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It's Not What You Think

Indiana Ladies Getaway
1 March 2014

Adoption Is...

The Need for Christian Adoption

80% of teen moms are on welfare

Over 50% of children raised by teen moms are reported to Child Protective Services
Only 40% graduate High School Only 1.5% of teen mothers graduate from college by age 30

The Need for Christian Adoption

Children raised without a father are twice as likely to quit school and 4 times as likely to need behavioral help Children of teen parents are 3 times more likely to become teen parents themselves 95% of Folsom prison inmates come from a single mother homes

The Need for Christian Adoption

Internationally, the news about orphans is even worse

5,760 children become Orphans every day!

Every 15 seconds, a child in Africa becomes an orphan due to Aids. Worldwide there are over 143 million children in orphanages right now!

The Need for Christian Adoption

International Adoption

Every 2.2 seconds an orphan ages out of the system with no family and no home!
10-15% of children raised in Eastern Europe orphanages commit suicide before the age of 18! In Russia of those who age out, 60% of girls become prostitutes and 70% of boys will become hardened criminals.

Yes, You Can Adopt: Adoption Myths

The birthmother will come back and take my baby!

The child would not be our BLOOD!

ALL adopted children have problems! I could never bond with them as my own. After ALL my love and care for them, they would just grow up and take off with their biological parents. I dont want to do a Home Study - I don't want the Government in my life! I should not have to PAY to adopt a child!

Adoption Success Stories of Faith

Tim & Janice

Elijah & Oscar


Mike & Miranda

Scott & Jenna



Jason & Stephanie

Rod & Lisa

Xavier, Xander, & Trulea

"I feel sorry for that girl, Mama. I want to do that sometimes too when I miss my mama so much and I even have you. I just want to do something for her. Do you think that maybe we could adopt her? She wouldn't have her mom, but she would have your love. -Xavier Ellis


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