Social Intelligence: Get Ahead - Integrating CRM With Web CMS & Mobile

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Social Intelligence

Get Ahead Integrating CRM with Web CMS & Mobile


Social Website

Social Intelligence
Social CMS
Mobile Applications

Web Presence Evolved

No longer just marketing or pushing messages to customers Brands now talk to and collaborate with customers to solve business

problems Customers expect interaction on more than just the website

Twitter, Facebook, Linked In + .... Content is fragmented across websites and social networks

Sites involve customers in 2 Way Conversations Embrace audience feedback Respond to stakeholder issues Use the web to build and maintain relationships Leverage off the viral potential and convenience of existing social networks Large volume of business intelligence being generated To facilitate self-service To facilitate client to client conversations

A Social Intelligence Approach?

Potential to harness online activity and intelligence for
Increased brand awareness Improved brand image Improved customer service Increased sales Improved customer retention

Reduced support costs

Reduced staff costs

Social CMS
Traditionally content is published to a site

Advantage of the web is the potential for interactivity

Collaborative content is: Engaging your audience as co-creators of the site Using feedback from the audience to create useful information and guides for other users Allowing the audience to take part in a conversation online that becomes part of the site Facilitating clients to take the site in a direction that is client focussed Key to delivering a Web 2.0 Strategy

Social CMS Features

User Centric - Personalisation / My Profile Page Forms / Polls / Surveys Registration / Interests Blogs Comments & Ratings Forums Social Bookmarking Groups / Sub Communities Wikis Collaborative Content

Knowledge base Experiences Meetings ...

Media Sharing Photos Files Video ....

Personal Home Page Access what others see Choose an image for your profile Links tailored to your profile type Access the Forums / Discussions Access content you have tagged

Join Online Conversations

Build your network of contacts

Join and access groups of interest

Keep informed on what your network has been up to

Upload & Share Files

Community Rating System

Search Facility RSS Subscription to stay informed

Blog Classification
Tag Cloud User Tagging of Content (Folksonomy) Comments on Blog Post

Blogger Profile

Allow others to consume as they wish

Easy to find content of interest

Comment & Rating

Quick Rating

Subscription Tools

Invite Comments

Find Content by Classification

Posting Options

Simple & Effective WYSIWYG Editor Tiny MCE

User classification / tagging of Post

Access to Content is Evolving

Evolution away from PC only browsing

Many Browsers

Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE + ... Tablets, Phones, TVs, Consoles + ... iOS, Android, Symbian, Wii + .... Web Apps, Native Apps, TV apps + more

Many Devices & Platforms

Many Applications

People spend dead time on their

phones looking for engaging content and applications

Integrated Social Networks

Interactive Website

Social Networks

Social Intelligence

Mobile Applications

Social CMS

Content is Distributed
Website, Intranet, Extranets

Facebook LinkedIn Flickr YouTube iTunes Podcasts My Space, Picasa, Foursquare and more..... Distributed content easier to find. Viral marketing potential

Get it on Twitter & Facebook +

Other Apps, Devices & Sites XML - iTunes

Your RSS News Events Alerts

Easy to repurpose content for new devices / formats

Bringing Content Back In

Website Interaction

Social CMS

Interactive Website

Social CRM

Social Intelligence
Social Networks

Mobile Applications

Social CMS

Social CRM
Traditionally reflected a 1-1 relationship between

you and your customer Social media & collaborative sites change this Now CRM needs to handle

Public conversations with your client Conversations client to client(s) Social customer has relationship with other customers and is influencer / brand advocate Different types of relationships between influencers, advocates, competitors and the media Gather what is happening on Social Networks for Analysis & Action

XRM & Social CRM

Evolved to XRM with Potential for Social CRM Customisable Data structures, relationships & Workflow, Process Automation Examples Dynamics CRM, Salesforce CRM XRM X Anything Content Management Combined with the Web and Social Networks Makes Social CRM Gather interactions e.g. Tweets and Flag for Action Sentiment Analysis

Conversations are going on online about the brand

Clients are interacting on websites

Clients expectations have risen with expectations

that they can do more themselves Social CRM has potential to:

Capture what is important in these interactions Provide customer knowledge to improve the online experience Alert businesses to take online action

Social CRM is the Glue to hold the component

parts together

Why? The Business Drivers

Drive Sales Customer Recommendation / Research Self Service Reduces Costs/labour/errors Customer service self help networks / improve service

anytime Understand & alert to

Brand conversations Competitor conversations Build brand and understand the market

Personalisation improved customer service / Drive sales

Brand protection and management / reduced risk

Facilitate Support & Customer Retention

Example CRM Interactions

User Registration Tweet Record Interaction Social Comment Social CRM

Back Office Network

Purchase User Details Report Browse / Usage Help Status Business Process Alert




Order History Update Event Bookings Track


Example Interactions
Promote Interaction

Service Interaction
Product Innovation / Feedback Brand Protection


Promotion Example
Potential customer Tweets or Posts on Forum

Another existing customer responds Client Researches

Sales people alerted / follow up

Turn customers into advocate

Customers interact with friends and customers

Influence network viral impact

Support Case Study

Live example for Learndirect

Case Management Online for improved customer

service One view of the support world Potential to share resolutions with whole community Reduces calls to help desk and provide Organisation wide view of issues

Web form to raise Request

Case assignment concept

Case is passed into the back office CRM Case can be reviewed and status assigned

Status of all existing Requests

Notes can be added from the website or entered directly into the CRM

Support/KB Example
Support forums Knowledge base built via CRM - Repurpose content Credit to customer, advocate sees that you value their input Client creates content Client responds

Knowledge adopted by company

Solution facilitates client self-help and builds

valuable intellectual base Alerts to product issues / addresses Also exposes, but in a way that can be managed

Customer to Customer Example

GlobalScot CRM

Customer to Customer Help Network facilitated by

Social CRM Company raises online request for help with People in specific locations & market Area/Market experts respond online with advice Interactions facilitated by CRM and where appropriate shared Activity recorded in CRM

GlobalScot Personalised Portal

Search for Right Person

Help Requests in CRM

Activity Recorded

Brand Protection

Brand Protection

Ecommerce View Product Add to Basket Purchase People who liked Y liked X Offers Rules based location, activity .... Push Email out via CMS based on actions 1 day after viewing offer

Mobile content tailored to channel demand

Customer Check In Foursquare, Facebook, others

Check in Rewards? Incentive to drive sales and

measure impact in CRM With their permission understand the geographic nature of customers Bring the engagement of the community to the mobile so they can interact with things of interest during their dead time

Business Intelligence / Reporting

Understand Web site usage

Understand Community Interaction

Measure Business Value Target partners and client by Activity Reporting may be integrated with CRM Integrated Analytics CMS Social Networking Sentiment Analysis All Pages Email Marketing Community

Our Recommendation
Social Media strategy

CMS / Website strategy

CRM strategy Mobile strategy

(x)CRM Glue the pieces together Create a joined up view for the organisation Gather the business intelligence

Social Intelligence Solution

Interactive Website

Social CRM

Social Intelligence
Social Networks

Mobile Applications

Social CMS

The C2 Solution Stack

Website Driven from CMS

Dynamics CRM & Salesforce

Social Intelligence

Mobile Web Application Driven from CMS

Social Networks

Activedition Social CMS

Established Clients

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