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: whats all the buzz about?
Next generation databases are: Non-relational, Distributed, Open-source, Horizontal scalable Often more characteristics: Schema-free, easy replication support, simple API, eventually consistent / BASE (not ACID), a huge data amount

List of NoSQL databases [122+]

Wide Column Store / Column Families HBase, Cassandra, Hypertable, Cloudata, Cloudera, Amazon SimpleDB Document Stores CouchDB, MongoDB, Terrastore, ThruDB, OrientDB, RavenDB, Citrusleaf, SisoDB Key Value / Tuple Store Azure Table Storage, MEMBASE, Riak, Redis, Chordless, GenieDB, Scalaris, Tokyo Cabinet / Tyrant, Keyspace Berkeley DB, MemcacheDB, Faircom C-Tree, Mnesia, LightCloud, Hibari, HamsterDB, STSdb, Pincaster, RaptorDB Eventually Consistent Key Value Stores Amazon Dynamo, Voldemort, Dynomite, KAI Graph Databases Neo4J, Infinite Graph, Sones, InfoGrid, HyperGraphDB, Trinity, AllegroGraph, Bigdata, DEX, OpenLink, Virtuoso, VertexDB, FlockDB Object Databases db4o, Versant, Objectivity, Gemstone, Progress, Starcounter, Perst, Caching, ZODB, NEO, PicoLisp, Sterling More and more databases

So whats wrong with relational databases?

Main principals of RDBMS

Atomic all or nothing Consistent means that data moves from one correct state to another correct state, with no possibility that readers could view different values that dont make sense together. Isolated means that transactions executing concurrently will not become entangled with each other. Durable once a transaction has succeeded, the changes will not be lost.

Shortcomings of RDBMS
Transactions under heavy load Complexities of vertical scaling 2 phase commit (2PC) protocol

If you cant split it, you cant scale it (Randy Shoup, distinguished architect, eBay) Sharging approach
Feature-based shard or functional segmentation Key-based sharding Lookup table

Shared-nothing or Cassandra like sharding

The real question is not Whats wrong with relational databases? but rather, What problem do you have?

Brewers CAP Theorem



Partition Tolerance

Brewers CAP Theorem


Relational: MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL

Amazon Dynamo derivatives: Cassandra, Voldemort, Riak, CouchDB

Neo4j, Google Big Table and its derivatives: MongoDB, Redis, Hypertable

Partition Tolerance

in 50 words or less
Apache Cassandra is an open source, distributed, decentralized, elastically scalable, highly available, fault-tolerant, tuneably consistent, column-oriented database that bases its distribution design on Amazons Dynamo and its data model on Googles Bigtable. Created at Facebook, it is now used at some of the most popular sites on the Web.

Cassandra case studies

Cassandra outlines
BASE (Basically Available Soft-state Eventual consistency) and not ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) Distributed and decentralized Elastic scalability High availability and fault tolerance Tunable consistency

Use cases for Cassandra

Large deployments Lots of writes, statistics and analysis Geographical distribution Evolving applications

Memtable No reads No seeks Fast Sequential disk access Atomic within a column family Any node Always writable (hinted hand-off) 0.2 ms

Commit log





Memtable Read Bloomfilter field to determine whether a provided key is in the SSTable Index field for quick read Any node Read repair 15 ms







The tenets of column-oriented model

Keyspace Column Family Outer container, that contains column families (is sort of like a relational database) Logical division that associates similar data (very roughly analogous to tables in the relational world) Name/value pair (and a client-supplied timestamp of when it was last updated) Container for super columns sorted by their names Structure with name and set of dependent columns

Column Super Column Family Super Column

Column Family\Column
Column A name value pair (contains also a time-stamp for conflict resolution on the server side)
column name : byte[] column value : byte[]

+ timestamp : long

Column Family A container for columns sorted by their names. Column Families are referenced and sorted by row keys.
column name 1 column value 1 column name n column value n

row key

Super Column Family\Super Column

Super Column A sorted associative array of columns.
super column name column name 1 column name n

column value 1

column value n

Super Column Family

A container for super columns sorted by their names. Like Column Families, Super Column Families are referenced and sorted by row keys. super column name 1 row key column name 1 column value 1 column name n1 column value n1 super column name m column name 1 column value 1 column name nm

column value nm

Addressing Column Family

column name 1
column value 1 column name n column value n

row key

Four-dimensional hash [Keyspace][ColumnFamily][Key][Column] Addressing Super Column Family

super column name 1 row key column name 1 column value 1 column name n1 column value n1 super column name m column name 1 column value 1 column name nm

column value nm

Five-dimensional hash [Keyspace][ColumnFamily][Key][SuperColumn][SubColumn]

Cassandra client options

Thrift (12 different languages) Avro (data serialization system) Java: Hector: (abstraction over thrift) Pelops: (abstraction over thrift) CQL: JDBC driver for Cassandra version starting from 0.8 (SQL like language) Hector JPA: (ORM client) Cassandrelle: (documentation ???) Kundera: (buggy ???) Python: Pycassa, Telephus Grails: grails-cassandra .NET: Aquiles, FluentCassandra Ruby: Cassandra PHP: phpcassa, SimpleCassie

Cassandra\RDBMS query differences

No update query Record-level atomicity on writes No duplicate keys Basic write properties: consistency level (ZERO, ANY, ONE, QUORUM, ALL) Basic read properties: consistency level (ONE, QUORUM, ALL)

Hadoop ( is a set of open source projects that deal with large amounts of data in a distributed way. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): a distributed file system that provides high-throughput access to application data. Hadoop MapReduce: a software framework for distributed processing of large data sets on compute clusters. Other Hadoop-related projects at Apache include: Cassandra: a scalable multi-master database with no single points of failure. Hive: a data warehouse infrastructure that provides data summarization and ad hoc querying. Mahout: a Scalable machine learning and data mining library. Pig: a high-level data-flow language and execution framework for parallel computation.

The end


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