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Effective Negotiations & Management of Conflict

Neil S. Bucklew
WVU College of Business and Economics

Discussion Outline
!ife C"cle of Conflict Diagnosing Conflict Conflict Modes Effective Negotiations #$a%va%d Negotiations &%o'ect(
) *etting to "es +%inci+les ) Ba%%ie%s to coo+e%ation ) ,%om conf%ontation to coo+e%ation

Elements of Negotiations

-.e !ife C"cle of Conflict

Stage One ) &otential O++osition #!atent( Stage -wo ) Cognition Stage -.%ee ) Be.avio% #ove%t conflict/ manifest( Stage ,ou% ) Outcomes

!ife C"cle of Conflict

Stage One ) &otential O++osition Communications St%uctu%e &e%sonal Va%ia0les

!ife C"cle of Conflict

Stage -wo ) Cognition &e%ceived Conflict ,elt Conflict

!ife C"cle of Conflict

Stage -.%ee ) Be.avio% #ove%t conflict/ manifest( 1ccommodation 1voidance Com+%omise Com+etition Colla0o%ation

!ife C"cle of Conflict

Stage ,ou% ) Outcomes 2nc%eased &e%fo%mance Dec%eased &e%fo%mance

Diagnosing Conflict
Conflict ,ocus
) &eo+le3focused4 52n3"ou%3face6 conf%ontations ) .ig. emotions fueled 0" mo%al indignation ) 2ssue3focused4 7ational %esou%ce allocation negotiations

Diagnosing Conflict
Conflict Source
&e%sonal diffe%ences 2nfo%mational deficienc" 7ole incom+ati0ilit" Envi%onmental st%ess

Conflict Focus
&e%ce+tions and e8+ectations Misinfo%mation and mis%e+%esentation *oals and %es+onsi0ilities 7esou%ce sca%cit" and unce%taint"

Conflict Modes #9ennet. -.omas(

Dete%mining :ou% Conflict St"le Conflict *%id O+tions;St"les W.en Eac. St"le is Most 1++%o+%iate

Dete%mining :ou% Conflict St"le

1 Self31ssessment E8e%cise

St"les of Managing Conflict

O+tions;St"les 1voidance Com+etition Com+%omise 1ccommodation Colla0o%ation

Ci%cumstances W.e%e Diffe%ent St"les 1%e 1++%o+%iate


W.en to Use Conflict Management<ues

1voiding4 small issue= limited time;%esou%ces 1ccommodating4 kee+ing .a%mon"= using small favo% to get la%ge% one Com+etition4 eme%gencies= w.en onl" one %ig.t wa" e8ists= +%event ot.e%s f%om taking advantage

W.en to Use Conflict Management<ues

Com+%omising4 late in conflict= w.en +a%tial win is 0ette% none fo% 0ot. +a%ties Colla0o%ating4 fo% im+o%tant issues w.en time is not a +%o0lem= w.e%e o%gani>ational su++o%t e8ists= w.en win3win solution is +ossi0le

,%amewo%k fo% Colla0o%ative &%o0lem Solving

Esta0lis. su+e%3o%dinate goals Se+a%ate t.e +eo+le f%om t.e +%o0lem ,ocus on inte%ests= not +ositions 2nvent o+tions fo% mutual gains Use o0'ective c%ite%ia fo% evaluating alte%natives Define success in te%ms of %eal gains= not imagina%" losses

Effective Negotiations #$a%va%d Negotiation &%o'ect(

*etting to :es &%inci+les Ba%%ie%s to Coo+e%ation ,%om Conf%ontation to Coo+e%ation

*etting to :es &%inci+les

Se+a%ate t.e +eo+le f%om t.e +%o0lem ,ocus on inte%est/ not +ositions 2nvent o+tions fo% mutual gain 2nsist on using o0'ective c%ite%ia

Se+a%ate t.e &eo+le f%om t.e &%ocess

Negotiations involve su0stantive 1ND %elational issues Met.ods to .andle %elational issues
) ) ) ) See t.e conflict f%om t.ei% +e%s+ective 1ctive listening Make emotional issues e8+licit and legitimate 1cknowledge ange% and feelings

Se+a%ate t.e &eo+le f%om t.e &%ocess

-.e 9E: to %esolution is to focus on su0stantive issue :ou do not .ave to like someone to %eac. an ag%eement Dwelling on inte%+e%sonal issues clouds t.e negotiations

,ocus on 2nte%ests= Not &ositions

&ositions a%e .ow t.e ot.e% +a%t" .as lea%ned to e8+%ess t.ei% inte%est 1 +osition is a one3dimensional +oint f%om a muc. wide% %ange of o+tions 2f "ou focus on t.ei% +osition= t.e +otential answe% is <uite limited

,ocus on 2nte%ests= Not &ositions

-.e 9E: is to +%o0e and e8+lo%e unde%l"ing inte%ests ,ocusing on t.e su0stantive issue .el+s 0ot. +a%ties discuss t.e unde%l"ing facto%s Dealing wit. actual conce%ns #ve%sus t.e 5+osition6( e8+ands t.e +otential o+tions fo% %esolution

2nvent O+tions fo% Mutual *ain

-.e 9E: is to find common g%ound o% 5+oints of ag%eement6 *ood o+tions involve some level of mutual gain o% satisfaction Use a fo%m of 0%ainsto%ming
) ) ) ) Se+a%ate inventing f%om deciding ,ocus on t.e futu%e #not %e+a%ations( !isten activel" See t.e issue f%om t.ei% +e%s+ective

2nsist on Using O0'ective C%ite%ia

-.e 9E: is to get t.e +a%ties to focus on inde+endent standa%ds ,ulfilling self3inte%est %a%el" wo%ks &a%ties need to ask4 5$ow will we know ag%eement is fai%?6

Ba%%ie%s and B%eakt.%oug. St%ategies

:ou% %eaction ) *o to t.e 0alcon" -.ei% %eaction ) Ste+ to t.ei% side -.ei% +osition ) 7ef%ame -.ei% dissatisfaction ) Build t.em a 0%idge -.ei% +owe% ) Educate on conse<uences

Ba%%ie% ) :ou% 7eaction

We a%e unde% st%ess Become defensive St%ike 0ack B%eak3off t.e discussion

B%eakt.%oug. ) *o to t.e Balcon"

-.e 9E: is to cont%ol "ou% %eaction ,ind wa"s to 5%ise a0ove6 t.e emotions in t.e conflict
) 7ecogni>e "ou% feelings ) 9now "ou% 5.ot 0uttons6 ) Bu" time #get mental distance(

7emem0e% t.e goal4 not to get mad o% get even/ 0ut to get a good %esolution

Ba%%ie% ) -.ei% Emotion

-.e" .ave negative feelings 1nge% $ostilit" ,ea% Dist%ust

B%eakt.%oug. ) Ste+ to t.ei% Side

-.e" e8+ect "ou to %es+ond in kind -.e 9E: is to %educe t.e emotional content of t.e conflict
) ,ocus on listening #not %eacting( ) 1cknowledge t.ei% feelings ) ,ocus on 5"es6= not 5no6

Ba%%ie% ) -.ei% &osition

-.e" .ave develo+ed a wa" to desc%i0e t.e issue Often t.e" a%e unawa%e of t.e unde%l"ing needs and inte%ests -.ei% tendenc" is to defend +a%ticula% view of t.e issue

B%eakt.%oug. 3 7ef%ame
-.e 9E: is to c%eate a +%o0lem3solving climate 2m+o%tant not to encou%age a 5defend "ou% initial +osition6 situation
) 7estate in mo%e gene%al te%ms ) Eventuall" 0egin to %estate in wa"s a%e mo%e eas" fo% "ou to accommodate

Ba%%ie% ) -.ei% Dissatisfaction

Even t.oug. "ou ma" 0e +u%suing %easona0le %esolutions ) t.e" ma" .ave difficulties -.e" ma"4
) ) ) ) Still see as a 5win3lose6 Be af%aid of %esolution #t.e view of t.ei% constituents( Stall Want to %et%eat to t.ei% initial +osition

B%eakt.%oug. ) Build -.em a B%idge

:ou% instinct ma" 0e to +us. t.em -.e 9E: is to assist t.em in moving to a mutuall" acce+ta0le %esolution
) S+eak to t.e 'oint 0enefit of ce%tain %esolutions ) $el+ t.em see .ow a mutuall" 0eneficial o+tion is a victo%" fo% t.em

Ba%%ie% ) -.ei% &owe%

-.e" %eso%t to a dis+la" of +owe% -.e" see meeting t.ei% self3inte%est as a++%o+%iate and feasi0le -.e" %et%eat to4
) Win3lose ) &owe% language ) O%iginal +osition

B%eakt.%oug. ) &owe% to Educate

-.e dange% is to escalate "ou% %.eto%ic in t.e face of t.ei% +owe% move -.e 9E: is to convince t.em of t.e need fo% a mutuall" acce+ta0le %esolution
) $el+ t.em unde%stand t.e conse<uences of not getting a mutuall" acce+ta0le %esolution ) Make su%e t.e" unde%stand "ou% B1-N1 ) Make su%e t.e" unde%stand t.e limitations of t.ei% B1-N1

Elements of Negotiations #&%e+a%ing fo% Negotiations(

2nte%ests O+tions 1lte%natives !egitimac" Communications 7elations.i+s Commitment

W.o a%e t.e %elevant +a%ties? Cla%if" t.e inte%ests Unde%l"ing inte%ests

O+tions o+tions meet m" inte%ests and t.ei%s? &ossi0le 'oint gain st%ategies

1lte%natives can 2 do if we cannot %eac. an ag%eement? M" B1-N1 -.ei% B1-N1

E8te%nal standa%ds ,ai%ness of t.e +%ocess $ow t.e" can e8+lain t.ei% decision

-esting m" assum+tions Value of %ef%aming

Se+a%ate +eo+le issues f%om su0stantive issues C%eating a st%onge% %elations.i+

Elements of t.e ag%eement Concluding;im+lementing t.e ag%eement

9e" !essons
Conflict is a constant in ou% life and wo%k We eac. .ave +%e3dis+ositions fo% .andling conflict 2t is im+o%tant to lea%n to manage ou% use of t.e va%ious st"les fo% .andling conflict -.e%e a%e ke" +%inci+les to ado+t in negotiations

9e" !essons #continued(

-.e%e a%e common 0a%%ie%s a%ise to im+ede effective negotiations We can lea%n .ow to ove%come o% com0at t.ose 0a%%ie%s -.e%e a%e standa%d elements in +%e+a%ing fo% negotiations We can lea%n to anal">e t.e elements in an" conflict situation and 0ette% +%e+a%e ou%selves to negotiate an effective %esolution

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