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• The Russia Revolution in February of 1917

started at the capital, St.Petersburg where

there is serious shortage of food and fuel
• Woman who were fed up with the endless
queues for food attacked the bakeries when
bread run out and they then marched through
the city shouting anti-government slogans
• Later workers joined them and within three
days,250,000 people were on strike
• The King Of Russia, Tsar ordered the army to
put down the revolt but the army decided to
join the protesters
• The Duma was also won over and agreed to
provide the strikers with leadership
• It organised a provisional (temporary)
government to rule Russia
• Having lost control of his army and
government, the Tsar abdicated on 14
February 1917 thus the Russian monarchy
was ended
• With the new provisional government
headed by prime minister Alexander
Kenensky was confronted by many
• The whole of Russia was in chaos as
there were severe shortages of foods and
daily necessities
• The government was expected to solve
these problem quickly demands of
different groups Russia(in countryside
peasant wanted land & in city workers
want food and better job condition)
• The soldier wanted the war to end

Do You Think The New Government Be Able To Satisfy

All These Groups???
 Was introduced for the first time in Russia
 Political prisoners were freed and exiled revolutionaries returned to Russia
 The press was also given freedom of expression, yet the freedom given
resulted in open opposition
 The main challenge was from the Soviet, a rival group made up of soldiers
and workers, originally formed to co-ordinatethe strikes
 Soviets were set up in Petrograd and other cities and became very
 The provisional government needed their support to rule
 The support ended when the Bolsheviks, a powerful group in the Soviets,
quarrelled with the Provisional Government
 One quarrel was over Russia’s involvement in World War I
 The Provisional government felt than the Russia had to honour her commitments to the Allies as they hope
that a victory might win them more support
 But the war drain Russia resources and crucial problem were left unable to solve especially the need for
land reforms
 The peasants had expected the government to help them with their own land but this did not happen and the
peasant was very disappointed
 The peasant make up 80% of the population in Russia and this badly affected the Provisional Government
 Vladamir Ilyich Lenin, a revolutionary
exiled by the Tsar abdicated
 He convinced the bolsheviks that
another revolution was needed to turn
Russia into communist state
 He quickly rose to become the leader of
the bolsheviks
 Lenin understood the importance of
peasant support and saw that many
Russians were against the continuation
of the war
 His appeal to the people of
“Land,Peace,Bread” was simple and
 He stressed the importance of peace
and vowed to get Russia out of the war
 Lastly, he promised immediate land
redistribution after seizing power and
also to eliminate hunger in communist
Russia thus won him many supporters
 In July 1917 the Bolsheviks tried to seize the power in Petrograd but the uprising was crushed by
Alexander Kerensky and many Bolshevik leaders were arrested
 Lenin himself fled to Finland
 Later the leader of the Russia army, General Kornilov, attempted to overthrow Kerensky.
 To fight Kornilov, kerensky released the Bolsheviks and supply them with arms and defeated
 Afterwards the Bolsheviks retained the weapom they were given
 Popularity of Kerensky’s governemnt
fell, Lenin planned to stage another
revolution in Petergrad
 On 24 October 1917, Bolsheviks
soldiers, the Red Guards, captured
the railway stations and the
telephone exchange in Petergrad
 The Winter Palace where the
Provisional Government
headquarters were shelled
 The government offered little
opposition and the Bolsheviks seized
power in a coup
 After week of fighting, the Bolsheviks
controlled the city
After the Bolsheviks seized power, The Bolsheviks
Lenin confidently allowed the elections rename
promised by the Provisional themselves the
Government to take place. Lenin was Communist Party
shock and refuse to hand over the and took steps to
power when he heard Social obtain absolute
Revolutionaries won most of the seat. control Russia.
Lenin think Bolsheviks represented the Linen issued
proletariat, the vital group who decrees or official
determine Russia’s future so they orders, which were
should rule. Lenin dissolve the to be obeyed
Assembly and banned further election without question.
• Is Shortage of food the main
reason of the February
Revolution of 1917 in Russia?

• What cause the October

Revolution of 1917 in Russia

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