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Is a system of beliefs based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama an Indian prince later known as Buddha (563-483 B.C.) or One who is Awake Non-theistic religion, one whose tenets are not specially concerned with the existence or nonexistence of god or gods. Most Buddhist sects believe in karma (cause and effect relationship between all that has been done and all that will be done) One effect of karma is rebirth The ultimate goal of a Buddhist practitioner is to eliminate karma, end the cycle of suffering, and attain nirvana.

2 Major Branches: Theravada The School of the Elders Oldest surviving Buddhist school It is relatively conservative, and generally closest to early Buddhism Draws its scriptural inspiration from the Tipitaka, or Pali canon Focused primarily on meditation and concentration, the eighth of the Eightfold Noble Path; as a result, it centered on a monastic life and an extreme expenditure of time in meditating


Mahayana Mahyna - refers to the path of aspiring to liberate all beings to Nirva The Mahyna tradition is the larger of the two major traditions of Buddhism existing today They called their new Buddhism, the "Greater Vehicle" (literally, "The Greater Ox-Cart") or Mahayana, since it could accommodate more people and more believers from all walks of life

4 Noble Truth: 1. Dukkha - all worldly life is unsatisfactory, disjointed, containing suffering 2. Samudaya - there is a cause of suffering, which is attachment or desire rooted in ignorance 3. Nirodha - there is an end of suffering which is nirvana 4. Marga - there is a path that leads out of suffering, known as the noble eight fold path

The Eight-Fold Path

1. 2. Right understanding - To develop an understanding of the nature of the world through the Four Noble Truths. Right speech - Avoiding false speech, harsh words, and mindless chatter. Right conduct - Conduct that is peaceful, honest, and pure; includes observance of the Five Precepts. Right vocation - Avoiding any livelihood that harms other beings or involves intoxicants, such as a slaughterhouse or a bar. Right concentration - To develop the ability to become absorbed in one point or object, leading to higher states of consciousness. Purification and concentration of the mind that lead to establishment in higher states of consciousness. Right effort - Determined discipline and cultivation of the mind. Right mindfulness - Awareness of one's own actions, words, and thoughts and the true nature of reality. Right thought - Avoiding cultivation of jealous or angry thoughts. Cultivating thoughts of goodwill and renunciation.

4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

There are five precepts commonly observed by Buddhists: 1. To avoid killing or harming any living being. 2. To avoid taking that which has not been given. 3. To avoid committing sexual misconduct. 4. To avoid using false words. 5. To avoid taking alcohol and other intoxicants. Additional precepts apply to monks and nuns and may be taken by laypeople on special occasions: 1. To eat moderately and only at the appropriate time. 2. To avoid dancing, singing, music, and bodily adornments. 3. To abstain from sleeping in luxurious beds.

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