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Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid

Some terms (1)

Method = a special form of procedure adopted in any branch of mental activity...a way of doing anything, especially according to a defined and regular plan Model = an abstraction or representation of part of the real world Tool = any instrument of manual operation... anything with which some operation is performed
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Some terms (2)

Technique = manner of artistic execution or performance in relation to formal or practical details... the mechanical or formal part of an art Methodology = the science of method... a treatise or dissertation on method

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid

Methodology (per Avison & Fitzgerald)

a collection of procedures, techniques, tools, and documentation aids to help system developers implement a new information system and consisting of phases and sub-phases to guide system developers in choosing techniques for each stage and in planning, managing, controlling, and evaluating systems projects
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More terms
Process = A series of actions or tasks performed in order to do, make or achieve something.- e.g. the software development process Information System Development Approach (ISDA) = A class of methodologies which share the fundamental concepts and principles for ISD
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Kalau Anda tidak bingung, berarti Anda tidak memperhatikan!

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid

Global Information Age

... Everyone has to understand that if you do not have the ability to use computer technology in the 21st century, you will be as competitively disadvantaged as if you couldnt read at the turn of the last century...
--Investors Business Daily, 28 Sept 1995, p. A8

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid

Paradigm Shift: Open Systems in an Open World

New Geo-Political Context

open, volatile, global, unpredictable

New Business Environment

changing markets, competition, rules, requirements

The New Enterprise

information-based, networked, open organization

New IT Goals

strategic technology, workgroups, value chain

New Technology Paradigm

open, user-centered, network computing

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What People Are Really Asking for?

Its 1994. Welcome to the world of wireless, multimegabit, rightsized, groupenabled, GUI-based, object-oriented, userempowered, decentralized, multimedia, massively parallel, totally open, missioncritical, almost-impossible-to-cost-justify computing.
-- Computerworld, December 27, 1993, p. 1

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid

A Process of Constant Change

New or modified system is introduced

Application environment changes and needs evolve Users ask for modifications
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How Well Have We Done?

Plan Analyze Design Implement Support

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid


What Have We Seen?

Increase in number and complexity of systems And many unsuccessful systems

late over budget expensive to maintain not what users wanted

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid


The CHAOS report from Standish Group US :$250 billion each year on SD175000 projects Average cost per project for large companies $2322000, medium $1331000 and small $434000 Success 16.2% Challenged 52.7% canceled 31.1% average cost overrun 189% time overrun222%
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Pointing the Finger

(Computerworld, 5/2/94)

Schedules go over budget and time because of requirements creep Top reasons for requirements creep are:

Poor initial requirements definition (44%) New applications unfamiliar to users (36%) Projects take so long that things change (28%) Poor management of expectations (22%) Failure to involve users in early stages (19%)

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid


Why the Failures?

complex applications no user orientation no attention to organizational environment overly optimistic on time, cost, & operational cost no intermediate review lack of communication between users and developers

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid


Search for a Silver Bullet

Only a silver bullet can kill a werewolf We have searched for the silver bullet to magically kill the monsters of missed schedules, overgrown budgets, and flawed software What are some of these silver bullets ?

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid


No Silver Bullet (Brooks, 1986)

Essence, the difficulties inherent in the nature of software

complexity, conformity, changeability, invisibility

Accidents, difficulties that happen to exist today but are not inherent

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid


Historical Perspective
1945-1965: Fortran, COBOL, Lisp, Algol come into widespread use; IBM installs third generation of computers 1968: first NATO Conference on Software Engineering, to confront development difficulties early 1970s: structured programming mid 1970s: structured design; computeraided documentation
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History - continued
late 1970s: structured analysis late 1970s: data modeling early 1980s: CASE tools; prototyping mid 1980s: information engineering; Joint Application Development late 1980s: Rapid Application Development early 1990s: object-oriented development late 1990s :?
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Dealing with the Software Crisis

concept of software engineering -- applying an engineering-like discipline to the process of building software systems software life cycle -- applying the manufacturing concept of a product life cycle structured techniques combining technical procedures with management techniques

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid


Systems Development Methodology

need for systematic approach understanding basic concepts & principles and using appropriate tools & techniques applied within organizational and managerial framework applied consistently to successive system development projects

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid


A ubiquitous word But what exactly does the word mean? What is an example of a system? What is it that makes something a system?

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid


One Definition of an Information System

an arrangement of people, activities, data, networks, and technology that are integrated for the purpose of supporting and improving the day-to-day operations in a business as well as fulfilling the problem-solving and decision-making information needs of a business

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid


The Five Building Blocks

People Data Activities Networks Technology

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid


Different Users... Different Systems...

TPS: Transaction Processing System MIS: Management Information System DSS: Decision Support System EIS: Executive Information System ES: Expert System OAS: Office Automation System GSS/Groupware: Group Support System

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Systems Are Diverse !

project size degree of structure type of technology people involved organizational characteristics

Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Fathul Wahid


History via Survey Results

(from varied sources)

1986: 10% of North American IS groups use structured techniques in disciplined way 1987: 69% use structured approaches 1991: 65% of organisations with a method develop it in-house 1992: 45% of IS managers are satisfied with their method; 25% describe their method as unknown 1992: 69% use SDLC to develop systems
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More on Methodology
Not just a recipe But should have an underlying philosophy, e.g,

humanistic scientific pragmatic automation-oriented

What is valued? What is emphasized?

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