Lesson 2.5 - Subtracting Integers

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Five-Minute Check (over Lesson 2–4)

Main Idea
Key Concept: Subtract Integers
Example 1:Subtract Positive Integers
Example 2:Subtract Positive Integers
Example 3:Subtract Negative Integers
Example 4:Subtract Negative Integers
Example 5:Evaluate an Expression
Example 6:Use Integers to Solve a Problem
• Subtract integers.
Interactive Lab:
Subtracting Positive and Negative Integers
Subtract Positive Integers

Find 2 – 15.

2 – 15 = 2 + (–15) To subtract 15, add –15.

= –13 Simplify.

Answer: –13
Find 13 – 21.

A. –34

B. –8

C. 8 1. A
2. B
3. C
0% 0% 4. 0% D 0%
D. 34

Subtract Positive Integers

Find –13 – 8.

–13 – 8 = –13 + (–8) To subtract 8, add –8.

= –21 Simplify.

Answer: –21
Find –9 – 11.

A. –20

B. –2

C. 2 1. A
2. B
3. C
0% 0% 4. 0% D 0%
D. 20

Subtract Negative Integers

Find 12 – (–6).

12 – (–6) = 12 + 6 To subtract –6, add 6.

= 18 Simplify.

Answer: 18
Find 9 – (–4).

A. –13

B. –5

C. 5 1. A
2. B
3. C
0% 0% 4. 0% D 0%
D. 13

Subtract Negative Integers

Find –21 – (–8).

–21 – (–8) = –21 + 8 To subtract –8, add 8.

= –13 Simplify.

Answer: –13
Find 17 – (–6).

A. –23

B. –11

C. 11 1. A
2. B
3. C
0% 0% 4. 0% D 0%
D. 23

Evaluate an Expression

ALGEBRA Evaluate g – h if g = –2 and h = –7.

g – h = –2 – (–7) Replace g with –2 and

h with –7.

= –2 + 7 To subtract –7, add 7.

= 5 Simplify.
Answer: 5
ALGEBRA Evaluate m – n if m = –6 and n = 4.

A. –10

B. –2

C. 2 1. A
2. B
3. C
0% 0% 4. 0% D 0%
D. 10

Use Integers to Solve a Problem

GEOGRAPHY In Mongolia, the temperature can fall

to –45ºC in January. The temperature in July may
reach 40ºC. What is the difference between these
two temperatures?
To find the difference in temperatures, subtract the
lower temperature from the higher temperature.
40 – (–45) = 40 + 45 To subtract –45, add 45.
= 85 Simplify.
Answer: The difference between the temperatures
is 85ºC.
TEMPERATURE On a particular day in Anchorage,
Alaska, the high temperature was 15ºF and the low
temperature was –11ºF. What is the difference
between these two temperatures for that day?
A. –26ºF

B. –4ºF
1. A
2. B
3. C
C. 4ºF 4. D

0% 0% 0% 0%

D. 26ºF
End of the Lesson

Pg 105, # 14-36
even, 37-43 all
Five-Minute Check (over Lesson 2–4)

Image Bank

Math Tools

Adding Integers

Comparing and Ordering Integers

Subtracting Positive and Negative Integers

(over Lesson 2-4)

Find –4 + 4.

A. 8

B. 0

C. –4 1. A
2. B
3. C
0% 0% 4. 0% D 0%
D. –8

(over Lesson 2-4)

Find 8 + (–7).

A. –15

B. –1

C. 1 1. A
2. B
3. C
0% 0% 4. 0% D 0%
D. 15

(over Lesson 2-4)

Find –3 + (–5).

A. –8

B. –2

C. 2 1. A
2. B
3. C
0% 0% 4. 0% D 0%
D. 8

(over Lesson 2-4)

Write an addition expression to describe the

situation. Then find its sum.
A bird flies up 50 feet and swoops back down
10 feet.
A. –50 – (–10) = –60

B. –50 + 10 = –40
1. A
2. B
C. 50 – 10 = 40 3. C
0% 0%
4. 0%D 0%

D. 50 – (–10) = 60
(over Lesson 2-4)

Write an addition expression to describe the

situation. Then find its sum.
Teresa dives 14 feet below the surface, then swims
up 10 feet.
A. –14 + 10 = 4

B. –14 + 10 = –4
1. A
2. B
3. C
C 14 – 10 = 4
0% 0% 4.0% D0%

D. 14 + 10 = 24
(over Lesson 2-4)

Evaluate x + y if x = –3 and y = –9.

A. –12

B. –6

C. 6 1.
3. C
0% 0% 4. 0% D 0%

D. 12

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