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African American Scientists and Inventors

Linda Manhart 6th Grade Ms. Tisdales Class 7th Period Science

Table of Contents
1. Dr. Mae C. Jemison 2. Madame C. J. Walker 3. Benjamin Banneker 4. Dr. Charles Drew 5. Dr. Lloyd Hall October 17, 1956 1867 1919 1731 1806 1904 1950 1894 1971

Linda Manhart Tisdale

Mae Jemison
One of her many degrees includes a Bachelor of Arts in African-American Studies. From 1983-1985 she served in the Peace Corps helping people in Sierra Leone and Liberia, West Africa as the area Peace Corps medical officer. Her first application to NASA into the astronaut program was turned down.
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Dr. Jemison is one of a kind

Insert photo of Dr. Jemison Insert photo of Dr. Jemison here here

Dr. Jemison successfully completed her astronaut training program in August 1988, becoming the fifth black astronaut and the first black female astronaut in NASA history. In August 1992, she was part of a joint Japanese SPACELAB J making Mae Jemison the first black woman in space.

Linda Manhart Tisdale

Madame C. J. Walker
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Sarah Breedlove Walker: from cotton field to millionaire! She was one of the first American women of any race to become a millionaire through her own efforts.
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The Walker System

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In 1905 Sarah Breedlove developed a conditioning treatment for straightening hair. The process consisted of a shampoo, a pomade "hairgrower", vigorous brushing, and the application of heated iron combs to the hair. Many contribute her with the invention of the hot comb which she used in her system, but did not invent. Her beauty consultants called Walker Agents made house calls.
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Benjamin Banneker
Josef Levi gave him a patent watch and Benjamin knew it was time to change his life. Modeling the watch, he made the first striking clock made in America. Later, he taught himself astronomy and mathematics. Soon after, he began publishing an almanac.
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Linda Manhart Tisdale

Dr. Charles Drew

Dr. Drew is responsible for organizing the concept of the Blood Bank. He has also done a vast amount of research on blood plasma. Received the 29th Spingarn Medal: 1944 In 1981, a U.S. postage stamp was issued in his honor (1981)
Linda Manhart Tisdale

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All the things that Drew can do!

After his sister Elsa died of influenza, fourteen-year-old Charles Richard Drew had his first serious thoughts about making medicine his life's career. Little did he know that he would play such a vital role in World War II.
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Dr. Lloyd Hall

He is responsible for the meat curing products, seasonings, emulsions, bakery products, antioxidants, protein hydrolysates, and many others that keep food safe. Many of the preservatives we use today are based on his research. Along with his co-creator, C. L. Griffith, Hall holds the patent for the sterilization process. He holds over 100 patents. After his retirement, he became a consultant to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

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Linda Manhart Tisdale


Work Cited
(2002). Notable African-American Scientists and Inventors. Retrieved Jun. 17, 2003, from Family Education Network Inc.: Brown, M. (2002). The Faces of Science. Retrieved Jun. 17, 2003, Granville T Woods (1856-1910). (Ed.), Hutchinson's Biography Database. Leiser, J. (2002, Dec). Presents a biography of blood bank pioneer Charles Drew. Child Life, 8. 4.

Linda Manhart Tisdale


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