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What is a Robot and What is Robotics? Past, Present and Future of Robotics and Concept behind the rise of the term Robots? Robotics a Technical Approach? Human V/S Robots? Scope of Robotics? (Robotics include all the technical branches!) Let Us See Let Us Build Questionnaire???

Robots and humanoids have always ruled our imagination, its exciting to see how a machine behaves when it is endowed with logic to decide, interpret and react to its surroundings. In fact, its difficult to find someone who is not fascinated by intelligent machines. Machines that can walk, talk and see invokes the kid in each one of us. Robots have always attracted hobbyists and professionals alike.

What is a ROBOT or Robotics???

Robotics and Robots, your views? What is a Robot and What is Robotics? Defining the term Robot and Robotics? Difference between a Machine and a Robot? How Robots are classified?

Robotics and Robots, your views?

Q. What is a Robot? A. Chitti, Transformers, Terminator? Q. How does it looks? A. Is it a human or animal like non living creature? Q. How does you differentiate a Robot from a Machine? A. On the basis of their working or on the basis of its physical appearance?

What is a Robot and What is Robotics?

Robots are the machines which sometimes resemble a living creature. It is a machine capable of performing a variety of often complex human tasks on command or by being programmed in advance. A machine or device that operates automatically or by remote control.

A person who works mechanically without original thought, especially one who responds automatically to the commands of others. Robotics: Study of Robots and its technologies and components etc

Defining the term Robot and Robotics?

Any physical machine or combination of any physical machines or any virtual software agent that can be operated on command or by being instructed/ programmed in advance may termed as a Robot.

Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing.

Difference between a Machine and a Robot?



Robot in the world is a Machine. Robots are the Machines which replaces human work.

every Machine is not a Robot. Anything which reduces human effort.

Types of Robots
o o o

Manual Autonomous Semi-Autonomous

Laws of Robotics:

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

Past, Present and Future of Robotics and Concept behind the rise of the term Robots?

History of Robotics
1921 The term "robot" was first used in a play called "R.U.R." or "Rossum's Universal Robots" by the Czech writer Karel Capek. The plot was simple: man creates a robot to replace him and then robot kills man!

History of Robotics (Cont.)

1941 Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov first used the word "robotics" to describe the technology of robots and predicted the rise of a powerful robot industry. 1942 Isaac Asimov wrote the "Three Laws of Robotics.

History of Robotics (Cont.)

1954 George Devol designed the first truly programmable robot and called it UNIMATE for "Universal Automation.

1988 The first HelpMate service robot went to work at Danbury Hospital in Connecticut.

History of Robotics (Cont.)


History of Robotics (Cont.)

2002 Honda created the Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility (ASIMO). It is intended to be a personal assistant. It recognizes its owner's face, voice, and name. Can read email and is capable of streaming video from its camera to a PC.

History of Robotics (Cont.)

2003 As part of their mission to explore Mars, NASA launched twin robotic rovers on June 10 and July 7, 2003 called Spirit and Sojourner.

UAVs- Unmanned Arial Vehicles
United Nations

Robotics-Present (Cont.)
Baxter Robots

Robotics-Present (Cont.)
Human Support bots

Robotics-Present (Cont.)
Robots For Medical Surgery

Robotics-Present (Cont.)
Nuclear Cleaners


Robotics a Technical Approach?

Most of the Robots have following most basic parts:


moveable body An actuator A power source An electrical circuit A reprogrammable brain (computer) A sensory system

A moveable body
Robots may have wheels, limbs connected by mechanical joints, or other types of moveable segments.

An actuator
In order to be activated, robots may use an electric motor, a hydraulic system, a pneumatic system or a combination of all three.

A power source
A robot needs a power source to drive its actuators. Electric robots use batteries or extension cord. Hydraulic robots need pumps to pressurize the hydraulic fluid, and pneumatic robots need air compressors.

An electrical circuit
The electrical circuit powers the electric motor, solenoid or valves that control hydraulic or pneumatic systems.

A reprogrammable brain (computer)

The computer controls all other components. In order to change the robot's behaviour, you just have to reprogram the computer.

A sensory system
Some robots have the ability to collect information about their environment and react to it.

Humans V/S Robots

Humans V/S Robots

HUMAN Humans can Think. ROBOT

as instructed or programed. easily perform Difficult task.


easily perform difficult task.


Humans V/S Robots (Cont.)



perform work precisely.

very precisely.






perform very

Humans V/S Robots (Cont.)


ROBOT abstract


perform abstract work.




not have emotions.

Humans V/S Robots (Cont.)



Humans can create Robots. Feels tired in short span of time Difficult to repair and replace.

Robots cannot create Humans. Robots does not feels tired in short span of time. Easy to repair or replace.

Scope of Robotics

Scope of Robotics
Light Rail, Cars, Aircraft.

Scope of Robotics(cont.)
Maids, Washing car, Doing Chores.

Scope of Robotics(cont.)
Guards, Guard Dogs, Bomb Sniffers, Bomb Squads.

Scope of Robotics(cont.)
Artificial Intelligence
Thinking Machines and Systems.

Scope of Robotics(cont.)
Assistants, Mentors, Educators.

Scope of Robotics(cont.)
Medical Science

Scope of Robotics(cont.)
Civil Engineering
Robot with sensors that Monitor Bridges

Scope of Robotics(cont.)
Rovers, Satellites, Humanoids

Let us see.

Let us Build.


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