National OA Roadmap - Jan28v

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Rationale Legal basis Definition of Terms PHL Agriculture at a Glance Organic Agriculture: The Real Score VMGOS Ways and Means by Operating Units

If you dont know where youre going, any road will get you there. Lewis Carroll -the need for a roadmap in the implementation of RA 10068, also known as the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010. -a comprehensive program for a nationwide educational and promotional campaign. -recognition and support to the fundamental role of farmers, indigenous people and other stakeholders at the grassroots of the program. -the pressing urgency to deliver the social objectives on increasing the areas of coverage, the number of cooperators and the volume share to the total agricultural output.

Legal Basis
Organic Agriculture Standards of 2003; Executive Order (EO) 481 calling for the promotion and development of Organic Agriculture (OA) in the Philippines; as superseded by RA 10068 Republic Act 10068 otherwise known as the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010

Definition of Terms
Organic refers to the particular farming and processing systems, described in the standards and not in the classical chemical sense. The term organic is synonymous in other languages to biological or ecological. It is also a labeling term that denotes products considered organic based on the Philippine National Standards for organic agriculture. Organic agriculture includes all agricultural systems that promote the ecologically sound, socially acceptable, economically viable and technically feasible production of food and fibers. Organic agriculture dramatically reduces external inputs by refraining from the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and pharmaceuticals. It also covers areas such as, but not limited to, soil fertility management, varietal breeding and selection under chemical and pesticide-free conditions, the use of biotechnology and other cultural practices that are consistent with the principles and policies of this Act, and enhance productivity without destroying the soil and harming farmers, consumers and the environment as defined by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM): Provided , that the biotechnology herein referred to shall not include genetically modified organisms or GMOs.

Philippine Agriculture: At A Glance

Agriculture sector accounts for 11% of GDP in 2012 (BAS); Coconut oil as the leading export (contributing 20% to the total value of agricultural export) Employs 30% (12 million) of the 40.4 million workforce

Philippine Agriculture: At A Glance

Agricultural area (in has.)
900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0

Philippine Agriculture: At A Glance

Organic Agriculture area (in has.)
45000.00 40000.00 35000.00 30000.00 25000.00 20000.00 15000.00 10000.00 5000.00 0.00 ..NCR 7.85 7.61 8.14 7.54 5.42 6.91 5.45 0.74 5.56 1.77 2.82 5.58 5.73 6.11 5.61 9.18



..Western Visayas

..Ilocos Region

..Davao Region


..Northern Mindanao


..Bicol Region

..Cagayan Valley

..Central Visayas

..Zamboanga Peninsula


..Central Luzon

..Eastern Visayas



..NCR ..Ilocos Region ..Central Luzon ..MIMAROPA ..Western Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Northern Mindanao ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..ARMM

..CAR ..Cagayan Valley ..CALABARZON ..Bicol Region ..Central Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Davao Region ..Caraga

Philippine Agriculture: Organic Agriculture In Focus

Area of Farms by Geolocation, Year and Land Use 2002 Total 5% OA by Percent share to Agricultural default Total OA Area Area PHILIPPINES ..NCR ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM 9551152 70925 169315 269076 532568 547314 583558 535707 876483 660028 517968 720341 777160 726527 749496 763111 520090 531486 477557.60 3546.25 8465.75 13453.80 26628.40 27365.70 29177.90 26785.35 43824.15 33001.40 25898.40 36017.05 38858.00 36326.35 37474.80 38155.55 26004.50 26574.30 100.00 0.74 1.77 2.82 5.58 5.73 6.11 5.61 9.18 6.91 5.42 7.54 8.14 7.61 7.85 7.99 5.45 5.56

per document submitted by the RFUs

Organic Agriculture: The Real Score

Top organic CROPS palay, eggplant, corn, garlic, tomato, stringbeans, camote, ampalaya, onion
Top AQUACULTURE products tilapia, hito, pangasus, bangus, mudfish, carp, prawn, koi, crabs, prawn

Top organic LIVESTOCK chicken, hog/swine, cattle, goat and sheep, carabao, duck, horse, turkey, goose, rabbit
Top BUYERS consumers, trader, coop, institutional buyer, processor, exporter

World View (per IFOA Report as of 2013)

162 countries worldwide now actively involved in certified organic agriculture covering a total of 37.2 million hectares leading practitioners are Australia, Argentina and U.S. for Asia alone, area devoted to OA is 3.7 million hectares or 10% of worldwide total, led by China and India estimated global market for organic products is $ 63 billion as of 2011

Organic Agriculture: Recent Initiatives

Stakeholders Production Support Market Development Services Extension Support, Education and Training Services RFUs, ATI Irrigation Support Research and Development Agricultural Equipment and Facilities Policy Services

Government sector







Private sector


XU-XAES, Masipag


Organic Agriculture:
Production and Market
Major Production Areas Current Markets Isabela, Iloilo, Davao del Norte Domestic markets, Singapore Products Estimated Volume (MT)

Rice Vegetable (upland)

Vegetable (lowland) Coconut oil

Poultry and by-products Fishery and by-products Muscovado sugar

Organic Agriculture: The Real Score

Strengths Institutional- Ever increasing strength and number of organizations who are into OA Legal Enactment of the OA Act of 2010 Logistical- Readily available facilities Technical- Readily adoptable POTs on OA Economic- Premium price for organic food products Political- Very supportive national leadership to OA Social- Growing populace for organic food products Natural- Highly suitable and available expansion areas

Organic Agriculture: The Real Score

Weaknesses Institutional- Fragmented market structure Legal Need for further localization of RA 10068 Logistical- Unavailability of facilities for OA in LGUs Technical- Some POTs on OA are still inaccessible Economic- Still thin market for organic food products Political- Other local leadership treat OA least priority Social- Only adult groups are for organic food products Natural- Some expansion areas are prone to saturation

Organic Agriculture: The Real Score

Opportunities Institutional- Plenty of global and local NGOs are pro-OA Legal Streamlining of laws in favor of OA Logistical- Availability of investors on logistics Technical- Highly evolving POTs on OA Economic- ASEAN integration by 2015 Political- Aging leaders are OA-ambassadors-in-waiting Social- Youth groups as expansion market Natural- Extensive areas & organizations for expansion

Organic Agriculture: The Real Score

Threats Institutional- Growth of pro-GMO versus pro-OA Legal Possible obliteration of local OA laws Logistical- Non-exclusivity of logistical facilities for OA Technical- Cyclical war on quantity vs. quality Economic- ASEAN integration by 2015 Political- Ever-changing priorities of LCEs Social- Dwindling of social craze for organic foods Natural- Disasters affecting OA production areas

Organic Agriculture: The Future View

Envisions the organic agriculture sector contributing to the over-all agricultural growth and development of the country in terms of sustainability, competitiveness and food security, where at least five percent (5%) of Philippine agricultural farm areas practice organic farming and where consumers both national and international increasingly support Philippine organic food products by 2016

Organic Agriculture: The Future View

Mission (proposed)
The BAFS as the forerunner of a community-based and participatory promotion, development and implementation of the comprehensive organic agriculture program towards equitable restoration and sustenance of the farmers economies, the consumers health and the general publics environment.

Organic Agriculture: The Future View

Goals and Objectives
The National Organic Agriculture Program aims to promote, propagate, further develop and implement the practice of organic agriculture in the Philippines towards a competitive and sustainable organic industry that contributes to: Better farm incomes and sustainable livelihood; Improved health; Environmental protection; Disaster risk reduction and resilience to climate change; Social justice.

Organic Agriculture: The Future View

Key Performance Measures (Section 5.3)
Increased total area of production for organic agriculture; Increased volume/share of OA production to total agricultural output; Expanded market size or market reach; Increased number of certified farms and processors; Increased number of organic agriculture adopters.

Organic Agriculture: The Future View

Increased total area of production for organic agriculture
Total Agricultural Area PHILIPPINES ..NCR ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM 9551152 70925 169315 269076 532568 547314 583558 535707 876483 660028 517968 720341 777160 726527 749496 763111 520090 531486 5% OA by default 477557.60 3546.25 8465.75 13453.80 26628.40 27365.70 29177.90 26785.35 43824.15 33001.40 25898.40 36017.05 38858.00 36326.35 37474.80 38155.55 26004.50 26574.30 Area for OA (in hectares) 2013 20627.91 2014 2015 2016

2605 1093 1978.21 473


718.7 2168

Organic Agriculture: The Future View

Increased volume/share of OA production to total agricultural output
Total Agricultural Area PHILIPPINES ..NCR ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM 9551152 70925 169315 269076 532568 547314 583558 535707 876483 660028 517968 720341 777160 726527 749496 763111 520090 531486 5% OA by default 477557.60 3546.25 8465.75 13453.80 26628.40 27365.70 29177.90 26785.35 43824.15 33001.40 25898.40 36017.05 38858.00 36326.35 37474.80 38155.55 26004.50 26574.30 Volume of Production (in metric tons) 2013 2014 2015 2016

Organic Agriculture: The Future View

Expanded market size or market reach
Total Agricultural Area PHILIPPINES ..NCR ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM 9551152 70925 169315 269076 532568 547314 583558 535707 876483 660028 517968 720341 777160 726527 749496 763111 520090 531486 5% OA by default 477557.60 3546.25 8465.75 13453.80 26628.40 27365.70 29177.90 26785.35 43824.15 33001.40 25898.40 36017.05 38858.00 36326.35 37474.80 38155.55 26004.50 26574.30 Local-National-Global Market destinations (in numbers) 2013 2014 2015 2016

Organic Agriculture: The Future View

Increased number of certified farms and processors
Total Agricultural Area PHILIPPINES ..NCR ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM 9551152 70925 169315 269076 532568 547314 583558 535707 876483 660028 517968 720341 777160 726527 749496 763111 520090 531486 5% OA by default 477557.60 3546.25 8465.75 13453.80 26628.40 27365.70 29177.90 26785.35 43824.15 33001.40 25898.40 36017.05 38858.00 36326.35 37474.80 38155.55 26004.50 26574.30 Certified Farms (in numbers) 2013 2014 2015 2016

Organic Agriculture: The Future View

Increased number of certified farms and processors
Total Agricultural Area PHILIPPINES ..NCR ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM 9551152 70925 169315 269076 532568 547314 583558 535707 876483 660028 517968 720341 777160 726527 749496 763111 520090 531486 5% OA by default 477557.60 3546.25 8465.75 13453.80 26628.40 27365.70 29177.90 26785.35 43824.15 33001.40 25898.40 36017.05 38858.00 36326.35 37474.80 38155.55 26004.50 26574.30 Certified Processors (in numbers) 2013 2014 2015 2016

Organic Agriculture: The Future View

Increased number of organic agriculture adopters
Total Agricultural Area PHILIPPINES ..NCR ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM 9551152 70925 169315 269076 532568 547314 583558 535707 876483 660028 517968 720341 777160 726527 749496 763111 520090 531486 5% OA by default 477557.60 3546.25 8465.75 13453.80 26628.40 27365.70 29177.90 26785.35 43824.15 33001.40 25898.40 36017.05 38858.00 36326.35 37474.80 38155.55 26004.50 26574.30 OA Adopters (in numbers) 2013 2014 2015 2016

Organic Agriculture: The Future View

The National Organic Agriculture Program shall be guided by the following sustainability principles and strategies: Continuous Policy, Legal and Institutional Reforms; Participatory/Multi-stakeholder Process; Public-Private Partnership; Integration/Convergence with Existing Development Initiatives; Local-National-Global Relationship; Counterparting/Cost-sharing; Ecologically sound, Socially acceptable and Location-specific interventions Gender mainstreaming

Organic Agriculture: The Future View

Proposed budget (in million pesos) PROGRAM COMPONENTS

Production Support Services Market Development Services Irrigation Support Extension Support, Education and Training Services



Agricultural Equipment and Facilities Research and Development Regulatory Services Policy Services TOTAL

Production Support Services Seeds distributed

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM Percent share to National Total Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016


Production Support Services Planting materials distributed

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM Percent share to National Total Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016


Production Support Services Fingerlings/broodstock distributed

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM Percent share to National Total Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016


Production Support Services Animals distributed

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM Percent share to National Total Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016


Production Support Services Biologics/vaccines distributed

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM Percent share to National Total Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016


Production Support Services BCA distributed

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM Percent share to National Total Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016


Production Support Services Fertilizer and other ameliorants distributed

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM Percent share to National Total Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016


Production Support Services Production-related IEC conducted

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM Percent share to National Total Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016


Market Development Services Market-related events funded

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Market Development Services Market-related events assisted

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Market Development Services Market-related events conducted

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Market Development Services Market-related infra facilitated (e.g. Trading Post)

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Extension Support, Education and Training Services Training/training-related events conducted

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Extension Support, Education and Training Services IEC Materials distributed

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Extension Support, Education and Training Services Awards and Incentives Granted
Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Extension Support, Education and Training Services Technology Demonstration Established

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Extension Support, Education and Training Services Technology Demonstration Maintained

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Extension Support, Education and Training Services Extension-related ICT activities conducted
Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Extension Support, Education and Training Services Extension-related ICT facilities established
Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Extension Support, Education and Training Services Extension-related ICT facilities maintained
Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Research and Development R&D activities funded

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Research and Development R&D activities conducted

Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Research and Development

Research facilities established/upgraded/maintained
Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM


Percent share to National Total

Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Irrigation Support Small-scale Irrigation System Installed
Total REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM Percent share to National Total Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016

Agri & Fishery Machineries, Equipment & Facilities Prodn-related machinery/equipment distributed
Total Implementing Agency PHILIPPINES AMAS ATI BAFS BAI BAR BAS BFAR BPI BSWM PHILMEC 2014 Targets (in number) 2015 2016


Agri & Fishery Machineries, Equipment & Facilities Production facilities establishment
Total Implementing Agency PHILIPPINES AMAS ATI BAFS BAI BAR BAS BFAR BPI BSWM PHILMEC 2014 Targets (in number) 2015 2016


Agri & Fishery Machineries, Equipment & Facilities Production facilities maintained/upgraded
Total Implementing Agency PHILIPPINES AMAS ATI BAFS BAI BAR BAS BFAR BPI BSWM PHILMEC 2014 Targets (in number) 2015 2016


Agri & Fishery Machineries, Equipment & Facilities Post-harvest machinery/equipment distributed
Total Percent share to National Total Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016


REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM

Agri & Fishery Machineries, Equipment & Facilities Post-harvest machinery/equipment distributed
Total Implementing Agency PHILIPPINES AMAS ATI BAFS BAI BAR BAS BFAR BPI BSWM PHILMEC 2014 Targets (in number) 2015 2016


Agri & Fishery Machineries, Equipment & Facilities

Post-harvest facilities established/maintained/rehab
Total Percent share to National Total Regional Targets (in number) 2014 2015 2016


REGIONS PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM

Agri & Fishery Machineries, Equipment & Facilities

Post-harvest facilities established/maintained/rehab
Total Implementing Agency PHILIPPINES AMAS ATI BAFS BAI BAR BAS BFAR BPI BSWM PHILMEC 2014 Targets (in number) 2015 2016


Regulatory Services ICT Activities conducted

Total Implementing Agency PHILIPPINES AMAS ATI BAFS BAI BAR BAS BFAR BPI BSWM PHILMEC 2014 Targets (in number) 2015 2016


Regulatory Services ICT facilities upgraded/maintained

Total Implementing Agency PHILIPPINES AMAS ATI BAFS BAI BAR BAS BFAR BPI BSWM PHILMEC 2014 Targets (in number) 2015 2016


Policy Services Public consultations conducted
Total Implementing Agency PHILIPPINES AMAS ATI BAFS BAI BAR BAS BFAR BPI BSWM PHILMEC 2014 Targets (in number) 2015 2016

Policy Services International agreements signed
Total Implementing Agency PHILIPPINES AMAS ATI BAFS BAI BAR BAS BFAR BPI BSWM PHILMEC 2014 Targets (in number) 2015 2016

Policy Services Resolutions endorsed
Total Implementing Agency PHILIPPINES AMAS ATI BAFS BAI BAR BAS BFAR BPI BSWM PHILMEC 2014 Targets (in number) 2015 2016

Promotion and Development of Organic Agriculture

Budget for FY 2014-2016

Total Proposed budget (in million pesos) 2014 2015 2016

PHILIPPINES ..CAR ..Ilocos Region ..Cagayan Valley ..Central Luzon ..CALABARZON ..MIMAROPA ..Bicol Region ..Western Visayas ..Central Visayas ..Eastern Visayas ..Zamboanga Peninsula ..Northern Mindanao ..Davao Region ..SOCCSKSARGEN ..Caraga ..ARMM

Promotion and Development of Organic Agriculture Budget for FY 2014-2016

Total Implementing Agency PHILIPPINES AMAS ATI BAFS BAI BAR BAS BFAR BPI BSWM PHILMEC Proposed budget (in million pesos) 2014 2015 2016

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