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What is narrative text?

A text that has function to amuse/entertain the readers.


A kind of narrative story that contains some fictional and stuff and sometimes not logical.

The Black Rose
By : Nadya F. N.

t !as "onday morning. Rena as al!ays goes to school !ith her friend# Anita. Anita# is an old friend of Rena. And Anita do love mystical stuffs. A$out %& years ago# $ack !hen they !ere six years old# Anita use to tell Rena an old story from the neigh$orhood. '(ey Rena# did you kno!# in )th street# there*s a $lack rose garden that never $een visited. They said that garden is full of $lack roses# and it maintained everyday $y an old lady# !ith an old +uro,ean dress. -he died . years ago $ut some say !e can still hear her# !atering the garden from the distance./ -aid Anita. 'But# )th street are closed right0 (o! can ,eo,le get in and hear those stuff0/ asked Rena.

'1ell told you# the !atering sound !as so loud# it !as like every$ody can hear it like it !as on their $ack. But !hen you look $ack# there !as nothing./ Ans!ered Anita. 'don*t scare me like that2/ yelled Rena. 1ell# that %& years ago.

No! Rena# someho! stu,idly $rave enough to investigate the )th street. After school# Rena !alks to the )th street and $arge in# ignoring the gate# That closed the street from long years ago. -he !alks in# the street !as so 3uiet and em,ty. -he !alks far until finally# reaches the $lack
rose garden. -he !as so sur,rised# the roses !as so fresh and maintained !ell# although# the old lady she kne! !ho took care of this garden died many years ago. 1hile she !as seeing those $eautiful roses# a voice came through. 'aren*t they $eautiful0/ Rena shocked and confused. 1ho make that voice0 The old lady0 But the voice sounded like a young girl# 4ust like her. 'this garden# !as a gift from my hus$and. 1e en4oyed and maintained this garden !ell5 at least# until he died cause killed him. (e !as so !onderful# $ut he loves another !oman5/ That young girl $egan to cry. Rena felt very a!k!ard. -he didn*t kno! !hat to do2 -hould she look $ack0

Major Complication
After a fe! seconds of silent# Rena decided to look $ack. Rena screams hard cause of !hat she sa!. t !as the old lady that everyone*s talking a$out. -he !as dreadful. (er face !as crushed like she !as having a car crash or something. Rena couldn*t stand it. -he ,assed out. -he !oke u, in her room. ' it !as a dream0/ asked her to herself. Then she tried to find her ,arents. 'mom2 6ad2/ yelled Rena. 7et no one res,onded. Then she tried to look to the living room# her ,arents room# and all around the house# $ut nothing in hand. -he decided to go u,stairs to her room again.

Then she glances to the !indo!# looking outside. There !as nothing. All around her house !as only $lack roses garden. No matter ho! far she looks# from a corner to another# all of that# !as only a $lack rose garden. t !as like# Rena*s house# !as in a middle of a very enormous $lack rose garden. Rena !as so scared# she tried to find her !ay out to the front door. But unfortunately# !hen she o,ens the door# a tall $ush of $lack roses stand in the !ay. -he then reali8es that she*s alone. -he sat in the middle of the living room and $egan to cry. -uddenly she heard a !atering voice. -he looks through the !indo!# and she sa! the old lady from the distancee.



old lady Anita Rena

The Moral Value

Thank You :D

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