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Vanessa Prasad-Permaul Valencia College CHM 1045

Properties of Matter

Chemistry: The study of composition,

properties, and transformations of matter

Matter: Anything that has both mass &

Hypothesis: Interpretation of results Theory: Consistent explanation of


Conservation of Mass

Law of Mass Conservation: Mass is neither

created nor destroyed in chemical reactions.

Example 1: Conservation of Mass

C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g)


12.3g C reacts with 32.8g O2, ?g CO2 12.3g + 32.8g = 45.1g 0.238g C reacts with ?g O2 to make .873g CO2 0.238g + x = 0.873g = 0.873g-0.238g = 0.635g of O2
?g C reacts with 1.63g O2 to make 2.24g CO2 x + 1.63g = 2.24g = 2.24g - 1.63g = 0.61g C



Example 1: Conservation of Mass Exercise 1.1

1.85g of wood is placed with 9.45g of air in a sealed vessel. It is

heated and the wood burns to produce ash and gases. The ash
is weighed to yield 0.28g. What is the mass of the gases in the vessel? 1.85g Wood + 9.45g Air heat 0.28g Ash + ? g gases

1.85 + 9.45 - 0.28 = 11.02g of gases

What is the mass of wood that is converted to gas by the end of

the experiment? 1.85g of Wood 0.28g of ash = 1.57g


Matter is any substance that has mass and

occupies volume.
Matter exists in one of three physical states:
liquid gas


In a solid, the particles of matter are tightly

packed together.
Solids have a definite, fixed shape.

Solids cannot be compressed and have a definite volume. Solids have the least energy of the three states of matter.


In a liquid, the particles of matter are loosely

packed and are free to move past one another.

Liquids have an indefinite shape and assume the

shape of their container.

Liquids cannot be compressed and have a definite volume. Liquids have less energy than gases but more energy than solids.


In a gas, the particles of matter are far apart

and uniformly distributed throughout the container. shape of their container. indefinite volume.

Gases have an indefinite shape and assume the Gases can be compressed and have an

Gases have the most energy of the three states of matter.




Properties of Matter

A physical change is a change in the form of matter

but not in its chemical identity

A chemical change or a chemical reaction is a change

in which one of more kinds of matter are transformed into a new kind of matter or several new kinds of matter


Properties of Matter

Physical Properties can be determined without changing the chemical makeup of the sample.
Some typical physical properties are:
Melting Point, Boiling Point, Density, Mass, Touch,

Taste, Temperature, Size, Color, Hardness, Conductivity.

Some typical physical changes are:

Melting, Freezing, Boiling, Condensation, Evaporation,

Dissolving, Stretching, Bending, Breaking.


Properties of Matter

Chemical Properties are those that do change

the chemical makeup of the sample.

Some typical chemical properties are:
Burning, Cooking, Rusting, Color change, Souring of

milk, Ripening of fruit, Browning of apples, Taking a

photograph, Digesting food.
Note: Chemical properties are actually chemical


Properties of Matter Exercise 1.2 Potassium (K) is a soft, silvery-colored metal that melts @ 64oC. It reacts vigorously with water (H2O), Oxygen (O2) and Chlorine (Cl2). Identify all physical properties: Soft Silvery-colored Melting point of 64oC Identify all chemical properties: Metal (its chemical identity) K reacts vigorously with H2O K reacts vigorously with O2 K reacts vigorously with Cl2

Classifications of Matter

Matter can be divided into two classes:

mixtures pure substances

Mixtures are composed of more than one

substance and can be physically separated into its component substances.

Pure substances are composed of only one

substance and cannot be physically separated.


Pure Substances

There are two types of pure substances:

Compounds Elements

A compound is a substance composed of two or

more elements chemically combined

Compounds can be chemically separated into

individual elements. Water is a compound that can be separated into hydrogen and oxygen.

An element cannot be broken down further by chemical reactions.


Daltons Atomic Theory

Law of Definite Proportions: Different

samples of a pure chemical substance always

contain the same proportion of elements by mass.

Any sample of H2O contains 2 hydrogen atoms for

every oxygen atom



There are two types of mixtures:

homogeneous mixtures heterogeneous mixtures

Homogeneous mixtures have uniform

properties throughout.
Salt water is a homogeneous mixture.

Heterogeneous mixtures do not have uniform

properties throughout.
Sand and water is a heterogeneous mixture.


Example 2: Matter

Which of the following represents a mixture?



Accuracy, Precision, and Significant Figures in Measurement

Accuracy is how close

to the true value a given measurement is.

Precision is how well a

number of independent measurements agree with one another.


Example 8: Accuracy & Precision

Which of the following is precise but not



Accuracy, Precision, and Significant Figures in Measurement

Significant Figures are the total number of

digits in the measurement.

The results of calculations are only as

reliable as the least precise measurement!!

Rules exist to govern the use of significant

figures after the measurements have been made.


Accuracy, Precision, and Significant Figures in Measurement

Rules for Significant Figures:

Zeros in the middle of a number are significant Zeros at the beginning of a number are not

Zeros at the end of a number and following a

period are significant

Zeros at the end of a number and before a period

may or may not be significant.


Example 4: Significant Figures

How many Significant Figures ?

a) 0.000459 = 3
b) 12.36 = 4

c) 36,450 = 4
d) 8.005 = 4

e) 28.050 = 5


Accuracy, Precision, and Significant Figures in Measurement

Rules for Calculating Numbers:

During multiplication or division, the answer cant

have more significant figures than any of the original numbers.


Example 5: Significant Figures

a) 218.2 x 79 = 17237.8 = 1.7 x 104 a) 12.5 / 0.1272 = 94.33962264150943 = 94.3

b) 0.2895 x 0.29 = 0.083955 = 0.084

c) 32.567 / 22.98 = 1.417188859878155 = 1.417


Accuracy, Precision, and Significant Figures in Measurement

-During addition or subtraction, the answer cant have more digits to the right of the decimal point than any of the original numbers.


Example 6: Significant Figures

a) 218.2 + 79 = 297.2 = 297

b) 12.5 - 0.1272 = 12.3728 = 12.4

c) 0.2895 + 0.29 = 0.5795 = 0.58 d) 32.567 - 22.98 = 55.547 = 55.55 e) 185.5+2.224 = 187.724 = 187.7


Accuracy, Precision, and Significant Figures in Measurement

Rules for Rounding Numbers:

If the first digit removed is less than 5

round down (leave # same)

If the first digit removed is 5 or greater

round up
Only final answers are rounded off, do not round

intermediate calculations

Example 7: Rounding and Significant Figures

Round off each of the following measurements

a) 3.774499 L to 4 sig. figs. = 3.774L

b) 255.0974 K to 3 sig. figs. = 255K

c) 55.265 kg to 4 sig. figs. = 55.27kg

d) 1.2151ml to 3 sig. figs. = 1.22ml

e) 1.2143g to 3 sig. figs. = 1.21g


Exercise 1.3


Give answers to the following arithmetic setups. Round to the correct number of significant figures: a) 5.61 x 7.891 9.1 = 4.864671 = 4.9


8.91 - 6.435 =


= 2.48


6.81 6.730

= 0.08

= 0.08


38.91 x (6.81-6.730) = 38.91 x 0.08 = 3.1128 = 3


Scientific Notation

Changing numbers into scientific notation

Large # to small # Moving decimal place to left, positive exponent

123,987 = 1.23987 x 105

Small # to large # Moving decimal place to right, negative exponent

0.000239 = 2.39 x 10-4 How to put into calculator


Example 3: Scientific Notation

Put into or take out of scientific notation


1973 = 1.973 x 103

b) 5.5423 x 10-4 = 0.00055423


0.775 = 7.75 x 10-1

d) 3.55 x 107 = 35,500,000 e) 8500 = 8.5 x 103


Measurement and Units

SI Units

Physical Quantity Mass Length Temperature Amount of substance Time Electric current Luminous intensity

Name of Unit kilogram meter kelvin mole second ampere candela

Abbreviation kg m K mol s A cd


Measurement and Units

Some prefixes for multiples of SI units

* * * * * * *
Factor 1,000,000,000 = 109 1,000,000 = 106 1,000 = 103 100 = 102 10 = 101 0.1 = 10-1 0.01 = 10-2 0.001 = 10-3 0.000,001 = 10-6 0.000,000,001 = 10-9 0.000,000,000,001 = 10-12 Prefix giga mega kilo hecto deka deci centi milli micro nano pico Symbol G M k h da d c m n p

* Important

Exercise 1.4
Express the following quantities using an SI prefix and a base unit. For instance, 1.6 x 10-6m = 1.6mm. A quantity such as0.000168g could be written 0.168mg or 168mg.
1.84 x 10-9 m = 1.84 nm (nanometer) 5.67 x 10-12 s = 5.67 ps (picosecond) 7.85 x 10-3 g = 7.85 mg (milligram) 9.7 x 103 m = 9.7 km (kilometer) 0.000732 s = 0.732 ms (millisecond) = 732us (microsecond) f) 0.000000000154 m = 0.154nm (nanometer) = 154pm (picometer) a) b) c) d) e)

Changes in Physical State

Most substances can exist as either a solid,

liquid, or gas.
Water exists as a solid below 0 C; as a liquid

between 0 C and 100 C; and as a gas above 100C.

A substance can change physical states as the

temperature changes.

Solid Liquid

When a solid changes to a liquid, the phase

change is called melting.

A substance melts as the temperature increases.

When a liquid changes to a solid, the phase

change is called freezing.

A substance freezes as the temperature decreases.

Liquid Gas

When a liquid changes to a

gas, the phase change is called vaporization.

A substance vaporizes as the temperature increases.
When a gas changes to a

liquid, the phase change is called condensation.

A substance condenses as

the temperature decreases.


Solid Gas

When a solid changes directly to a gas, the phase change is called sublimation.

A substance sublimes as the temperature increases.

When a gas changes directly to a solid, the phase change is called deposition.

A substance undergoes deposition as the temperature decreases.



Diagram of the various phases of temperature change




The Kelvin and Celsius scales have equal size units (a of 1K) change of 1oC is 180oF 100 oC 100 K

equivalent to a change


Temperature Conversions:
Celsius (C) Kelvin (K) temperature conversion:

Kelvin (K) = tC x 1K + 273.15K 1oC

Fahrenheit (F) Celsius (C) temperature conversions:

there are exactly 9oF for every 5oC. Knowing that 0oC = 32oF tF = tC x 9oF + 32 5o C tC = 5oC x (toF 32) 9oF

Example 9: Temp. Conversions

Carry out the indicated temperature conversions:

a) 78C = ? K = (-78oC x 1K/1oC) +273.15K = 195.15 = 195K b) 158C = ? F = (158oC x 9oF/5oC)+32oF = 316.4 = 316oF c) 373.15 K = ? C = (373.15K x 1oC/1K) 273.15K = 100K d) 98.6F = ? C = 5oC/9oF x (98.6oF 32oF) = 37oC e) 98.6F = ? K = (37oC x 1K/1oC) +273.15K = 310.15 = 310K


Exercise 1.5 A person with a fever has temperature of 102.5oF. What is this temperature in oC? A cooling mixture of dry ice and isopropyl alcohol has a temperature of -78 oC. What is the temperature in kelvins?
a) oC = 5oC x (oF 32 ) = 0.555 x (102.5 32) = 39.2oC 9 oF

b) K = oC + 273.15 = -78 + 273.15 = 195 K



Volume: how much three-dimensional space a

substance (solid, liquid, gas) or shape occupies or contains often quantified numerically using the SI derived unit (m3) the cubic meter.
The volume of a container is generally understood to be

the capacity of the container, i. e. the amount of fluid (gas or liquid) that the container could hold, rather than the amount of space the container itself displaces.



units of Volume: m3 or cm3 (cc)

Traditionally chemists use liter (L) 1cm3 = 1cc = 1mL


Measurement and Units

Density: relates the mass of an object to its

Density = mass / Volume V=m/D m =V D D = m /V

Density decreases as a substance is heated

because the substances volume increases.



What is the density of glass (in mL) if a sample weighing 26.43 g has a volume of 12.40 cm3? d =? m = 26.43 g V = 12.40 cm3 = 12.40 mL d = m = 26.43 g = 2.13145 = 2.131 g/mL V 12.40 mL



What is the volume of an unknown solution if the mass is 12.567 g and the density is 14.621 g/mL ? d = m/V Vxd=m V = m/d

V = 12.567 g / 14.621 g/mL = 0.85952 mL

12.567g x 1mL 14.621g = 0.85952 mL



What is the mass of an unknown solution if the volume is 20.2 mL and the density is 2.613 g/mL? d = m/V m = d xV

m = 2.613g x 20.2 mL = 52.7826 = 52.8 g mL


Exercise 1.6
A piece of metal wire has a volume of 20.2 cm3 and a mass of 159 g. What is the density of the metal?
D = m = 159 g = 7.87128712 = 7.87 g /cm3 V 20.2cm3

We know that the following metals have the following densities. Which metal is the wire made of?
Mn = 7.21 g/cm3 Fe = 7.87 g/cm3 Ni = 8.90 g/cm3


Exercise 1.7
Ethanol (grain alcohol) has a density of 0.789 g/cm3. What volume (mL) of ethanol must be poured into a graduated cylinder to equal 30.3 g?
d = m/V Vxd=m V=m/d

V = 30.3 g x 1 cm3 = 38.4cm3 0.789 g


Dimensional Analysis & Units

Dimensional-Analysis method uses a conversion factor to express the relationship between units.
Original quantity x conversion factor = equivalent quantity

Example: express 2.50 kg lb. Conversion factor: 1.00 kg = 2.205 lb 2.50 kg x 2.205 lb = 6.00 lb 1.00 kg


Exercise 1.8 The oxygen molecule (O2) consists of two oxygen atoms a distance of 121 pm apart. How many millimeters (mm) is this distance?

121 pm x 10-12 m x 1mm = 1.21 x 10-7 mm 1 pm 10-3


Exercise 1.9
A large crystal is constructed by stacking small identical pieces of crystal. A unit cell is the smallest piece from which a crystal can be made. A unit cell of a crystal of gold metal has a volume of 67.6 A3. What is the volume in dm3?
3 3

67.6 A3 x 10-10 m x 10 dm = 6.76 x 10 -26 dm3 1 A3 1m


Exercise 1.10
Using the following definitions, obtain the conversion factor for yards to meters. How many meters are there in 3.54 yd?
1 in = 2.54cm (exactly) 1 yd = 36in (exactly)

1 yd x 1 in x 1 cm = 1.093613298 = 1.094 yd/m 36 in 2.54 cm 10-2 m

3.54 yd x 1 m = 3.24 m 1.094 yd



a) 1.267 km m cm
1.267km x 1000m x 100cm = 126700cm = 1.267 x 105 1km 1m

b) 0.784 L mL
0.784L x 1000mL = 784L 1L

c) 3.67 x 105 cm in
3.67 x 105cm x 1in = 144488.1889in = 1.44 x 105in 2.54cm



d) 79 oz g
79oz x 28.35g = 2239.65g = 2.2 x 103g 1oz

e) 9.63 x 10-3 yd ft
9.63 x 10-3yd x 1m x 1km x 0.62137mile x 5280ft 1.0936yd 1000m 1km 1mile = 0.0289ft

f) 23.5 cm2 m2
23.5cm2 x 1m2 = 0.235m2 100cm2


g) 1.34 x 1012 pm m
1.34 x 1012pm x 1m = 1.34 x 1024m 10-12pm

h) 4.67 x 10-7 nm pm
4.67 x10-7nm x 1m x 10-12pm = 4.67 x 10-12pm 10-9nm 1m


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