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ICS 2405: Knowledge-based Systems


To describe the theoretical foundations of Knowledge Based Systems. To apply Knowledge Engineering methodologies to appropriate application areas. To efficiently use the knowledge representation tools and techniques that form the foundation of symbolic reasoning systems.


Data, Information and Knowledge Introduction to Knowledge Based Systems (KBS)

Definition Components Types

Knowledge Engineering Knowledge Acquisition and Elicitation Knowledge Representation

Symbolic representation of Knowledge. Sub-Symbolic representation of Knowledge.


Reasoning and Inferencing

Forward Chaining Backward Chaining Representing common-sense knowledge.


Case-based reasoning. Knowledge Based System methodologies

Course Prerequisites and Delivery:


Lectures, Discussions Seminars, Group projects.


Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, sixth edition by Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson; 2000. The Essence of Expert Systems by Keith Darlington, 2000. Intelligent Systems for Business: Expert Systems with Neural Networks by Fatemeh Zahedi, 1993. Design and Development of Knowledge Based Systems by Giovanni Guida and Carlo Tasso, 1994. Complex Cognition by Robert J. Sternberg and Talia BenZeev, 2001. Information and Knowledge-Based Systems An Introduction by R. G. Anderson, 1992. Knowledge Engineering for Information Systems by Paul Beynon-Davies, 1992.


Intelligence: Covers many cognitive skills, including

Learning Understanding language The ability to solve problems

Artificial Intelligence addresses all of those. Most progress to date in AI has been made in the area of problem solving

-- concepts and methods for building programs that reason about problems rather than calculate a solution.


Artificial Intelligence (AI): Its scientific goal is to understand intelligence by building computer programs that exhibit intelligent behavior. It is concerned with

The concepts and methods of symbolic inference, or reasoning, by a computer How the knowledge used to make those inferences will be represented inside the machine.

Data, Information and Knowledge

Data: The fundamental, indivisible objects within an application. Information: The implicit functional associations between data in the application. Knowledge: The explicit functional associations between items of information and/or data.
Concepts If the temperature outside Knowledge is 50 C, it feels cold. Value Information The temperature outside is 50 C.


50 C

Facts and Figures

Knowledge A brief definition

Knowledge: The symbolic representation of aspects of some named universe The definition has two assumptions

We can symbolize knowledge It can be represented in some way. The knowledge domain can be named or referenced in some way. Symbols The relationship between symbols The rules or procedures for manipulating the symbols

Knowledge consists of

Knowledge Classification

Knowledge can be classified into

Priori knowledge: Universally true and cannot be denied without contradiction.

Examples are mathematical laws, logical statements.

Posteriori knowledge: Represents information that is verified using sensory experiences.

Knowledge can be denied based on new knowledge without the need for contradictions.

Further classification includes

Procedural knowledge: Knowing how to do something. Declarative knowledge: Knowing that something is true or false. Tacit knowledge: Unconsciously knowing how to do something.


Definition of KBS

A knowledge based system (KBS) is a software system capable of supporting the explicit representation of knowledge in some specific competence domain and of exploiting it through appropriate reasoning mechanisms in order to provide high-level problem-solving performance. KBS is a specific, dedicated, computer-based problem-solver, able to face complex problems, which, if solved by man, would require advanced reasoning capabilities, such as deduction, abduction, hypothetical reasoning, model-based reasoning, analogical reasoning, learning, etc.

Components of a KBS

From an abstract point of view, a KBS is composed of two parts

A central part which implements the basic problem-solving capabilities of the KBS. A peripheral part which is aimed at providing additional functions necessary for a practical and effective use of the KBS e.g. user interface, an explanation system etc.


Components of a KBS
Domain Knowledge Knowledge Base

Reasoning Mechanism Problem Working Memory


Knowledge-Based System

Types of KBS

In the early nineties several other types of "reasoning" systems became a commercial proposition. These include:

Neural networks: Characterized by a way of reasoning not based on explicit rules and whose knowledge is acquired by training the system more or less automatically on a set of cases from a particular domain. Machine learning systems : Knowledge is acquired from training on a set of cases Case-based reasoning systems: A loose term referring to systems that are able to find a matching case in a large set of cases (sometimes based on decision tree like formalisms).

Types of KBS

Genetic algorithm systems: Can find a solution to a problem by applying principles from genetics to a set of components

They are different instances of the general class of KBS, systems that apply knowledge to infer new information from a set of inputs. The main difference between the instances is how this knowledge is represented and obtained.

Introduction to Knowledge Engineering

Any application that requires access to specialist knowledge is a potential application area for introduction of KBS technology. Knowledge Engineering is the process of developing knowledge based systems in any field, whether it be in the public or private sector, in commerce or industry Knowledge engineering consists of five activities:

Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Refinement and Validation Knowledge Representation, Design of an Inference strategy, Design of an Explanation facility. System Validation, Software Design Implementation

Other things to be considered include


Introduction to Knowledge Engineering

Practitioners of knowledge engineering are called Knowledge Engineers. Knowledge Engineering indicates a professional approach to development with respect to

Qualifications Skills Personality Attributes


Tasks of a Knowledge Engineer

Extracting knowledge from people Representing it in some form Including it in a computer program which makes use of that knowledge Validating the software system produced


Tasks of a Knowledge Engineer

A Knowledge Engineer must

Apply Methods Use Tools Apply Quality Controls Have Standards Plan and Manage Projects Take into account Human, Financial and Environmental constraints Be bound by a professional code of conduct Update their knowledge and skills Adhere to rules, regulations and legal requirements

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