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Quality standards

Pre launch staff training

First Edition 2013

Let us make the programme a success

Quality standards

What are they? Purpose ? How to implement?

QS - What are they?

The present set of quality standards are ten points identified in the obstetric management related to PPH and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

QS - What are they?

The first five are related to hemorrhage. Second five (6 -10) are related to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

QS - What are they?

QS-1. Is active management of 3rd stage being followed.

QS - What are they?

QS-2. Is 4th stage of labour being monitored?

QS - What are they?

QS-3. Are those with excess bleeding, not responding to I V fluids being offered blood and blood products?

QS - What are they?

QS-4. Are those who needed blood transfusion offered ICU care for at least 24 hours?

QS - What are they?

QS-5. Are those with placenta previa in post cesarean pregnancy being referred to appropriate centres.

QS - What are they?

QS-6. Is there a mechanism to pick up pre eclampsia early?

QS - What are they?

QS-7. Are those with early hypertension offered proper treatment.

QS - What are they?

QS-8. Are those with severe hypertension offered appropriate antihypertensives.

QS - What are they?

QS-9. Are those with HELLP syndrome picked up and treated early.

QS - What are they?

QS-10. For eclampsia and severe preeclampsia, is MgSo4 used as the anticonvulsant of first choice.

QS - What is the purpose

Improve obstetric care so that it will help to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.

QS - What is the purpose

Quality standards are used as a measuring stick to assess the standard of care given.

How to implement

First step pilot the project

How to implement

Eight hospitals have been identified

How to implement

The staff are given orientation regarding QS and training for implementation.

How to implement

Once QS is launched, it will be reflected in the care given by the participating hospitals.

How to implement

Expected changes: In the way patients are received more friendly way.

How to implement

In the management: Protocol based or on consensus

Appearance and facilities to patients.

Auditing done in the department.

Data collection and reporting

For quality standards to be implemented, change in the attitude of all involved

administration, staff, public and media

How to implement

First step pilot the project

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