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Quality of Line
Prepared by: Mr. Azham Abdul Hamid 2014 KPMIM

A line is a mark made by a moving point and have psychological impact according to its direction, weight, and the variations of it.

Line is not necessarily an artificial creation of the artist or designer; it exists in nature as a structural feature such as branches, or as surface design, such as stripe on a tiger or a seashell.

Lines can be combined with other lines to create textures and patterns. The use of line in combination results in the development of form and value, which are other elements of design.


Line also communicate emotion and states of mind through its character and direction. The variations of meaning generally relate to our experience of line and direction.

Gesture Drawing by Azham on A4 paper.


Horizontal line suggests a feeling of rest or repose. Objects parallel to the earth are at rest in relation to gravity.

One of the hallmarks of Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural style is its use of strong horizontal elements which stress the relationship of the structure to the land.


Vertical lines communicate a feeling of loftiness(kemuliaan) and spirituality, also communicate stability and solidity

This stability suggests permanence, reliability and safety.


Diagonal lines suggest a feeling of movement or direction. In a two dimensional composition diagonal lines are also used to indicate depth, an illusion of perspective that pulls the viewer into the picture-creating an illusion of a space that one could move about within.

Since objects in a diagonal position are unstable in relation to gravity, being neither vertical nor horizontal, they are either about to fall, or are already in motion, as is certainly the case for this group of dancers.


Curved lines do vary in meaning. Soft, shallow curves suggest comfort, safety, familiarity, relaxation.

Quality of Line refers to each character lines produced when drawing lines such as thickness or fineness of the lines. The quality of line in itself contributes to the mood of the work, and for the master artist, the quality of line is a fundamental expression of his/her style. Painters will determine each line that will be made on whether the line firmly without much variation, such as variation in the weight of the contour drawing, the lines over and over (sort of movement / rhythm), physical movement.
Kualiti garisan merujuk kepada setiap sifat garisan yang dihasilkan semasa melukis seperti ketebalan atau nipisnya garisan tersebut. Kualiti garis itu sendiri menyumbang kepada mood pada karya, dan bagi pelukis mahir, kualiti garisan adalah ekspresi asas gaya mereka. Pelukis akan menentukan setiap garisan yang akan dihasilkan, sama ada satu garisan yang tanpa banyak variasi, variasi dalam pemberatan seperti pada lukisan kontour, garisan berulang-ulang (seperti pergerakan/ritma), pergerakan fizikal.

Fine line This drawing shows how you can create the illusion of depth in an image by changing how hard you press down on the lines.

Thick line

Pen on newsprint

Pencil on paper

Charcoal on layout paper

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