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A Field Work Project

submitted in partial fulfillment

for the

Master of Science degree


Instructional Technology

at the

New York Institute of Technology

Fall 2007.
Research Project

The use of interactive web sites and the

HyperStudio software by Grade 11 Math
B students, as a method of learning, will
improve their performance in
Dr. Robert S. Slotnick Milton B. Francis

Professor New York Institute of Technology


MSIT Candidate
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
− Statement of topic and issues
− Research Background/Review of Literature
− Hypothesis

2. Method
− Participants
− Instruments – Test samples
− Materials & Apparatus/Equipment
− Project Design/Table and SBA Research
− Procedure

3. Results – Tables and Graphs

4. Discussion (Results, Behavior)

5. Conclusions & Appendix

Statement of topic and issues
 The use of the Internet and HyperStudio
software will be used to as the method to
improve the Math B performance of a group
of Grade 11 students in
The High School for Teaching and The Professions

 These students are failing mathematics in the

State’s Math B Regents Examination and need
some remediation.
Research Background


Mathematics Multimedia
Education Technology
Review of Literature
 Mathematics – A discipline defined by the types of
problems it addresses, the methods it uses to address
these problems, and the results it has achieved.1

 Mathematics Education in high school is far reaching,

as students have to rely heavily on the fundamental
mathematics taught during their earlier years at Pre-
Kindergarten, Elementary, and Junior High Schools.2

 Multimedia Technology can be associated with

education to coin the term Educational Technology.
This is the study and ethical practice of facilitating
learning and improving performance by creating, using,
and managing appropriate technological processes and
resources. 3

Grade 11 Math B students who use interactive

websites and HyperStudio software as a
method of learning will improve their
performance in mathematics.

 There are no real participants in the project, but if there were,

it would be the 30 students in my Math B Regents class.

 The lessons would be conducted in a regular classroom with

wireless internet connection via the use of 30 laptop
computers. Each period lasts for 48 minutes, with the
teacher meeting the students 5 periods weekly.

 The instruments to be used includes

testing for measuring student achievement.

 There will be two tests:

– A Pretest, prior to the treatment to be administered.

− A Posttest, given at the end of the treatment.

 Sample questions from these tests follow in a

timely manner.
Test Samples
____ ___
1. Subtract the following: √–125 – √–20 =
(1) 5i√5 (2) 2i√5 (3) 3i√5 (4) i√5

2. Simplify the following: 12i + 20i + (–25i).

(1) 7i2 (2) – 7i2 (3) 7i (4) –7i

3. Simplify 12 + 7i
6 – 2i
(1) 2 + 7i (2) 12 + 7i (3) 10i (4) 29 + 33i
2 4i 20
__ _ __
4. Multiply and simplify √–2 ( √6 + √10 )
___ ____ _ _ ___ _
(1) √–12 + √–20 (2) 2i√3 + 2i√5 (3) √–32 (4) 10i√2
Materials and Apparatus
 The project will concentrate on the use of the software
– HyperStudio.

 In addition to this, and for the purpose of the project,

the Internet will be deemed a software tool as well,
exploring relative websites to the lesson unit.

 In addition to accessing the various websites 1 during

the unit of lessons, the students will refer to the
HyperStudio player 2 when it’s necessary.

 The main technology apparatus/equipment that would

be used in the project is the computer (laptop).

 Chalk, chalkboard, and chalkboard eraser would also be

the other equipment to be used.

The students will use the hyperstudio software via the the
Smartboard in the classroom, as only the teacher’s laptop has the
HyperStudio Player. Intermitently, they would touch the screen to
answer some questions during the lesson unit. The students are
familiar with the use of this
software, as well as the

The HyperStudio website is

shown below.
More Materials [Lessons]
 In addition to HyperStudio, the students
would use websites that are relative to each
lesson in the unit.

 Lesson 1 – Imaginary Numbers/Complex

Numbers. (2 Days)
More Materials [Lessons]
 Lesson 2 - Addition & Subtraction of
Complex Numbers. (2 Days)

 Lesson 3 - Multiplication & Division of

Complex Numbers. (2 Days)
More Materials [Lessons]
 Review of Lesson Unit - Operations with Complex
Numbers (Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide). This
review lesson would be done in 1 day.
 As previously mentioned, the main technology
apparatus/equipment that would be used in the
project is the computer (laptop). Each student will
have access to a wireless internet connected

 The teacher’s laptop would be connected, not only

to the internet, but to the SmartBoard as well, to
enable the students to be able to use the
HyperStudio software.

 Chalk, chalkboard, and chalkboard eraser would

be the low tech equipment to be used.
Research Project Design
 If this was a real life project, the researcher
would use the Pre-Experimental Design that
uses the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design
O X O.

 The independent variable, X, the treatment

that would be administered, would see the
students using the HyperStudio software and
internet websites that should have helped them
to improve their mathematics performance.
Project Design Table

Group Assignment Participants Pretest Treatment Posttest

Grade 11 Using the There are 30 Measure Receive Measure
Math B. HyperStudio students. previous technology outcome
Software and knowledge, if instruction in achievement in
Internet websites any, in Complex the knowledge
to learn Complex Complex Numbers. of Complex
Numbers. Numbers. Numbers
School-Based Action (SBA) Research
 The HSTnP, even though a New Vision
School, has used traditional methods in the
teaching/learning process.

 Many of the teachers used the antiquated

method of ‘chalk and talk’ in their delivery to

 The students, on the other hand, tried to learn

in this manner, but for many of them it has
proven futile, resulting in dismal results in the
respective subject areas.
 In trying to alleviate the problem of low
grades, the researcher will take action by
using technology in his classroom regularly.

 This technology involves the

- use of 30 laptop computers in his classroom.

- use of the interactive websites on


- use of the computer software program:

More Procedure
The unit of study for the project will be Complex
Numbers. The concentration will be on the following:

1. Definition/Identification of the complex number,

[√–1 = i], reads ‘the square root of negative 1 is i’.

2. Simplifying complex numbers.

3. Addition of complex numbers.

4. Subtraction of complex numbers.

5. Multiplication of complex numbers.

6. Division of complex numbers.
 The results achieved were expected, as most
of the students preformed incredibly well on
the posttest as against their poor performance
on the pretest.

 The poor performance on the pretest was

likely, as this unit – Complex Number – was
not on the Math A curriculum (the
prerequisite for Math B).

 The students did well on the posttest because

of the interactive behavior of the websites
Pretest Results Posttest Results
Students Score (%) Students Score (%)

1 10 1 80

2 30 2 70

3 0 3 50

4 40 4 80

5 20 5 70

6 20 6 70

7 30 7 80

8 0 8 50

9 10 9 80

10 10 10 70

11 50 11 90

12 30 12 80

13 20 13 90

14 10 14 40

15 80 15 100

16 50 16 70

17 60 17 80

18 60 18 70

19 0 19 90

20 0 20 60

21 40 21 80

22 20 22 70

23 40 23 80

24 30 24 90

25 10 25 50

26 30 26 80

27 20 27 80

28 10 28 70

29 0 29 60

30 40 30 100
M ean = 25.67
St.D ev. = 20.28
70 M in. = 0
M ax. = 80
Scores (%)





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 21 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0

Students (30)



Scores (%)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

S tu d en ts (3 0 )
Discussion (Results)
 The results obtained were not due to chance,
as the students’ performance on both tests
were expected.

 Normally posttest results are better than

pretest, as students are expected to learn from
a treatment prior to doing the posttest.

 These results are meaningful, as the treatment

administered during the exercise played a
significant role in the students’ learning
Discussion (Behavior)
 Due to the nature of the lessons - use of
‘hands on’ technology - the students
attendance to mathematics class improved

 Using technology, and particularly the

computer, the students enthusiasm for the
lessons grew, as participation was at its peak.

 Disruption was at its limit, as students had no

time to waste because they were constantly on
the pathway of learning.
 My predictions were materialized in my
expectations. The results of the tests,
particularly the posttest, and the behavior of
the students, were overwhelming.

 My learning experience as the teacher was also

overwhelming. The rate at which the students
accepted this style of teaching was amazing.
The adaptation was quick.

 The students learned that technology plays an

integral role in the learning of mathematics,
and that it is interactive to the learner not just
in the short run, but for the future.
 If I had this to do again, I would better
prepared in that research work would be done
way in advance of the execution of the

 This type of treatment can be used in my other

mathematics classes, but at the level at which
they would be able to master the content being
presented. (Reference to the Math A classes).

 This type of treatment can be disseminated to

the wider school population, be it students (for
learning) or teachers (for teaching).
1. Express √–9 in simplest form.

(1) –3 (3) 3i

(2) 3 (4) –3i

2. What is the sum of √–2 and √–18 ?

(1) 5i √2 (3) 2i√5

(2) 4i√2 (4) 6i

3. Subtract the following: √–125 – √–20 =

(1) 5i√5 (3) 3i√5

(2) 2i√5 (4) i√5

4. Multiply and simplify √–2 ( √6 + √10 )

(1) √–12 + √–20 (3) √–32

(2) 2i√3 + 2i√5 (4) 10i√2


5. Divide √–48 by √12

(1) 2i (3) i√2 _

(2) –2i (4) – i√2

6. Expressed in simplest form, i16 + i6 – 2i5 + i13 is equivalent to

(1) 1 (3) i

(2) -1 (4) -i

7. Simplify the following: 12i + 20i + (–25i).

(1) 7i2 (3) 7i

(2) –7i2 (4) –7i

8. Subtract 4 + 3i from 12 – 8i.

(1) –8 – 5i (3) 8 – 5i

(2) 8 – 11i (4) –8 + 11i

9. Multiply: (3 + 5i)(3 – 5i)

(1) 9 – 25i (3) 25

(2) 34 (4) 9 + 25i

10. Simplify 12 + 7i

6 – 2i

(1) 2 + 7i (3) 10i

(2) 12 + 7i (4) 29 + 33i

4i 20
Lesson #1 Aim: What are complex numbers and their
properties? (2 Days)

 Students will be able to

 1. define an imaginary number and a complex number.

 2. simplify powers of i.

 3. differentiate between complex and imaginary numbers.

 4. plot points on the complex number plane.

 5. identify a complex number as a vector quantity.

 6. compute the absolute value of a number.

 Writing Exercise: The history of imaginary numbers is much like that
of the irrational number. Use the resources of the Internet or the local
library to find out about the early discovery of imaginary numbers.
Why do you think that they were called "imaginary numbers?"
 Lesson #2 Aim: How do we add and subtract complex
numbers? (2 Days)

 Students will be able to

 1. add and subtract complex numbers algebraically and express

answers in a + bi form.

 2. add and subtract complex numbers graphically and express

answers in a + bi form.

 3. find the additive inverse of complex numbers.

 Writing Exercise: Complex numbers are a new group of numbers yet

they behave like variables or radicals under binary operations.
Describe these similarities.
 Lesson #3 Aim: How do we multiply complex numbers?
(2 Days)

 Students will be able to

 1. multiply and combine expressions that involve complex numbers.

 2. write the conjugate of a given complex number.

 Writing Exercise: What are conjugate pairs? What makes them

 Lesson #4 Aim: How do we divide complex numbers and
simplify fractions with complex
denominators? (2 Days)

 Students will be able to

 1. write the conjugate of a given complex number.

 2. find the quotient of two complex numbers and express the result
with a real denominator.

 3. express the multiplicative inverse of a complex number in standard


 Writing Exercise: How do conjugate pairs help to simplify fractions

with complex denominators?
1. Express √–9 in simplest form.

(1) –3 (3) 3i

(2) 3 (4) –3i

2. What is the sum of √–2 and √–18 ?

(1) 5i √2 (3) 2i√5

(2) 4i√2 (4) 6i

3. Subtract the following: √–125 – √–20 =

(1) 5i√5 (3) 3i√5

(2) 2i√5 (4) i√5

4. Multiply and simplify √–2 ( √6 + √10 )

(1) √–12 + √–20 (3) √–32

(2) 2i√3 + 2i√5 (4) 10i√2


5. Divide √–48 by √12

(1) 2i (3) i√2 _

(2) –2i (4) – i√2

6. Expressed in simplest form, i16 + i6 – 2i5 + i13 is equivalent to

(1) 1 (3) i

(2) -1 (4) -i

7. Simplify the following: 12i + 20i + (–25i).

(1) 7i2 (3) 7i

(2) –7i2 (4) –7i

8. Subtract 4 + 3i from 12 – 8i.

(1) –8 – 5i (3) 8 – 5i

(2) 8 – 11i (4) –8 + 11i

9. Multiply: (3 + 5i)(3 – 5i)

(1) 9 – 25i (3) 25

(2) 34 (4) 9 + 25i

10. Simplify 12 + 7i

6 – 2i

(1) 2 + 7i (3) 10i

(2) 12 + 7i (4) 29 + 33i

4i 20
This is to certify that

Milton Francis

has completed the Human Participants Protection Education for Research

Teams online course, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), on

This course included the following:

• key historical events and current issues that impact guidelines and legislation on
human participant protection in research.
• ethical principles and guidelines that should assist in resolving the ethical issues
inherent in the conduct of research with human participants.
• the use of key ethical principles and federal regulations to protect human
participants at various stages in the research process.
• a description of guidelines for the protection of special populations in research.
• a definition of informed consent and components necessary for a valid consent.
• a description of the role of the IRB in the research process.
• the roles, responsibilities, and interactions of federal agencies, institutions, and
researchers in conducting research with human participants.
 My Math B page at HSTnP (click below)


I Received a Grade of A
for this, the final project for my
Masters of Science
(MS) degree
Instructional Technology
at the
New York Institute of
Technology (NYIT).

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