . .

The RIGHT Decision . . .

One that YOU can live with!

Case Study Those Pesky Side-Reactions!

Making Ethical Decisions

1. Professional decisions will have personal consequences

Making Ethical Decisions

1. Professional decisions will have personal consequences

2. Dont make decisions in a vacuum

We usually work in groups; group discussion can be meaningful Get advice Learn your corporate culture and policies Get ALL the information you can

Making Ethical Decisions

1. Professional decisions will have personal consequences 2. Dont make decisions in a vacuum

3. Be open and honest in your professional conduct

Others will listen to you Others will trust you

Know the Consequences of Your Actions

1. Try to arrive at win-win solutions
We will discuss this more thoroughly later in this Module when we deal with Conflict Resolution

Know the Consequences of Your Actions

1. Try to arrive at win-win solutions 2. Avoid escalation when possible

Know the Consequences of Your Actions

1. Try to arrive at win-win solutions 2. Avoid escalation when possible

3. When escalation is necessary . . .

Do so in a measured/reasonable way Stay clearly within the policies/practices of your company

Know the Consequences of Your Actions

1. Try to arrive at win-win solutions 2. Avoid escalation when possible 3. When escalation is necessary, do so in a measured and reasonable way and clearly within the policies and practices of your company

4. If all else fails, consider whistle blowing

Recognize this as a last resort Will most likely result in your having to change jobs

INTEGRITY A 3-step Process

Stephen L. Carter, (integrity), BasicBooks, 1996

INTEGRITY A 3-step Process

1. Discernment: determining through careful
study of all sides of an issue, what you believe to be the correct position

INTEGRITY A 3-step Process

1. Discernment: determining through careful
study of all sides of an issue, what you believe to be the correct position

2. Action: willing to act on what you believe to

be correct even when there is personal risk

INTEGRITY A 3-step Process

1. Discernment: determining through careful
study of all sides of an issue, what you believe to be the correct position

2. Action: willing to act on what you believe to

be correct even when there is personal risk

3. Announcement: openly stating your

position and the reasons for it even when others disagree with you.

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