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Values Presented by

Victor Dutta Varsha Patel Vikram Dey

Value describe what managers try to achieve through work and how they behave according to their thoughts.

Types of Values
Terminal Values Desirable end state of existence ; the goals that a person wants to achieve during his or her lifetime. Instrumental Values Preferable means of behavior or means of achieving ones terminal values.

Terminal Values
A comfortable life An exciting life A world at peace amily !ecurity reedom "appiness !ocial #ecognition $isdom

Instrumental Values
Ambitious &pen minded 'heerful 'ourageous orgiving "elpful "onest %ogical %oving &bedient Polite #esponsible (ntellectual (ndependent

Difference between )erminal value and (nstrumental value.

)erminal values signify the ob*ectives of the life of a person as well as an organi+ation. )he ultimate things the person wants to achieve through his behavior. $hile (nstrumental values indicate the method an individual would like to adopt for achieving his lifes aim. )erminal values can be change. ,ut instrumental values are permanent in nature.

Importance of values
Values allow the members of an organi+ation to interact harmoniously. Values affect members formation and development as individuals A community will not function satisfactorily for the ma*ority- if it dont have shared rules that guide the behavior of its members.

(n a companys organi+ational culture values are the foundation of employee attitudes- motivations and expectations . Values (nfluence our perception of the world around us. Values represent interpretations of .right/ and .wrong./ (mply that some behaviors or outcomes are preferred over others

!ome examples of workplace values include ,eing accountable. 0aking a difference. ocusing on detail. Delivering 1uality. ,eing completely honest. 2eeping promises. ,eing reliable. ,eing positive. 0eeting deadlines. "elping others. ,eing a great team member. #especting company policy and rules- and respecting others.

Understanding Values
)o create a cohesive team- it is important to understand people who will fit best with its culture and values. !ome process for understanding values are Ask ocused (nterview 3uestions 4se #ole5Playing !cenarios %ook at Past $ork "istory 4se Psychometric )ests

Dominant !orkforce

ork Values in todays

"ean Value rankings of E#ecutives $ Activists and union mem%ers

Thank YOU

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