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Heroin: A Body Painkiller.

By: Camilo Mazuera Juan Pablo Rubiano Martin Lopez Presented to : Nasmille Mejia

Heroin, a trip with out return

At the end of this presentation you would understand.

What is heroin.

The ways of consumption.

The effects on the body. Why does the heroin work as painkiller.
Effects on the nervous system. Effects by long terms.

Investigation Question
How does heroin affect the nervous system? Is this why heroin works as painkiller?

What is heroin
Heroin is one of the most dangerous drugs in the world, because it is very addictive. It is a depressant that affects the brain capacity to perceive pain and pleasure.

Heroin comes from opium poppy, from where also there comes the morphine, the opium, and the codeine, other kind of painkillers.

Types of presentation of heroin

White powder heroin. Is the most common one, and the best treated in health terms. Grey and dark brown powder. It is less treated and is common in the streets

Liquid. When it is presented in liquid state, its very thick

Other types of heroin's can be found on the streets, but this ones are the most common.

Ways of Consumption



This project is important because it wants to show the risks of using heroin. It also would like to alert the users of heroin of the risk to get a disease such as HIV, because it spread very easily when they share the needles in a very big group.

Other important part will be to know every effect in the body of the heroin, so that will inform everybody what he/she can expect if he /she try it.

General Objectives
Determine all the risks of consuming heroin. Investigate all the effects of the heroin. Describe all the ways of heroin consumption.

Specific Objectives
Investigate if it arrives to the brain.

Learn if it acts as a painkiller and why.

Determine all the components of the heroin. Which are the parts of the body that are affected when heroin consumption.

About heroin
People name heroin as Black Tar, Brown Sugar, Junk, Skag; etc. The biggest problem of this powder is that 30% of the people who tries it once become addict. Heroin is an opiate; the opiate is a group that comes from poppy. The opiates were popular medicines that where used to cure pains in the body. The fastest way to feel the effects of the heroin is sniffing and injecting it. It takes around 15 to 30 seconds.

The difference between morphine and heroin, is that the heroin is morphine with an acetyl molecule attached. This acetyl molecule, permits the heroin to travel through the bloodstream faster. This makes heroin three times more stronger than the morphine.

Body Effects
This drug is known in the world as the powder that makes you feel powerful, gorgeous, and better than any other. This beautiful version was created by the movies of the 80`s and 90s. The ugly and hard true has nothing to be attached to the beautiful one. This drugs created good sensation in your body, but it creates low breathing, euphoria, the senses will be less active, and the body will lose control of his extremities.

Short-term effects
The short-term effects appear soon after a single dose and disappear in a few hours. After an injection of heroin, the host starts feeling euphoria, warm flushing on the skin, a dry mouth, slow breathing, mental dysfunction, nausea, and pain in the extremities.

Other effects are constricted pupils, droopy eyelids, vomiting, constipation.

Long-term effects
Long term effects appears from repeated use for some period of time. Chronic user may develop collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining, abscesses, cellulites, pulmonary complication, and various types of pneumonia.

Health Problems
Heroin abuse is associated with serious health conditions.
Fatal Overdose. Abortion. Infectious diseases.
HIV. Hepatitis.

Collapsed veins. Heart problems. Pulmonary complications.

Heroine in nervous system

This system involves neurons in the midbrain that use the neurotransmitter called "dopamine." These midbrain dopamine neurons project to another structure called the nucleus acumens which then projects to the cerebral cortex. This system is responsible for the pleasurable effects of heroin and for the addictive power of the drug. Other neurotransmitter systems, such as those related to endorphins, are also likely to be involved with withdrawal from and tolerance to heroin. It affects the nervous system because it goes directly to the brain and then it spreads all over through the spinal core

Heroine history
The discovery of the heroin demonstrates that it is a painkiller; the German Bayer Company invented it as a painkiller in 1898, but it was stopped from being used because it showed a lot of bad effects on the people. Even though they tried to stop the damage, it was already done; a new painkiller was developed. Since then, many hospitals have stopped the usage of heroin as a painkiller, but other ones still use it as a painkiller. That shows that the heroin is a painkiller, and a one that may be very effective.

Now it is a fact that people use as a psychoactive drug

Psychological effects
The effects of heroin in the addiction are not only physical, also they are psychological. They are expressed in insomnia, attacks of panic and mental functions and because of this reasons people must think twice after doing it.

Medicine work
In North America and some cities of Europe they experiment with heroin to control cough and they prove that it works perfectly, and that is a very good painkiller. The problem is that the body starts to become dependency of it.

Heroin is one of the most addicted drugs in the whole world. Is a substance that is very dangerous for human beings. Certainty, as we see heroine attack the nervous system, it starts producing a chain of reactions in our body causing even death. This substance had been called by people in many ways, but we conclude that its perfect name could be HEROIN, A TRIP WITH OUT RETURN.

According to the background theorical research that was done, the heroin is a painkiller, and sometimes it is used by the hospitals. Even though it is a painkiller, it has a lot of bad effects in both long and short terms. This research also shows that smoking and sniffing heroin is not as effective as injecting it, but all three of them are highly addictive. Also it showed that the heroin started as a medical treatment as other drugs that are very harmful as cocaine.

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