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Current Trends & Issues in Healthcare

Nursing Shortage Patient Satisfaction Managed Care Transcultural Nursing National Patient Safety Initiatives Evidence-Based Practice Information Age Advanced Practice Nursing Globalization of Health Hazing Issues

National problem which is growing Critical shortage in specialty areas Average age of nurse is 45 Resurgence of enticements for recruitment


Work environment Recruitment Retention Aging workforce Compensation Aging Baby Boomers Shortage of nursing faculty

Press ganey surveys Good customer service Patient Bill of Rights Treat patients like family Healthcare is a business

Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinary well.

Goal is to keep length of stay (LOS) down Capitation Patients are discharged sooner Patient acuity higher Health Care Plans

It is better to sound like a complete idiot and take a tongue lashing than to harm a patient. It only takes a minute to save a lifetime of regret. There is reason we are taught the details about the medications we give. You are never alone. There is a huge difference between 5 rights and actual thought. The 5 rights only work if you use your critical thinking to assess them.

YOU are the only voice of your patients, pay attention and focus.


Nursing has become a melting pot Nurses are challenged to be more culturally aware Cultural sensitivity


Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals Institute for Healthcare Improvement 5 Million Lives Campaign The Leapfrog Group

Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals

Improve the accuracy of patient identification Improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers Improve the safety of using medications Reduce the risk of health care-associated infections Accurately and completely reconcile medications Reduce the risk of patient harm from falls Encourage patients active involvement in their own care as a patient safety strategy The organization identifies safety risks inherent in its population Improve recognition and responses to changes in a patients condition

IHI 5 Million Lives Campaign

Deploy rapid response teams Deliver reliable evidencebased care for acute MI Prevent adverse drug events Prevent central line infections Prevent surgical-site infections Prevent ventilatorassociated pneumonia

The Leapfrog Group

Reduce preventable medical mistakes and improve the quality and affordability of health care. Encourage health providers to publicly report their quality and outcomes so that consumers and purchasing organizations can make informed health care choices. Reward doctors and hospitals for improving the quality, safety and affordability of health care. Help consumers reap the benefits of making smart health care decisions.


Goal is to achieve cost-effective, high quality patient care based on scientific inquiry Nurses need to understand research process involved Nursing care should not be based on opinions, past practices, but on the results of scientific research Clinical journals, Practice guidelines, Nursing research

Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.

Consumers today are more computer savvy regarding healthcare More info on internet Consumers could possibly be more informed than health care worker Joint Commission 2014 all medical records have to be EMR

Tips for Digital Documentation

Keep the electronic documentation quick reference guide handy. Ask for assistance from the superuser staff. Set up the digital personal patient list. Set the goals for the day. Place your patient information timely. Review entry notes for accuracy. Safeguard password and logout if moving away from the computer to see patient.

Do not wait, the time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.


Nurse Practitioners

Clinical Nurse Leader

Clinical Nurse Specialists

Nurse midwives and nurse anesthetists

Healthcare has become a global issue People are mobile, diseases can travel Nurses need to have an understanding of the issues pertaining to global health

Take a course on mentoring. This will help you learn about and deal with the issues facing new grads. Volunteer to be a resource person to new grads on your floor or unit. Offer to create and teach a course especially for new nurses. Start and lead a support group where you work with new grads.

Encourage new grads to journal regularly about their experiences. Writing is one of the best ways to process difficult emotions. Plan a Welcome Party for the new nurses on your floor. Notify new grads on your shift when you are performing nursing skills that may be challenging for them. Be patient and helpful. Above all else, new grads need to feel they can ask for help without being belittled or embarrassed.


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