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LIEF Gursikhi


refers to the life and ways for a sikh to lead his life as per the principles of our sikh gurus


take note that gursikhi is not only external but most importantly internal purification of body and soul Gursikhi is a belief with which each gursikh leads his life

Guru Nanak e! "i# the founder of Sikhism was born in $alwandi on %&th 'pril %()*+ $he direct e!idence of Sikhs scriptures consist of sacred texts left by Sikh Gurus and their associates as well as other !erified sources+ Sikhism is young currently the fifth largest religion in the world with about ,- Million followers+

' Sikh is a follower of Sikhism+ It is classified under Indian religions# primarily originating in the %&th 1entury+ $he term 2Sikh3 has its origin in Sanskrit term 2Shishya3 which means 2disciple3 or 2student3+ ' sikh is a disciple of the Guru+

Sikh $urban 4 astaar5

$he term $urban refer to a garment worn by both men and women to co!er their heads+ It5s a headdress consisting of a long scarf like single piece of cloth wound around the head or sometimes patka+ $raditionally in India the $urban was only worn by men of high status in family and men of low status or low caste were not allowed to wear a turban+ Sikhs are famous for their distincti!e turbans and the turban represents respectibility and has been an item once reser!ed for nobility only+ $he sikh turban is an article of faith which was made mandatory by the founder of the Khalsa+

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Every Sikh man suff ix SINGH with his name and every sikh women suff ix KAUR with her name. The meanin of Sin h is !"ion# and the meanin of Kaur is !$rin%ess#. This %ustom was introdu%ed in &'(( )y Guru Go)ind Sin h *i+ the Tenth Sikh Guru when he founded Kha,sa. Guru Go)ind Sin h -i.s motive )ehind this was to standardi/e the namin system inde0endent of 1aste or fami,y )a%k round. Sikhs have )een iven s0e%ia, identity in the wor,d. Sin h and Kaur are the 0art of this identity.

Organizations promoting Sikhism

2or,d Sikh 3r ani/ation Kha,sa 4iwan So%iety Guru nanak daata )aksh ,ai mission Sikh missionary so%iety )ased in UK Sin h sa)ha )ased in new 5ork The sikh foundation Tur)an 0ride or ani/ation Aka, 0urkh ki fau* 1hief kha,sa diwan so%iety 6ata kau,a *i foundation

6easons for decline of Gursikhi in ;un<ab

;arents non committed to the teachings of our gurus 1hildren not following the rehat maryada out of fashion $he sikh foundations not taking strict actions against those who insult gursikhi and sikh belief Sgpc and other organi=ations becoming more and more political rather than spiritual 9ack of promotion and education on Sikhism in schools and colleges 9ack of strict laws from sri akal takht sahib against those who show intolerance to our community 9ack of laws against those who sell li>uor near gurudwaras 9ack of student sikh federations who can deal with sikh issues at the primary le!el More and more factions di!iding Sikhs on the basis of castes# sects and innocent Sikhs falling prey to

Gursikhi is a belief and ne!er a compulsion+ ' person born or not born as a sikh becomes a sikh by choice when he reali=es that gursikhi is a blessing bestowed upon each sikh by our guru who belie!es in and we say with e!ery ardas each day 2 sikha da mann nee!a matt uchhi3 'nd then we ask for 2sarbat da bhala3 that is a true sikh lea!es himself aside and asks the almighty to bless the entire mankind+ Such is the beauty of our religion+ <ust like our motherland which we walk o!er and <ust like water which is responsible for our life always flows downstream Gursikhi belie!es in humility and modesty and purity and as is said in sri guru granth sahib <i 2dharti pairi heth hai harti heth !asnda paani ;aani chale ni!aan nu Nirmal sheetal shudh praani .h nishaani gursikhi di eh nishaani3


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