Matlab Session 4

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MATLAB Session 4

ES 156 Signals and Systems 2007

Harvard SEAS
Prepared by Jiajun Gu

Fourier series of exponential signals Fourier series of a continuous-time rectangular signal Sinc function

Fourier series of exponential signals

Fourier series of
e jM0t

ak [ k M ]
jM0 n e Fourier series of

ak [k Nl M ], l Z

Fourier series of exponential signals II

Fourier series of
cos(M0t )

1 1 ak [k M ] [k M ] 2 2

What is Fourier series of sin( M0t )

Discrete cases?

Fourier series of exponential signals Fourier series of a continuous-time rectangular signal sinc function

Fourier series of a continuous-time rectangular signal

x(t) 1.5





-T1 0



Fourier series of a continuous-time rectangular signal II

sin k0T1 ak k
a0 ?

(Example 3.5)

Plot the series: FS generation function

function ak=series_term(k,T1,T)

% to compute Fourier series a_k

% T is the period, 2*T1 is the width of the rectangular pulses % k is the input (integer). ak is the output % which is the k-th term of the Fourier series omega0=2*pi/T; if k==0 ak=2*T1/T; else ak=sin(k*2*pi/T*T1)/(k*pi); end

Plot the series: scale k-scripts

Case1: T1=1, T=20;
for k=-30:30 a(k+30+1)=series_term(k,1,20); b(k+30+1)=series_term(k,1,10); end figure;subplot(2,1,1)

Case2: T1=1, T=10;

set(gca,'fontsize',14); stem(-30:30,a,'.'); xlabel('k');ylabel('a_k') subplot(2,1,2) set(gca,'fontsize',14); stem(-30:30,b,'.'); xlabel('k');ylabel('b_k')

Plot the series: scale k

0.15 0.1


0.05 0 -0.05 -30 0.3 0.2 -20 -10 0 k 10 20 30


0.1 0 -0.1 -30 -20 -10 0 k 10 20 30

Plot the series: scale K0 -Scripts

figure;subplot(2,1,1) set(gca,'fontsize',14); stem((-30:30)*2*pi/20,a,'.'); xlim([-6*pi,6*pi]) % x-axis from 6pi to 6pi xlabel('k');ylabel('a_k') subplot(2,1,2) set(gca,'fontsize',14); stem((-30:30)*2*pi/10,b,'.');

xlim([-6*pi,6*pi]) % x-axis from -6pi to 6pi xlabel('k');ylabel('b_k')

Plot the series: scale


K 0






0 k 0



0.3 0.2


0.1 0 -0.1 -15 -10 -5 0 k 0 5 10 15

Fourier series of exponential signals Fourier series of a continuous-time rectangular signal sinc function

Definition of sinc() function

sin t sinc(t ) t
MATLAB has a built-in function Why do we want to use sinc()? Dont need to write your own code.


It can take vectors as input.

Using sinc() to calculate FS

sin k0T1 sin k0 (T1 / ) 0T1 2T1 ak sinc(2 kT1 / T )) k k0 (T1 / ) T

k=-30:30; c=2/20*sinc(2*1/T.*k); figure;set(gca,'fontsize',14); stem(k*2*pi/T,c,'.'); xlim([-6*pi,6*pi]) xlabel('k\omega_0'); title('T_1=1,T=10')

Using sinc() to plot FS

T1=1,T=10 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 -15 -10 -5 0 k 0 5 10 15

Practice problems
Find the expression of the Fourier Series of the following signals. Plot the series.
x(t ) sin(

5 x[ n] cos( ( n 1)) 12

MATLAB question in Homework 4

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