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4th Generation Networks

Introduction to 4G

History Objectives of 4G Expectations of 4G Features What is needed Wireless technolo ies used! Issues

Short history
"echnolo y 'esi n (e an I-ple-entation /ervice #G #)*+ #),4
0nalo 1oice2 /ynchronous data to )!3 4bps
078/2 "0C/2 97" etc

$G #),+ #))#
'i ital voice2 short -essa es

$!%G #),% #)))

Hi her capacity pac5et6ied data

&G #))+ $++$

Hi her capacity broadband data upto $7bps

4G $+++ $+#+.
Hi her capacity2 co-pletely I8 oriented2 -ulti-edia data to hundreds of 7(s
/in le standard

/tandards 'ata (and<idth 7ultiplexin Core 9et<or5

"'702 C'702 G/72 8'C

G8:/2 E'GE2 #;:""

WC'702 C'70$+++

#!) 4bps

#4!4 5bps
"'702 C'70

&,4 5bps
"'702 C'70
8/"92 8ac5et 9et<or5

$ -bps
8ac5et 9et<or5



= Flexible channel band<idth2 bet<een % and $+ 7H62 optionally up to 4+ 7H6! = 0 no-inal data rate of #++ 7bit>s <hile the client physically -oves at hi h speeds relative to the station2 and # Gbit>s <hile client and station are in relatively fixed positions as defined by the I"?@: = 0 data rate of at least #++ 7bit>s bet<een any t<o points in the <orld = 8ea5 lin5 spectral efficiency of #% bit>s>H6 in the do<nlin52 and 3!*% bit>s>H6 in the uplin5 A-eanin that #+++ 7bit>s in the do<nlin5 should be possible over less than 3* 7H6 band<idthB = /yste- spectral efficiency of up to & bit>s>H6>cell in the do<nlin5 and $!$% bit>s>H6>cell for indoor usa e! = /-ooth handoff across hetero eneous net<or5s = /ea-less connectivity and lobal roa-in across -ultiple net<or5s = Hi h Cuality of service for next eneration -ulti-edia support Areal ti-e audio2 hi h speed data2 H'"1 video content2 -obile "12 etcB = Interoperability <ith existin <ireless standards and = 0n all I82 pac5et s<itched net<or5!

4G A70GICB!!!

Is the next co-plete evolution in <ireless co--unications Will be able to provide a co-prehensive I8 solution Will provide voice2 data and -ulti-edia services on a D0nyti-e2 0ny<hereE basis! Will solve proble-s re-ainin <ith &G syste-s Will not only <ill support the next eneration of -obile service2 but also <ill support the fixed <ireless net<or5s! <ill also feature I8 interoperability for sea-less -obile Internet access and bit rates of %+ 7bps or -ore!

Expectations of 4G

Will have end@to@end Internet 8rotocol AI8B2 and peer@to@peer net<or5in 0 peer@to@peer net<or52 <here every device is both a transceiver and a router>repeater for other devices in the net<or5 eli-inates this spo5e@and@hub <ea5ness of cellular architectures2 because the eli-ination of a sin le node does not disable the net<or5! D<ireless ad hoc peer@to@peer net<or5in !E ?sers contribute to the net<or5 rather than co-pete for the resources (roader band<idth2 hi her data rate and s-oother and Cuic5er handoff


/upport for interactive -ulti-edia2 voice2 strea-in video2 Internet2 and other broadband services I8 based -obile systeHi h speed2 hi h capacity2 and lo< cost@per@bit Global access2 service portability2 and scalable -obile services /ea-less s<itchin 2 and a variety of Fuality of /ervice@driven services (etter schedulin and call@ad-ission@control techniCues 0d@hoc and -ulti@hop net<or5s Athe strict delay reCuire-ents of voice -a5e -ulti@hop net<or5 service a difficult proble-B (etter spectral efficiency /ea-less net<or5 of -ultiple protocols and air interfaces Asince 4G <ill be all@I82 loo5 for 4G syste-s to be co-patible <ith all co--on net<or5 technolo ies2 includin ,+$!##2 WC'702 (luetooth2 and Hyper G09B! 0n infrastructure to handle pre@existin &G syste-s alon <ith other <ireless technolo ies2 so-e of <hich are currently under develop-ent!

Components in 4G
Fe<er 9odes and flatter structure Go<er latency 0ll@I8 based net<or5 to support hi h data throu hput 9ot so -uch about all ne< standards

/upports &G88 as <ell as non@&G88

4G EPS architecture

"he core net<or5 data plane node is the Gate<ay AGWB @ /ervin > 8ac5et 'ata 9et<or5 A8'9B Gate<ay the control plane entity is called the 77E A7obility 7ana e-ent EntityB!


Long Term Evolution (LTE/LTE Advanced):

G"E is the project na-e of a ne< hi h perfor-ance air interface for cellular -obile co--unication syste-s! It is the last step to<ard the 4th eneration A4GB of radio technolo ies desi ned to increase the capacity and speed of -obile telephone net<or5s! G"E is a set of enhance-ents to the ?niversal 7obile "eleco--unications /yste- A?7"/B <hich <ill be introduced in &rd Generation 8artnership 8roject A&G88B :elease ,! "he -ain advanta es <ith G"E are hi h throu hput2 lo< latency2 plu and play2 F'' AFreCuency 'ivision 'uplexin B and "'' A"i-e 'ivision 'uplexin B in the sa-e platfor-2 i-proved end@user experience and si-ple architecture resultin in lo< operatin costs! G"E <ill also support sea-less passin to cell to<ers <ith older net<or5 technolo y such as G/72 cd-aOne2 W@C'70 A?7"/B2 and C'70$+++!

Mobile Wimax (Worldwide interoperability for Microwave acce ): Word<ide Interoperability for 7icro<ave 0ccess provides <ireless trans-ission of data usin
a variety of trans-ission -odes2 fro- point@to@-ultipoint lin5s to portable and fully -obile internet access! It is a possible replace-ent candidate for cellular pohone technolo ies or can be used as an overlay to increase capacity! It has also been considered as a <ireless bac5haul technolo y for $G2&G and 4G <here bac5haul is typically provided via oner or -ore copper <ire line "# connections <hereas re-ote cellular operations are so-eti-e bac5hauled via satellite! Wi-ax is a broadband platfor- and as such has -uch -ore substantial bac5haul band<idth reCuire-ents than le acy cellular applications!

!ltra Mobile "roadband (!M"):

<as the brand na-e for a project <ithin &G88$ to i-prove the C'70$+++ -obile phone standard for next eneration applications and reCuire-ents! In 9ove-ber $++,2 Fualco--2 ?7(Hs lead sponsor2 announced it <as endin develop-ent of the technolo y2 favorin G"E instead!I

What is needed.

/ufficient spectru-2 <ith associated sharin -echanis-s! Covera e <ith t<o technolo iesJ parent A$G2 &G2 Wi70;B for real@ti-e delivery2 and discontinuous pico cell for hi h data rate delivery! Cachin technolo y in the net<or5 and ter-inals! OF'7 and 7I7O! I8 -obility! 7ulti@technolo y distributed architecture! Fixed@-obile conver ence Afor indoor serviceB! 9et<or5 selection -echanis-s! /tandardi6ation of <ireless net<or5s in ter-s of -odulation techniCues2 s<itchin sche-es and roa-in is an absolute necessity for 4G!

8rincipal technolo ies


onal FreCuency 'ivision 7ultiplexin AOF'7B in the do<nlin5 and Ortho onal freCuency@division -ultiple access in the uplin5! /oft<are 'efined :adio A/':B 7ultiple@input -ultiple@output A7I7OB a!5!a s-art antennas "urbo principle error@correctin codes Channel@dependent schedulin Gin5 adaption 7ulti@-ode protocol


Ortho onal FreCuency 'ivision 7ultiplexin AOF'7B

is a freCuency@division -ultiplexin AF'7B sche-e utili6ed as a di ital -ulti@carrier -odulation -ethod 0 lar e nu-ber of closely@spaced ortho onal sub@carriers are used to carry data! "he data is divided into several parallel data strea-s or channels2 one for each sub@carrier Each sub@carrier is -odulated <ith a conventional -odulation sche-e Asuch as Cuadrature a-plitude -odulation or phase@shift 5eyin B at a lo< sy-bol rate2 -aintainin total data rates si-ilar to conventional sin le@ carrier -odulation sche-es in the sa-e band<idth! "he pri-ary advanta e of OF'7 over sin le@carrier sche-es is its ability to cope <ith severe channel conditions Afor exa-ple2 attenuation of hi h freCuencies in a lon copper <ire2 narro<band interference and freCuency@selective fadin due to -ultipathB <ithout co-plex eCuali6ation filters!

Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access

7ulti@user version of the traditional OF'7 OF'70 can be seen as an alternative to co-binin OF'7 <ith ti-e division -ultiple access A"'70B or ti-e@do-ain statistical -ultiplexin 0chieved by assi nin sub@sets of sub@carriers to individual users! 'ifferent nu-ber of sub@carriers can be assi ned to different users2 in vie< to support differentiated Fuality of /ervice AFo/B2 i!e! to control the data rate and error probability individually for each user!

/oft<are defined :adio A/':B

/':2 is a radio co--unication syste- <here co-ponents that have typically been i-ple-ented in hard<are Ae! ! -ixers2 filters2 a-plifiers2 -odulators>de-odulators2 detectors2 etc!B are instead i-ple-ented usin soft<are on a personal co-puter or e-bedded co-putin devices! 0 basic /': syste- -ay consist of a personal co-puter eCuipped <ith a sound card2 or other analo @to@di ital converter2 preceded by so-e forof :F front end! /i nificant a-ounts of si nal processin are handed over to the eneral@purpose processor2 rather than bein done in special@ purpose hard<are! /uch a desi n produces a radio that can receive and trans-it <idely different radio protocols Aso-eti-es referred to as a <avefor-sB based solely on the soft<are used!

7ultiple@input 7ultiple@output A7I7OB

technolo y that can carry 4 to % ti-es -ore data traffic than todayKs -ost advanced ?7"/@ H/'80@ready A&GB net<or5s!

is the use of -ultiple antennas at both the trans-itter and receiver to i-prove co--unication perfor-ance! <or5s by creatin -ultiple parallel data strea-s bet<een the -ultiple trans-it and receive antennas Asee fi ure belo<B! ?sin the -ulti@path pheno-enon2 it can differentiate the separate si nal paths fro- each 7I7O antenna offers si nificant increases in data throu hput and lin5 ran e <ithout additional band<idth or trans-it po<er! It achieves this by hi her spectral efficiency A-ore bits per second per hert6 of band<idthB and lin5 reliability or diversity Areduced fadin B!


For<ard error correction AFECB is a syste- of error control for data trans-ission2 <hereby the sender adds redundant data to its -essa es2 also 5no<n as an error@ correction code! "his allo<s the receiver to detect and correct errors A<ithin so-e boundB <ithout the need to as5 the sender for additional data! %&annel dependent c&eduling: channel@dependent schedulin -ay be used to ta5e advanta e of favourable channel conditions to increase the throu hput and syste- spectral efficiency! "he si-plest best@effort schedulin al orith-s are round@robin2 fair Cueuin Aa -ax@-in fair schedulin al orith-B2 proportionally fair schedulin and -axi-u- throu hput! If differentiated or uaranteed Cuality of service is offered2 as opposed to best@effort co--unication2 <ei hted fair Cueuin -ay be utili6ed!

Turbo#principle error#correcting code ($orward Error %orrection):

or adaptive codin and -odulation A0C7B2 is a ter- used in <ireless co--unications to denote the -atchin of the -odulation2 codin and other si nal and protocol para-eters to the conditions on the radio lin5 Ae! ! the pathloss2 the interference due to si nals co-in fro- other trans-itters2 the sensitivity of the receiver2 the available trans-itter po<er -ar in2 etc!B! Multi#mode protocol (%o#M(M)): %)#M(M)* also 5no<n as 9et<or5 7I7O A9et@7I7OB2 or 0d@hoc 7I7O2 utili6es distributed antennas <hich belon to other users2 <hile conventional 7I7O2 i!e!2 sin le@user 7I7O2 only e-ploys antennas belon in to the local ter-inal!

Lin' Adaptation or adaptive coding and modulation: Gin5 adaptation2

Issues ith 4G

tech standards should be used ho< existin cell syste-s can be Dbac5hauledE to put it into effect <hat cost to net<or5 operators L and ulti-ately L custo-ers

!han" you

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