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Performance of the boiler, like efficiency and evaporation ratio reduces with time, due to 1. Poor combustion, 2. Heat transfer fouling 3. Poor operation and maintenance. 4. Deterioration of fuel quality and water quality also leads to poor performance of boiler.

Efficiency testing helps us to find out how far the boiler efficiency drifts away from the best efficiency. Any obser ed abnormal de iations could t!erefore be in estigated to pinpoint t!e problem area for necessary correcti e action. Hence it is necessary to find out t!e current le el of efficiency for performance e aluation, w!ic! is a pre requisite for energy conser ation action in industry.

Purpose of the Perform nce Test

1.To find out the efficiency of the boiler 2.To find out the Evaporation ratio
The purpose of the performance test is to determine actual performance and efficiency of the boiler and compare it with design values or norms. It is an indicator for tracking day to day and season to season variations in boiler efficiency and energy efficiency improvements.

Perform nce Terms nd !efinitions

Reference St nd rds
British st nd rds" BS#$%& '(#) ASME St nd rd& PTC*$*' Po+er Test Code for Ste m Gener tin, -nits IS #)%.& Indi n St nd rd for Boi/er Efficienc0 Testin,

British st nd rds" BS#$%& '(#)

The British Standard BS845: 1987 describes the methods and conditions under which a boiler should be tested to determine its efficiency. or the testin! to be done" the boiler should be o#erated under steady load conditions $!enerally full load% for a #eriod of one hour after which readin!s would be ta&en durin! the ne't hour of steady o#eration to enable the efficiency to be calculated.

British st nd rds" BS#$%& '(#) contd11

The efficiency of a boiler is (uoted as the ) of useful heat a*ailable" e'#ressed as a #ercenta!e of the total ener!y #otentially a*ailable by burnin! the fuel. This is e2pressed on the 3 sis of ,ross c /orific 4 /ue 5GC671

British st nd rds" BS#$%& '(#) contd11

This deals with the com#lete heat balance and it has two #arts: . P rt I deals with standard boilers" where the indirect method is s#ecified . P rt II deals with com#le' #lant where there are many channels of heat flow. In this case" both the direct and indirect methods are a##licable" in whole or in #art.

ASME St nd rd& PTC*$*' Po+er Test Code for Ste m Gener tin, -nits
This consists of . P rt One: +irect method $also called as In#ut ,out#ut method% . P rt T+o: Indirect method $also called as -eat loss method%

.ost standards for com#utation of boiler efficiency" includin! IS #)%. and BS#$% are desi!ned for s#ot measurement of boiler efficiency. In4 ri 3/0" // these st nd rds do not inc/ude 3/o+ do+n s /oss in the efficienc0 determin tion process1 Boiler efficiency can be tested by the followin! methods: 1% The !irect Method& /here the ener!y !ain of the wor&in! fluid $water and steam% is com#ared with the ener!y content of the boiler fuel. 0% The Indirect Method& /here the efficiency is the difference between the losses and the ener!y in#ut.

IS #)%.& Indi n St nd rd for Boi/er Efficienc0 Testin,

The !irect Method Testin,

Merits of !irect Method

Merits 1 P/ nt peop/e c n e4 /u te 8uic9/0 the efficienc0 of 3oi/ers 1 Re8uires fe+ p r meters for comput tion 1 Needs fe+ instruments for monitorin,

!emerits of !irect Method

!emerits 1 !oes not ,i4e c/ues to the oper tor s to +h0 efficienc0 of s0stem is /o+er 1 !oes not c /cu/ te 4 rious /osses ccount 3/e for 4 rious efficienc0 /e4e/s 1 E4 por tion r tio nd efficienc0 m 0 mis/e d" if the ste m is hi,h/0 +et due to + ter c rr0o4er

The Indirect Method Testin,

Losses in the Boi/er

The fo//o+in, /osses re pp/ic 3/e to /i8uid" , s nd so/id fired 3oi/er L'1 Loss due to dr0 f/ue , s 5sensi3/e he t7 L:1 Loss due to h0dro,en in fue/ 5;:7 L.1 Loss due to moisture in fue/ 5; :O7 L$1 Loss due to moisture in ir 5;:O7 L%1 Loss due to c r3on mono2ide 5CO7

Losses in the Boi/er Cont11

L<1 Loss due to surf ce r di tion" con4ection nd other un ccounted=Losses +hich re insi,nific nt nd re difficu/t to me sure1 The fo//o+in, /osses re pp/ic 3/e to so/id fue/ fired 3oi/er in ddition to 3o4e L)1 -n3urnt /osses in f/0 sh 5C r3on7 L#1 -n3urnt /osses in 3ottom sh 5C r3on7 Boi/er Efficienc0 30 indirect method > '?? * 5L' @ L: @ L. @ L$ @ L% @ L< @ L) @ L#7

Me surements Re8uired for Perform nce Assessment Testin,

7 F/ue , s n /0sis 1. 1ercenta!e of 230 or 30 in flue !as 0. 1ercenta!e of 23 in flue !as 4. Tem#erature of flue !as

Me surements Re8uired for Perform nce Assessment Testin,

37 F/o+ meter me surements for 1. uel 0. Steam 4. eed water 4. 2ondensate water 5. 2ombustion air

Me surements Re8uired for Perform nce Assessment Testin,

c7 Temper ture me surements for 1. lue !as 0. Steam 4. .a&eu# water 4. 2ondensate return 5. 2ombustion air 5. uel 7. Boiler feed water

Me surements Re8uired for Perform nce Assessment Testin,

d7 Pressure me surements for 1. Steam 0. uel 4. 2ombustion air" both #rimary and secondary 4. +raft

Me surements Re8uired for Perform nce Assessment Testin,

e7 A ter condition 1. Total dissol*ed solids $T+S% 0. #4. Blow down rate and (uantity


Test Conditions nd Prec utions

A7 The efficienc0 test does not ccount for& . Standby losses. 6fficiency test is to be carried out" when the
boiler is o#eratin! under a steady load. Therefore" the combustion efficiency test does not re*eal standby losses"which occur between firin! inter*als . Blow down loss. The amount of ener!y wasted by blow down *aries o*er a wide ran!e. . Soot blower steam. The amount of steam used by soot blowers is *ariable that de#ends on the ty#e of fuel. . Auxiliary equipment energy consumption. The combustion efficiency test does not account for the ener!y usa!e by au'iliary e(ui#ments" such as burners" fans" and #um#s.

Test Conditions nd Prec utions

B7 Prep r tions nd pre conditions for testin,
. Burn the specified fue/5s7 t the re8uired r te1 1 !o the tests +hi/e the 3oi/er is under ste d0 /o d1 A4oid testin, durin, + rmin, up of 3oi/ers from co/d condition 1 O3t in the ch rts Bt 3/es for the ddition / d t 1 1 !etermin tion of ,ener / method of oper tion 1 S mp/in, nd n /0sis of fue/ nd sh1 1 Ensure the ccur c0 of fue/ nd sh n /0sis in the / 3or tor01 1 Chec9 the t0pe of 3/o+ do+n nd method of me surement 1 Ensure proper oper tion of // instruments1 1 Chec9 for n0 ir infi/tr tion in the com3ustion Cone.

Test Conditions nd Prec utions

C7 F/ue , s s mp/in, /oc tion
It is su,,ested th t the e2it duct of the 3oi/er 3e pro3ed nd tr 4ersed to find the /oc tion of the Cone of m 2imum temper ture1 This is /i9e/0 to coincide +ith the Cone of m 2imum , s f/o+ nd is therefore ,ood s mp/in, point for 3oth temper ture nd , s n /0sis1

Test Conditions nd Prec utions

!7 Options of f/ue , s n /0sis
Check the Oxygen Test with the Carbon Dioxide Test If continuous*re din, o20,en test e8uipment is inst //ed in 3oi/er p/ nt" use o20,en re din,1 Occ sion //0 use port 3/e test e8uipment th t chec9s for 3oth o20,en nd c r3on dio2ide1 If the c r3on dio2ide test does not ,i4e the s me resu/ts s the o20,en test" somethin, is +ron,1 One 5or 3oth7 of the tests cou/d 3e erroneous" perh ps 3ec use of st /e chemic /s or driftin, instrument c /i3r tion1 Another possi3i/it0 is th t outside ir is 3ein, pic9ed up /on, +ith the f/ue , s1 This occurs if the com3ustion , s re oper tes under ne, ti4e pressure nd there re /e 9s in the 3oi/er c sin,1

Test Conditions nd Prec utions

Carbon onoxide Test The carbon mono'ide content of flue !as is a !ood indicator of incom#lete combustion with all ty#es of fuels" as lon! as they contain carbon. 2arbon mono'ide in the flue !as is minimal with ordinary amounts of e'cess air" but it rises abru#tly as soon as fuel combustion starts to be incom#lete.

Test Conditions nd Prec utions

E7 P/ nnin, for the testin, . The testin! is to be conducted for a duration of 4 to 8 hours in a normal #roduction day. . 7d*anced #lannin! is essential for the resource arran!ement of man#ower" fuel" water and instrument chec& etc and the same to be communicated to the 3#eration and .aintenance +e#artments. . Sufficient (uantity of fuel stoc& and water stora!e re(uired for the test duration should be arran!ed so that a test is not disru#ted due to non,a*ailability of fuel and water.

Test Conditions nd Prec utions

E7 P/ nnin, for the testin, contdD . 8ecessary sam#lin! #oint and instruments are to be made a*ailable with wor&in! condition. . 9ab 7nalysis should be carried out for fuel" flue !as and water in coordination with lab #ersonnel. . The steam table" #sychometric chart" calculator com#uter etc are to be arran!ed for com#utation of boiler efficiency.

C /cu/ tion Procedure nd Formu/ e

In order to calculate the boiler efficiency by indirect method" all the losses that occur in the boiler must be established. These losses are con*eniently related to the amount of fuel burnt. In this way it is easy to com#are the #erformance of *arious boilers with different ratin!s.

1erformance Testin! of Boilers Sam#le In#ut 1arameters , 1

' : . $ % < ) # ( '? '' Unit load "W '($ FW Flow at Econ inlet T#!r )*$+,$ $ Wet bulb Temp C $ Dry Bulb Temp C Barometric Pressure mm%& ,*$+-$ Total Coal Flow T#!r (-$+*. Unburnt C in BA *+$$ Unburnt C in FA (+$$ Radiation & Unaccounted Losses '+$$ Fly as! to Total As! /$+$$ Bottom as! to Total as! '$+$$

': '. '$ '% '< ') '# '( :? :' Pro0imate Analysis o1 Coal "oisture AD "oisture AF As! AD As! AF 2olatile "atter AD 2olatile "atter AF Fi0ed Carbon AD Fi0ed Carbon AF 3ross Cal+ 2alue AD 3ross Cal+ 2alue AF 6+/* ('+/$ -*+., -'+.) ')+-. '6+(. -'+,. -$+$* 66)6+$$ 666*+$$

4cal#5& 4cal#5&

Sam#le In#uts
'' ''6 '* ') ', '/ '. -$ -( -' --6 -* A7e F3 8' AP% in A7e F3 C8' AP% in A7e F3 C8 AP% in PP" A7e F3 8' AP% 8ut A7e F3 C8' AP% 8ut A7e F3 C8 AP% 8ut PP" $ A7e+ F3 Temp AP% in C $ A7e+ F3 Temp AP% 8ut C $ Air to AP% in C $ Air AP% out C Total Primary Flow T#!r $ Total Air Flow L C $ Total Air Flow R C Desi&n Ambient # Re1 air Temp $C -+*$ (*+/$ -.+$$ *+$$ (6+-$ *$+$$ -$$+$$ (6$+$$ -(+$$ '.$+$$ --$+$$ -)$+$$ -)$+$$ -$+$$

2om#utations , 1
"ltimate Analysis of #oal on As $ired %asis
Carbon 9 :Fi0ed Carbon AD;$+.:2ol+"atter AD<(6==>3C2AF#3C2AD ?ulp!ur 9 $+6> 3C2AF#3C2AD %yd+ 9 2ol+"atter AD >:,+-*#:2ol+"atter AD ;($=<$+$(-=> 3C2AF#3C2AD "oisture @itro&en 9 "oisture AF 9 :'+(<$+$('> 2ol+"atter AD => 3C2AF#3C2AD

80y 9:($$<:%yd ;Carbon ;@';As! AD;"oist AD==> 3C2AF#3C2AD As! 9 As! As! AF

3ross Cal+ 2alue 9 3C2 AF

Ste#,I 2on*ersion of 1ro'imate 7nalysis to :ltimate 7nalysis

-owe*er it is su!!ested to !et a ultimate analysis of the fuel fired #eriodically from a re#uted laboratory.

The 7ir ;e(uired

Theoretical $stoichiometric% air fuel ratio and e'cess air su##lied are to be determined first for com#utin! the boiler losses. The formula is !i*en on the ne't slide for the same.

Boiler 9osses 2alculations

'1 ;e t /oss due to dr0 f/ue , s This is the !reatest boiler loss and can be calculated with the followin! formula:

2alculation of Boiler 9osses

A& Simp/e method c n 3e used for determinin, the dr0 f/ue , s /oss s ,i4en 3e/o+1 m ' 2# ' $Tf . Ta% ' 1<< a% Percent ,e he t /oss due to dr0 f/ue , s = >2? of fuel Total mass of flue !as $m%@&! of fuel = mass of actual air su##lied@&! of fuel A 1 &! of fuel Note*:& /ater *a#our is #roduced from -ydro!en in fuel" moisture #resent in fuel and air durin! the combustion. The losses due to these com#onents ha*e not been included in the dry flue !as loss since they are se#arately calculated as a wet flue !as loss.

2alculation of Boiler 9osses

:1 ;e t /oss due to e4 por tion of + ter formed due to ;: in fue/ 5E7 The combustion of hydro!en causes a heat loss because the #roduct of combustion is water. This water is con*erted to steam and this carries away heat in the form of its latent heat.

2alculation of Boiler 9osses

.1 ;e t /oss due to moisture present in fue/ .oisture enterin! the boiler with the fuel lea*es as a su#erheated *a#our. This moisture loss is made u# of the sensible heat to brin! the moisture to boilin! #oint" the latent heat of e*a#oration of the moisture" and the su#erheat re(uired to brin! this steam to the tem#erature of the e'haust !as. This loss can be calculated with the followin! formula

2alculation of Boiler 9osses

$1 ;e t /oss due to moisture present in ir ?a#our in the form of humidity in the incomin! air" is su#erheated as it #asses throu!h the boiler. Since this heat #asses u# the stac&" it must be included as a boiler loss. To relate this loss to the mass of coal burned" the moisture content of the combustion air and the amount of air su##lied #er unit mass of coal burned must be &nown. The mass of *a#our that air contains can be obtained from #sychrometric charts and ty#ical *alues are included in the ne't slide alon!with the formula for calculation of loss.

2alculation of Boiler 9osses

2alculation of Boiler 9osses

%1 ;e t /oss due to incomp/ete com3ustion& 1roducts formed by incom#lete combustion could be mi'ed with o'y!en and burned a!ain with a further release of ener!y. Such #roducts include 23" -0" and *arious hydrocarbons and are !enerally found in the flue !as of the boilers. 2arbon mono'ide is the only !as whose concentration can be determined con*eniently in a boiler #lant test. 2alculation ormulae on the ne't slide

2alculation of Boiler 9osses

2alculation of Boiler 9osses

<1 ;e t /oss due to r di tion nd con4ection& The other heat losses from a boiler consist of the loss of heat by radiation and con*ection from the boiler castin! into the surroundin! boiler house. Norm //0 surf ce /oss nd other un ccounted /osses is ssumed 3 sed on the t0pe nd siCe of the 3oi/er s ,i4en 3e/o+ For industri / fire tu3e B p c9 ,ed 3oi/er > '1% to :1%E For industri / + ter tu3e 3oi/er > : to .E For po+er st tion 3oi/er > ?1$ to 'E -owe*er it can be calculated if the surface area of boiler and its surface tem#erature are &nown $>i*en in the ne't slide%

2alculation of Boiler 9osses

<1 ;e t /oss due to r di tion nd con4ection contdD

2alculation of Boiler 9osses

;e t /oss due to un3urned c r3on in f/0 sh nd 3ottom sh& Small amounts of carbon will be left in the ash and this constitutes a loss of #otential heat in the fuel. To assess these heat losses" sam#les of ash must be analyBed for carbon content. The (uantity of ash #roduced #er unit of fuel must also be &nown. )1 ;e t /oss due to un3urnt in f/0 sh 5E71 Total ash collected @ &! of fuel burnt ' >.2.? of fly ash ' 1<< 97 = >2? of fuel #1 ;e t /oss due to un3urnt in 3ottom sh 5E7 Total ash collected #er &! of fuel burnt ' >.2.? of bottom ash ' 1<< 98 = >2? of fuel

-eat Balance of Boiler

Boiler 6fficiency 2alculations

Unit load FW Flow at Econ inlet Wet bulb Te ! #r$ %ulbTe ! %aro etric &re''ure Total "oal Flow Unburnt " in %+ Unburnt " in F+ .adiation / Unaccounted Lo''e' , Fl$a'h to Total +'h , %otto a'h to Total a'h Pro0imate Analysis o1 Coal Moi'ture +# Moi'ture +F +'h +# +'h +F 2olatile Matter +# 2olatile Matter +F Fi3ed "arbon +# Fi3ed "arbon +F 4ro'' "al. 2alue +# 4ro'' "al. 2alue +F , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5cal/6) 5cal/6) MW T/hr
0 0

L Ffw Wb #b

115 370.70

18/3/03 103.00 330.00

" " ()

%& Fin "ba "fa Lrad &fa &ba Mad Maf +ad +af 2ad 2af F"ad Fcaf "2ad "7af

750.30 70.5* 5.00 1.00 0.00 80.00 00.00

730.00 -.00 1.38 0.00 80.00 00.00 1.85 10.80 35.*7 30.*0-.3* 01.1* 30.7* 30.05 11-1.00 1115.00


Ultimate Analysis As 1ired "arbon 'ul!hur ($dro)en Moi'ture

, , , ,

" 8 ( M

10.10 0.10 1.-1 10.00

13.75 0.10 1.*7 10.80

F ctors Affectin, Boi/er Perform nce

. 1eriodical cleanin! of boilers . 1eriodical soot blowin! . 1ro#er water treatment #ro!ramme and blow down control . +raft control . 6'cess air control . 1ercenta!e loadin! of boiler . Steam !eneration #ressure and tem#erature . Boiler insulation . Cuality of fuel


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