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EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

Limited Business Case Barcelona Airport

Final version validated January 11 2002

2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved

January 15, 2002

The purpose of this document is to present the results of initial Business Case simulations conducted with Barcelona CDM participants
EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

This is a final report for the "Limited CDM Business Case" work conducted for Eurocontrol between November 2001 and January 2002. This document is an "dynamic" PowerPoint presentation of the data and results gathered in the Excel file OpportunityChartBCase. The Excel spreadsheet is a simulation sheet, where all data can be modified. Therefore, results shown in this presentations should not be seen as final and validated figures, but rather as a "snapshot" of one simulation established together with the participants in the course of this work - other simulations should be conducted by the stakeholders themselves to validate the results. The package (PowerPoint presentation + Excel spreadsheet) was presented in Barcelona on January 11, 2002, to each group of participants involved :
Airlines: Spanair Iberia Barcelona Airport Eduardo Goi Tower Handlers Eurohandling Newco Fuel CLH

This package, updated after the Jan 11 meetings, was left with each participant listed above, for their own use. This work involved the following Eurocontrol participants:
Werner Gttlinger Peter Eriksen Jrme Halgand Marie-Hlne Martin

and, as experts:



Florent Olivier Delain Fadi Fakhoury

2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved

January 15, 2002

The objective of the Business Case is to give CDM stakeholders a tool to evaluate gains and set an ambition
EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

What it is / What we did

What it is not / What we did not do

A list of all improvement opportunities identified on the basis of the CDM Barcelona experiment, at this stage of the project. A calculation methodology for each quantifiable opportunity in the Barcelona experiment. An evaluation of each quantifiable opportunity, with generally conservative estimates. An aggregation of opportunities by category of stakeholder. A reference for building a CDM Business Case at other sites, for other stakeholders.

It is not an exhaustive quantification of every improvement opportunities: some opportunities remain non-quantified either because a quantification would not make sense, or because the opportunity for Barcelona is not significant. This work is not based on real accounting figures provided by stakeholders. We filled the variables from various data gathered through top-down interviews and bottomup workshops, or in the literature. It does not include implementation costs of CDM. Not a generic Business Case directly applicable as it is to other scopes.

The methodology for building the CDM Business Case can be applied to any other group of local stakeholders. However, the list of opportunities, the hypothesis, the variables and the data used will be specific to each situation
2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved January 15, 2002 3

Important general assumptions

EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

The airport does not operate at full capacity: with CDM improvement of operations, it would be able to accommodate more rotations.
This is true for Barcelona airport For most other airports, declared capacity is below maximum capacity

Airlines can gain passengers through better punctuality :

airlines operating with CDM are more likely to be punctual than others, especially if their hub airport is "CDM-operated". Therefore, they can hope to gain market shares from other airlines on the same routes. If all airlines are operating with CDM, and therefore all improve their punctuality, air transportation in general will be more attractive to travellers. Air will then gain market share over other means of transportation (rail, road, sea). In that situation, we can assume that the market share of each airline remains the same, with a total market of air transportation increasing.

The Business Case only evaluates gains deriving from CDM applications...
some of them are planned to be implemented in Barcelona others are known as not being of interest in Barcelona, but kept in the Business Case nevertheless as opening points for other areas of experimentation.

The Business Case does not include any cost of implementing CDM.

2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved

January 15, 2002

CDM Business Case framework for Airlines

EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

Revenue increase
Increase the number of rotations
Opportunity chart 10

Cost reduction
Reduce compensations to Passengers (missed connection) Reduce calls to Fire Brigade
Opportunity chart 6

Opportunity chart 7

Gain passengers through loyalty

Opportunity chart 1

Reduce fuel consumption for taxiing/ in-flight Reduce over staffing costs (Included in Airlines punctuality)

Opportunity chart 17

Opportunity chart 11

Reduce loss of revenue due to rebooking on Other Airlines ( missed connection)

Opportunity chart 6

Reduce parking fees

Not quantified

Other gains
Better value for money (Service by handling agents) Facilitate decision - making Promote fairness
Not quantified

Capital expenditures
Improve utilisation rate of Aircraft (More rotations)
Opportunity chart 10


Not quantified Not quantified


Promote co-operation between ATC and Airlines around Airlines priorities (TOBT) Flexibility in ATC slot management

Not quantified

Reduce time aircraft is out of use due to truck/AC accidents on apron (Collision)

Opportunity chart 2

Not quantified

2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved

January 15, 2002

Focus on Punctuality for Airlines : Estimation of opportunities for time savings

EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

turn around operations (closer management of handling and boarding processes) = difference between standard and minimum turnaround
including fueller - only Spanair



0 minutes
2 minutes

10 minutes
6 minutes
Opportunity chart 16

time between doors closed and taxi out 2 minutes duration of taxi out 2 minutes better adherence to CTOT for delayed flights (through slot shifting & swapping) duration of taxi in 2 minutes NA 3 minutes 5 minutes NA
Opportunity chart 17 Opportunity chart 3

5 minutes

Opportunity chart 5

6 minutes

23 minutes

Hypothesis: those time savings can not all be obtained simultaneously.

We will therefore apply a ratio of 50% 3 minutes 11 minutes

2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved

January 15, 2002

CDM Business Case framework for Handlers

EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

Revenue increase
Customer satisfaction (airlines) Increase productivity Reduce penalties for late arrival at aircraft
Not quantified

Cost reduction
Optimise use of resources through reduction of missed appointments
Opportunity chart 15

Opportunity chart 19 Opportunity chart 18 Not quantified

Reduce fuel consumption and maintenance of vehicles Reduce over staffing costs (Push Back Tractor)

Not quantified

Opportunity chart 14

Other gains
Facilitate decision - making
Not quantified

Capital expenditures
Equipment utilisation rate (Stairs, Buses
Opportunity chart 13

Route and task planning
Not quantified

Opportunity chart 12

Push Back tractor

Opportunity chart 14


Not quantified

2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved

January 15, 2002

CDM Business Case framework for Airport and Tower

EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

Revenue increase
Improve utilisation of runways (more movements) Improve utilisation rate of contact stand
Opportunity chart 9

Cost reduction
Cost related to missed connection late at night Reduce the number of operators for fingers Optimise the activities of the Follow me operators
Not quantified

Opportunity chart 5

Opportunity chart 4

Opportunity chart 8

Not quantified

Corporate Image enhancement

Not quantified

Other gains
Facilitate TWR work by automatisation of pre-departure sequence
Not quantified

Capital expenditures
Optimise investments linked to ground traffic -e.g. reduced need for engineson waiting areas if better accuracy of departure time.
Not quantified

Added value on ATC services Facilitate decision - making Avoid curative situations through earlier communication of arrival time Avoid congestion of radio frequency Optimise safety resources utilisation

Not quantified Not quantified Not quantified Not quantified Not quantified

2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved

January 15, 2002

Business case summary (Airlines)

EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

Collisions Gained passengers 5% 0% 29% Punctuality for Airlines 0% 12% 53% Fueller delays (Spanair) One more rotation 1% Reduce cost of misconnection Fire Brigade

Total MIN : 37 M - Total MAX : 85 M

2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved

Business case summary (Handlers)

EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

Number of Buses

22% 1% 29%

0% 6% 42%
Number of stairs Number of Push back tractors Last minute changes of stand & gate Fueller productivity Handlers productivity

Total MIN : 379 000 - Total MAX : 1 007 000

2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved

Business case summary (Airport)

EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre


Finger Operators

Contact stand utilisation through adherance to TOBT


Contact stand utilisation through better planning

20% 54%

One more movement

Total MIN : 418 000 - Total MAX : 1 435 360

2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved

Overall CDM business case benefits over 3 years, for Barcelona stakeholders
EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

Total MIN : 37 M - Total MAX : 85 M

Total MIN : 379 000 - Total MAX : 1 007 000

Total MIN : 418 000 - Total MAX : 1 435 360
Those results are yearly recurrent gains that can be obtained over a three year period.

A common hypothesis would be : 15% the first year, 60% the second year, full result achievable the third year.
It should be noted that some of those gains are more theoretical (e.g : additional rotations) while other gains are easier to reach ( e.g : reduce cost due to missed connections)
2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved January 15, 2002 12

Conclusion : The Business Case process rises high interest amongst Barcelona stakeholders
EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre

I like this kind of meeting

It helps making decisions to implement CDM, and brings arguments to the management

Business Case brainstorming was very useful, it arises new thinking, new vision. Good to have different stakeholders in one room!

This reinforces our energy for implementation


Business case brings a new approach to CDM. The methodology helps going ahead with CDM process improvement and not only on financial aspects.

It is still fuzzy...

We can finally see figures (even if they are not necessarily realistic yet)

This is a good approach to start improving the way our companies work

But who will do it?

The BCase will be a major tool to market CDM

The CDM Business Case project supplies on request a tool that allows you to generate your particular potential benefits through a CDM implementation.

Just use it !
2002 Eurocontrol - Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved January 15, 2002 13

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