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Aanchal Kochar (063001)

Abhilash Dubey (063003)

Anish Gulati (063006) Harsh Rakesh (063016) Sunny Kadian (063055)

Jeet Ankit Singh Nanda ()


Total and per capita MSW generation has increased steadily 2008: 250 mn tons of MSW generated (US) 12.70% 1.50% 30.80% 13.20%
Containers and packaging Nondurable goods Durable goods Yard trimmings Food scraps Misc inorganic wastes

23.50% 18.30% Two general disposition for MSW: DISPOSAL and RECYCLING


For material that no longer serve useful purpose



Reduces volume of waste material by 95% Flue gas issue: to be settled by use of filters and scrubbers Use of heat for productive purposes Minimum feasible capacity: 10 MW

Large hole in ground filled by waste RCRA norms made landfilling expensive by raising capital and operating costs of landfill (EX-4) Resulted in compact landfills with higher tipping fees Produces toxic gases


LANDFILL ADVANTAGES 1. Easy and not much expensive 2. Use of Methane as fuel DISADVANTAGES 1. Smelly and unattractive "town dump" 2. Less amount of Methane and other gases are captured 3. A lot of toxic gases reach atmosphere: green-house effect 4. Compact landfills and tipping fees INCINERATION DISADVANTAGES 1. Flue gas management 2. Productive heat and gas produced depends on composition of waste

ADVANTAGES 1. 95% of waste material volume reduced 2. Heat produced can be used to generate electricity 3. 10 MW capacity plants at $50 mn 3. High capacity waste-to-energy plants require huge investments 4. 15-20% potential energy converts to electrical energy


Recycle in original or another application Anaerobic digestion: organic recycling- similar to composting

ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES 1. Very little emission of toxic gases that can be controlled 1. Only 2.5% of food waste was recycled 2. Reusability of items increases 3. Less expensive with better results 2. Capacities of such arrangements are low (1 MW) 4. Anaerobic digestion produces 'biogas': a cheap way to produce energy

Waste Management Process

Mainly consists of three phases of collection, processing and disposal.

Collection o Aggregation Process From dumpsters o Route optimization of Hauler required, as break-off to unload is expensive o Taken to Disposal destination or transfer station o Recyclables collected separately and taken to MRF(Material Recovery Facility)

Waste Management Process

Processing o MRF : o Clean MRF - Accepted and sorted recyclable material, Residual 10%(Taken to Landfill) o Dirty MRF Accepted Mixed Solid waste stream. Residual is higher(5%-55%) but more potential to recover recyclable

We are able to convert 15-20% of the Potential Energy into Electrical Energy Minimum feasible capacity is around 10 MW and requires capital investment of around 50 million $

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