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Five Things Every Project Manager Needs to Know About Leadership

Bill Richardson PMP, PgMP

2012 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. 2012 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved.

Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation

Main Message
You dont need a title to lead But you do need to be able to manage meaning Because shared meaning leads to shared purpose

And shared purpose leads to alignment

And fostering and sustaining alignment to a shared purpose is the essence of leadership

There are five core strategies that spell the word FRAME
2012 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation

Strategies for Fostering and Sustaining Alignment

Strategies Mindsets
Meaning is more important than message Uniqueness of mental modals Human design is complex Expect resistance Acknowledgement is powerful Alignment has a shelf life Collaboration and diversity go hand in hand Conflict is bad only when it is not resolved constructively

Skill Sets
Facilitation Framing Critical thinking Paying attention Framing and Reframing Giving and receiving feedback Curiosity before judgment

Tool Sets
Dialogue Mutual respect and purpose Situational assessment Ask why five times Story telling Meaning over message Reinforcement Redirection Conflict resolution diagram
Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation

Facilitate Shared

Remove Barriers
Acknowledge Value
and Contribution Collaboration

Mobilize Through Embrace Conflict

2012 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved.

Main Message
You dont need a title to lead But you do need to be able to manage meaning Because shared meaning leads to shared purpose

And shared purpose leads to alignment

And fostering and sustaining alignment to a shared purpose is the essence of leadership

There are five core strategies that spell the word FRAME
2012 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved. Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation

Putting Alignment into Perspective

People look at the Olympics and think that the gold medal is the ultimate goal. The process of getting there is far more important.
David McNally The Push

2012 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved.

Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation

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2012 International Institute for Learning, Inc., All rights reserved.

Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation

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