Ausubel's Expository Teaching Model

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Expository Teaching David Ausubel Model

Advanced organizer to begin the lesson Concepts are presented by the teacher Examples & Non-examples to clarify the concept Teacher refers back to advanced organizer to link the organizer with the concept in the lesson This model emphasizes deductive reasoning.

According to Ausubel, people acquire knowledge primarily through RECEPTION rather than through discovery. Concepts, principles, and ideas are presented and understood, not discovered. The more organized and focused the presentation, the more thoroughly the individual will learn. He stresses MEANINGFUL VERBAL LEARNING .

Rote memory, for example, is not considered meaningful since memorization omits the connection of new knowledge with existing knowledge. Ausubel also proposed his EXPOSITORY TEACHING model to encourage meaningful rather than rote reception learning. In his approach to learning, teachers present material in a carefully organized, sequenced, and finished form. Ausubel believes that learning should progress deductively - from the general to the specific and not inductively as Bruner recommended.

Ausubel dictates the use of his most famous contribution to cognitive educational psychology: the ADVANCED ORGANIZER. Optimal learning generally occurs when there is a potential fit between the student's schemas and the material to be learned. To foster this association, Ausubel suggests that the lesson always begins with an advanced organizer The function of the advanced organizer is to provide SCAFFOLDING or support for the new information

Advanced Organizers serve three purposes: (1) they direct attention to what is important in the coming material; (2) they highlight relationships among ideas that will be presented; and, (3) they remind the students of relevant information already in memory.

Steps in an Expository Lesson

Use Advanced Organizers. Use a variety of examples Focus on both similarities and differences For those who are more concrete in their learning, use a graphic representation of an advanced organizer:


Good for presenting concepts, especially abstract Focus is on comparison and contrast thinking Higher level yet teacher directed

Requires teacher skills for linking advanced organizer with targeted concept(s), pointing out similarities and differences Some abstract concepts may be too challenging for concrete thinkers.

Final Comments on Expository Teaching. Expository teaching works better in some situations than in others. It is most appropriate when you want to teach about the relationships among several concepts. Students must have some knowledge of the actual concepts first. Another consideration is the age of the students more useful for mature students

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