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Work at Height

Rev. 1

To explain the type of work which may constitute Work at Height. To understand what controls should be in place when work is performed at height. To understand the basic principles of ladder safety. To provide details on where additional information can be obtained.

Rev. 1

Work at Height Definition

Work at height is any work activity that is performed where the work is to be performed at a height of 2 meters (6 ft.) or higher. Work at height hazards can occ r d ring a n mber of work tasks! s ch as"
#ai$y operations (e.g. man a$$y ga ging (dipping) of b $k storage tanks) Ro tine maintenance or repair work (e.g. maintaining tank press re%vac m vents! c$eaning b i$ding windows! work on overhead pipe$ines! etc.) &on'ro tine tasks (e.g. rep$acing wareho se roofing! insta$$ing or rep$acing signage)

Rev. 1

Work at Height Definitions

Limited Approach Boundar ) *n approach $imit at a distance from an e+posed $ive part within which a shock hazard e+ists !uspension Trauma " ,otentia$$y fata$ conse- ences that may be e+perienced by workers sing fa$$ arrest systems. .o$$owing a fa$$! a worker may remain s spended in a harness. /he s stained immobi$ity may $ead to a state of nconscio sness. #epending on the $ength of time the s spended worker is nconscio s%immobi$e and the $eve$ of veno s poo$ing! the res $ting orthostatic into$erance may $ead to death. *$so referred to as 0harness'ind ced patho$ogy.0

Rev. 1

*ssessing and 2anaging ,otentia$ 3azards

4 Assessing and #anaging Ha$ards

Work at 3eights activities m st be permitted and managed in accordance with the 5ompany6s proced re covering 2anaging 7W,s *ssessing 3azards and 2anaging 3igh'Risk W 4 A %enera& Work 'ermit is re(uired as a contro$ meas re for a$$ work at height that is of a non'ro tine nat re. work or periodic work! for which written operating proced res do not e+ist)

Rev. 1

*a&&s from Height

.a$$s from height are the most common ca se of fata$ in8 ry and the second most common ca se of ma8or in8 ry to personne$. *$$ ind stry sectors are e+posed to the risks presented by this hazard a$tho gh the $eve$ of incidence varies considerab$y.

7o rce9

http" k%fa$$s%inde+.htm

Rev. 1

'otentia& of fa&&s can ,e present

;adders and stairways <$evated p$atforms /op of /r cks or Rai$ 5ars ,ortab$e ramps


7caffo$d insta$$ation or its remova$ 5onstr ction work =nspection of process e- ipment and other mechanisms ,ersonne$ resc e 5onfined space entry # ring e+cavation work when the depth is greater than 2 meters
Rev. 1 :

*a&&s from Height

<+perience shows that these events s a$$y arise d e to poor management contro$ rather than beca se of e- ipment fai$ re. 5ommon factors inc$ de! b t are not $imited to" .ai$ re to recognize a potentia$ risk .ai$ re to have ade- ate safe work practices and proced res in p$ace .ai$ re of personne$ to fo$$ow 7W, .ai$ re to provide proper fa$$ protection systems at the work $ocation =nade- ate information! instr ction! training or s pervision provided .ai$ re to se appropriate fa$$ protection e- ipment .ai$ re to provide safe p$ant%e- ipment
Rev. 1


Contro&&ing Height Ha$ards

/he most effective form of fa$$ protection is fi+ed
protection designed into the origina$ faci$ity. 2eans to design o t work at height hazards inc$ de"
,$acing e- ipment that re- ires reg $ar maintenance or repair at gro nd $eve$. ,roviding ade- ate access and work p$atforms! where work is re- ired to be performed at height. <ns ring a$$ accessways! $adders! p$atforms! and handrai$s conform to acceptab$e design criteria. Restricting na thorized access to e$evated work areas. 5heck with the c$ient6s 7afety ,ersonne$ to verify 8ob

site specific fa$$ protection re- irements.

Rev. 1

- T pes of *a&& 'rotection ! stems+

,assive systems

*ctive systems

Rev. 1


'assi.e ! stems
* passive fa$$ protection system is one which is b i$t into the faci$ity. ,assive systems may inc$ de" ;adders and stairs A ardrai$s 3andrai$s *ccess p$atforms Barricading Aangways Ramps

Rev. 1

Acti.e ! stems
*ctive fa$$ protection systems can be either fa$$ restraint or fa$$ arrest systems.

*ctive fa$$ protection systems are re- ired when passive fa$$ protection is not eno gh or navai$ab$e.

Rev. 1


E/amp&es of Work at Height

The following are some typical examples of tasks that may involve work at height that occur at facilities, but is not an all inclusive list: Construction or demolition work. oof work, including cleaning, replacement, or maintenance. Work performed in man baskets. Work with hoists. Working on scaffolds. Work on bulk storage tank roofs. Changing light bulbs when at or above ! meter high. Tanker truck inspections.
Rev. 1 13

Access and Egress

* safe means of access and egress sho $d be provided to work areas. Where reg $ar access is re- ired! steps! fi+ed $adders! p$atforms and wa$kways sho $d be provided. Where access is on an irreg $ar basis portab$e $adders or s itab$e mechanica$ p$ant e- ipment! s ch as a scissor $ift or power operated e$evated p$atform! may be acceptab$e. 7 itab$e access sho $d take into acco nt environmenta$ conditions s ch as weather and $ighting! as we$$ as what peop$e may need to carry and other re$evant factors.
Rev. 1 1(

Work on top of Trucks

7erio s in8 ries may res $t from fa$$s from the top of tank tr cks! or other $arge tr cks. Where access to the top of tr cks is re- ired a safe means of access sho $d be provided. /his may inc$ de"
,rovision of steps! permanent access ways! wa$kways and g ardrai$s. ,rovision of non's$ip wa$kways a$ong the tank tr ck top. ,rovision of ade- ate anchor points for a fa$$ arrest system.

,rovision of fa$$ protection sho $d be considered at both the $oading and de$ivery $ocations if access to the tr ck top is re- ired at both $ocations.
Rev. 1 11

Work on Truck Tops cont)

Where practicable the work should be designed so as much work as possible can be performed at ground level. "rior to working on top of a tank truck the area should be checked to ensure there are no overhead power lines in the vicinity
# minimum of $ meters %&! ft' safe distance must be maintained between the person and the overhead power lines at all times.

Rev. 1

NOTE Should utilize full body harness, not waist belt only


Work on 0ooftops
Rooftop work may be one of the more dangero s work at height tasks! as rooftops are not typica$$y designed with any fa$$ protection system. Where reg $ar rooftop access is re- ired consideration sho $d be given to insta$$ing permanent accessways and p$atforms or! where this is not feasib$e! insta$$ing an anchor system for sec ring safety harnesses. 5are m st be taken on rooftops to determine nsafe areas. /hese may often not be visib$e d e to dirt! or being painted over! and may inc$ de"
Britt$e roofing materia$ s ch as aged asbestos! compressed fiber board! or corroded roofing iron. Roof sky $ights (these may not be visib$e if dirty or painted over) #eteriorated roof s pport str ct res.
Rev. 1 1:

Work on Bu&k !torage Tanks

# number of routine operations at a terminal or depot facility may re(uire access to the bulk tank roof. The following safety precautions should be observed when working on tank roofs:
)nsure the tank roof is structurally sound and can be safely walked on. *f the roof is not fitted with guardrails wear suitable fall protection. Where designated walkways are indicated, only walk on the designated walkway areas %designated walkways on tank roofs should be demarcated with non+slip paint'. ,inimi-e the time re(uired to work on the roof by pre+planning tasks before accessing the roof. #lways hold the handrail when climbing and ascending the tank stairs.
Rev. 1 1>

'ermanent *i/ed Access and '&atforms

"ermanently installed steps, stairs, ramps etc. shall comply with all relevant local regulatory re(uirements, and with the re(uirements of Company.s /afety in 0esign %or an e(uivalent' manual. #ny stairway or platform more than &.! meters %$ft.' above ground level should have guardrails fitted to prevent falls. 1uardrails should be 2.3 4 &.& meters %$!5 6 75' high, and have a center rail fitted. 1uardrails must be able to withstand at least a 32 kg %!22 lb' force applied within 8 cm %!5' of the top edge. Where a platform is located above a work area, or area where persons may pass, a toe+board or kickboard should be fitted.
Rev. 1 1?

'orta,&e Ladder !afet

Whenever sing a portab$e $adder the fo$$owing safeg ards sho $d be fo$$owed" Cse on$y on stab$e and $eve$ s rfaces. #o not se on s$ippery s rfaces n$ess ade- ate$y sec red. Deep the area aro nd the base and top of the $adder c$ear. Cse the $adder on$y for the p rpose it was designed and intended for. #o not se the top of the $adder as a step. #o not move! shift! or e+tend a $adder whi$e it is occ pied.
Rev. 1 2@

'orta,&e Ladder !afet cont)

En$y se non'cond ctive $adders when working aro nd $ive power $ines (e.g. wooden). ;adders sho $d be p$aced at an ang$e of appro+imate$y 1 in ( (i.e. for every ( meters
height! p$ace 1 meter from the wa$$).

When ascending a $adder a$ways"

.ace the $adder. 2aintain 3 points of contact (one hand and two
feet! or two hands! one foot).

#o not carry onto a $adder any ob8ect or $oad which may ca se yo to $ose yo r ba$ance (too$s or e- ipment to be taken p may be roped p once p the $adder).
Rev. 1 21

'orta,&e Ladder !afet cont)

.or non se$f s pporting $adders ens re"
/he top of the $adder sho $d e+tend 1 meter (3 ft.) past the step off point. /he $adder m st be sec red against movement whi$e in se. Whi$e in se a second person sho $d Ffoot6 the $adder and it sho $d be tied off at the top.

5heck the condition of the $adder before se. Before sing a $adder a$ways ask yo rse$f Gis a $adder the safest and best work method to perform this taskHI

Rev. 1


*a&& Arrest ! stems

Where a person is re- ired to work more than 2 meters (6 ft.) above gro nd $eve$ and no fi+ed fa$$ protection! s ch as g ardrai$s! are insta$$ed then it may be necessary to ti$ize a safety harness. /he fo$$owing are some of the basic re- irements aro nd the se of safety $ines and harnesses" En$y f $$ body harnesses sho $d be sed (safety be$ts can ca se fata$
in8 ries in fa$$ sit ations)

,ersons sing a safety harness sha$$ be trained in the correct se or ade- ate$y s pervised.

Rev. 1


*a&& Arrest ! stems cont)

* shock absorbing $anyard sho $d be sed whenever there is potentia$ to fa$$ more than ( meters (12 ft.). /he safety $ines m st be sec red to a str ct ra$$y so nd anchor capab$e of withstanding a minim m $oad of 22 k& (1@@@ $bs.) tensi$e force. 7afety $ines m st be capab$e of being attached when sti$$ at gro nd $eve$ (or on a safe p$atform) ) this may re- ire specia$
attention in the case of inertia $ock retractab$e $anyards.
Rev. 1 2(

*a&& Arrest ! stems cont)

7afety $ines! inc$ ding an a$$owance for the shock absorbing $anyard if fitted! m st be shorter than the $ength of the fa$$. *n emergency resc e p$an m st be in p$ace to ens re the rapid recovery of anyone who fa$$s whi$e sing a safety harness. * minim m of two peop$e sho $d be present when sing fa$$ arrest systems to ens re a time$y resc e.

Rev. 1


*$$ scaffo$ding sha$$ be insta$$ed in accordance with $oca$ reg $ations and standards. 7caffo$ding m st be insta$$ed by a competent person and inspected prior to se. /he inspection sha$$ inc$ de"
/he s rface on which the scaffo$d is assemb$ed is stab$e. A ardrai$s J working p$atforms are in p$ace on a$$ areas in se. 7afe access is provided to a$$ p$atforms. 7 fficient scaffo$d ties and braces are in p$ace. *$$ $oad'bearing s pports are in the correct p$ace and sec red sing the correct fittings. KKK..contin ed on ne+t s$ide
Rev. 1


KKfrom previo s s$ide Working p$atforms are f $$y decked with no gaps! and p$anks are sec red against movement. ,erimeter protection or g ardrai$s are correct$y fitted. *ny scaffo$d po$es protr ding be$ow 2 meters (6ft.) height above grade have s itab$e end caps fitted.

Reg $ar ongoing inspections sho $d be sched $ed where scaffo$ding is in p$ace for more than one week (to ens re no
na thorized modifications)

Rev. 1


!caffo&d Inspection and Tagging

4 !caffo&ds Tagging ! stem 7caffo$d erectors sha$$ se a Tagging ! stem to indicate the state of the scaffo$d d ring and after constr ction. 4 *a&& 'rotection 4 Re- irements for a doc mented 0escue '&an and identified rescue personne& was added as fo$$ow" Where fa$$ protection is sed a doc mented resc e p$an m st be in e+istence prior to any work commencing! and resc e personne$ m st be identified. &o work invo$ving .a$$ ,rotection sho $d proceed witho t the presence of a safety standby.

4 *n additiona$ item to ens re $adders sed in scaffo$dings

meets minim m re- irements has been added to Work at heights 0e.ie1 Check&ist for !caffo&ds

Rev. 1

#echanica& Lift De.ices

There is a wide range of mechanical lift devices available to perform elevated work tasks from. These include
"ower operated elevating work platforms 9orklift platforms Crane lift platforms

,echanical platforms must not travel with a person in the bucket unless specifically designed to do so. Climbing into and out of platforms should only occur at ground level whenever possible.

Rev. 1


#echanica& '&ant cont)

When working in an elevated bucket a fall protection harness suitably anchored to the bucket, should be worn %note 4
harnesses are not re(uired on elevated work platforms %scissor lifts' if ade(uate guardrails are fitted'

,echanical buckets and platforms shall only be operated by suitably trained and (ualified personnel.

Rev. 1


*ork&ift '&atforms
=t is vita$ that any fork$ift p$atform is proper$y constr cted and on$y sed on fork$ifts that have been we$$ maintained. 2inim m re- irements for fork$ift p$atforms inc$ de"
,$atforms sha$$ be fitted with g ardrai$s! mid rai$s and kickboards. *ny gate on the p$atform sho $d open inwards. * 2 meter (6 ft.) high g ard that is s fficient$y wide to prevent any contact with the $ifting mechanism sha$$ be fitted to the back of the p$atform. KKK..contin ed on ne+t s$ide

Rev. 1


*ork&ift '&atforms
KKfrom previo s s$ide /he ti$t $ever of the fork$ift sho $d be $ocked o t or made inoperab$e. Eperating instr ctions and the safe working $oad of the p$atform m st be attached in a prominent position. /he p$atform m st be sec red to the forks so it can not s$ide. /here m st be an agreed signa$ing system sed to denote movement of the hoist. /he fork$ift operator m st be competent and remain at the fork$ift contro$s at a$$ times the p$atform is in se.

Rev. 1


Emergenc 0escue
4 /he fo$$owing re- irement prior to work commencing is to be added nder <mergency Resc e re- irements" *$$ resc e personne$ m st c$ear$y nderstand their ro$es in event of a work at height resc e.

Rev. 1


Lifting and 0igging E(uipment

*$$ e- ipment sed for $ifting and rigging m st be certified fit for p rpose. <- ipment m st be reg $ar$y checked for defects *n <- ipment inventory $ist m st be maintained. *$$ ;ifting and Rigging devices m st be ni- e$y identified

Rev. 1


Work at Height " Additiona& Information

.or additiona$ detai$s on Work at 3eight re- irements refer to" /he Work at 3eight 7afety B $$etin Lo r 5ompany6s operating proced res Lo r 7afety Efficer /he c$ient6s 7afety #epartment

Rev. 1



Rev. 1


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