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Presentation on Human Resource Management

1. Empowerment 2. Diversity 3. Downsizing 4. Voluntary Retirement Scheme


Meaning Of Empowerment
Enable workers - set their own goals - make decision solve problems.
Give workers a greater voice in decisions about workrelated matters. Getting more employees, meeting the competition, productivity enhancement and corporate turnarounds deals with employee empowerment.

View themselves as the Owners. Customer Focus

Creativity and Innovation

Benefits of Employee Empowerment

Faster Decision Making Improved productivity and efficiency Reduction in Cost

Issues with Empowerment


Need the skills and training.
Employee fear to take responsibility Not all people are capable empowered.

Managers misunderstand

Organizations are not prepared


Concept of Diversity
Acceptance and respect. Understanding that each individual unique and recognizing the individual dimensions ( race, ethnicity, gender, status) Exploration of the differences in a safe, Positive and nurturing environment. Understanding each other - moving beyond simple tolerance celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual.

Workforce Diversity
It can be treated as a heterogeneous mix of people in terms of gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation within an organization.

The benefits of a motivated and diverse workforce:

1. Maximizes the potential of each individual. 2. Diversified culture 3. Gives an opportunity to serve and to penetrate new markets

4. Enhance creativity, flexibility, and rapid response to changes.

Categories of Workforce Diversities

Ethnicity Gender factor

Workforce diversity
Age factor Disability

Cultural Diversity
Cultural diversity can be an important source of synergy in enhancing organizational effectiveness. Operations in each culture can benefit from operations in other cultures through an enhanced understanding of how the world works.
Uncertainty avoidance Masculinity

Power distance

Individualism / collectivism

Dimensions of cultures

Long term vs short term orientation


What is Downsizing?
It refers to the reduction of a company's labor force by permanently eliminating positions.
During tough economic times, employers cut costs to improve efficiency and performance. Some of them even cut employees work hours and instituting unpaid vacation days.

Why do Firms Downsize?

1. 2. Reduce cost To be more profitable Entering into a new business Pay off debts

4. 5.

Increase productivity

Effects of downsizing
Employee morale Motivation disrupted More stress

Workforce quality

Loss of institutional memory Too many people quitting

Overall effect

Reputation Employment strategy

Merits of downsizing
Cost savings Improved efficiency Labor mobility Eliminate waste Collective focus

Demerits of downsizing
Loss of skilled labor Financial costs Decreased morale Potential for Legal Issues Productivity and creativity drops


Meaning of VRS
VRS is a scheme whereby the employee is offered to voluntarily retire from his service before his retirement date. Employers refers to VRS as Golden Handshake, trade call it voluntary retrenchment scheme, and for government, it is Unstated Exit Policy.

VRS is the latest Mantra of many corporate

and Public sector units.


Casual/Adhoc basis

Retired Employees

IUF employees not allowed

Eligibility Criteria

Retirement Date

Processing and Confirmation

Lump Sum Compensation Gratuity Provident Fund Encashment of Leave

Retirement TA

Made by:
Gagandeep Singh - 112175 Mehul Jain - 112235 Dipin Singh Bhatia - 112211 Tarun Benjamin - 112019 Vipluv Gupta 112208 III rd Year Section-A

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