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Alejandra Carrillo


have the expectations of women emerged in society? Are men responsible for setting them or is it us women who set those expectations to behave accordingly to what we believe men desire?


expected to stay home and take care of their children

were to follow mens commands without rebellion felt they lacked the power to rebel against mens desire



First Semi-Chorus of Old Men: Ah! Strymodorus, who would ever have thought it? Here we have the women, who used, for our misfortune, to eat our bread and live in our houses, daring nowadays to lay hands on the holy image of the goddess, to seize the Acropolis and draw bars and bolts to keep any from entering!
Cleonice: But how should women perform so wise and glorious an achievement, we women who dwell in the retirement of the household, clad in diaphanous garments of yellow silk and long flowing gowns, decked out with flowers and shod with dainty little slippers?.

Lisistrata, Aritophane

Women seen as housewives Marriage as their ultimate goal Higher education seen as an undesirable characteristic to have Women as sexual objects. Look the best they can to fulfill mens desires Strong Physical appearance expectations

. They seldom think that men will be allured by intellectual acquirements, because they find that where any mental superiority exists, a woman is generally shunned and regarded as stepping out of her appropriated sphere. (Grimk,48) Fashionable women regard themselves, and are regarded by men as pretty toys or as mere instruments of pleasure.. (Grimk,48)
On a farm near the sea, a woman who tended her appearance reaped a reputation for eccentricity. All the married women blunt-cut their hair in flaps about their ears or pulled it back in tight buns. (Kingston, 9)

Letters on the Equality of the Sexes by Sarah M Grimk No Name Woman, Maxine Hong Kingston


a stronger position in society But women saw themselves as useless? Did society make us look down on ourselves? Women allow themselves to be manipulated Men dissapointed to have a daugher. Has this changed in our society?


A woman is like a piece of cloth, used to clean a dirty table and then hidden away in a corner until next time. This is how they use us and is we ourselves who are to blame. We allow ourselves to be used and manipulated. (Barrios De La Chungara, 348)

The Womans Problem, Barrios de la Chungara The Second Sex, Simon de Beavoir

Women behaved according to mens will? Women were highly judgmental of each other Vs the standards they use to judge men Virgin Vs Whore

Why do we dress up, wear high heels? Dress to impress ourselves? Or men?
Women try to set themselves with an advantage over other women

Just as hetero women are often forced to choose between the images of the virgin and the whore, modern straight men are caught in a cultural tug-of-war between the Malboro Man and the Wimp. (Shultz, 112)

Getting Off Feminism-Jason Shultz The Love of my life, Cheryl Strayed

So who is responsible for setting these expectations of women in society?

Men setting what they expect from our behavior ? Women objectifying themselves as a object of desire and setting their expectations?

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