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Managing The Primary ESL Classroom ( TSL 3109)

Topic: Positive Classroom Discipline (by Fredric Jones) By : Syed Zaqhwan & Clara Beatrice

believes that discipline problems occur because of mismanaging various routines and procedures in the classroom. Jones states: "Classroom management must be built from the ground up so that most problems do not occur.

created a program that is based on five clusters of teacher skills that keep students productively on-task, which in turn, work to prevent misbehaviour:
Skill Cluster 1: Classroom Structure to Discourage Misbehaviour Skill Cluster 2: Limit-Setting through Body Language Skill Cluster 3: Using Say, See, Do Teaching Skill Cluster 4: Responsibility Training through Incentive Systems Skill Cluster 5: Providing Efficient Help to Individual Students

Skill Cluster 1: Classroom Structure to Discourage Misbehaviour

teachers should create a classroom structure that works to prevent behaviour problems four components: Room management- tables & chair Opening Routines- the ringing of the school bell Class Rules- specific, clear, be posted Class Chores- duty roster

Skill Cluster 2: Limit-Setting through Body Language

teachers must discipline through the use of body language rather than with words components: Physical Proximity- moving closer Eye contact Facial expressions- face conveys emotions

Skill Cluster 3: Using Say, See, Do Teaching

cause students to continually learn by doing During a lesson, teachers must tell students what to do, show them what to do, and then have them do it two components: Visual Instruction Plans- series of picture prompts that represents the process of the activity or thinking Say, See, Do- students immediately work with the information that have just been given.

Skill Cluster 4: Using Responsibility Training Through Incentive System

help to motivate responsibility, good behaviour and productive work. two systems: Preferred Activity Time (PAT) It's the time allocated for learning games / enrichment activities Backup System To deal with misbehaving students. a) Loss of privilege b) Sent to the office c) Conference with parents

Skill Cluster 5: Providing Efficient Help to Individual Students

not all 'handraiser' students need help, but to get attention two ways: Praise, prompt & leave Praise the student quickly for something done correctly, give a prompt to help the student get going and leave quickly Using Visual Instructions - graphic models / charts

How to use this in the classroom?

1) Begin with a class discussion of limit setting. 2) Form rules and agreements about what students may or may not do in the classroom. 3) Explain that if a student violates a rule, the behaviour will be corrected with body language. 4) Discuss desirable incentives and explain the procedures for managing incentives. 5) Remind students the incentives they select must have instructional value. 6) Discuss backup systems that will be used if students misbehave seriously and do not listen to the teacher.

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