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Job analysis is the process of gathering information

about a job. It is, to be more specific, a systematic

investigation of the tasks, duties and responsibilities
necessary to do a job.

The process of determining ,by observation & study

& reporting pertinent information relating to the
nature of specific job.It is the determination of the
tasks which comprise the job & the skills ,knowledge,
abilities & responsibilities required of the worker for a
successful performance & which differentiates one
job from all others.

TASK---is an action or related gp. of action
designed to produce a definite outcome or result. A
process of collecting or analyzing data relating to a

A job can be analyzed only after it has been

designed & someone is already performing it.
Job analysis is therefore performed on ongoing

Uses of Job Analysis
Organisation Manpower planning Recruitment,selecti
structure on, placement
 matching job
 Future job requirement
 Responsibility  Skill requirement
requirement and
 Authority
 Accountability

Labour relations Orientation

 Deviation from  What is
agreed job expected?
Counselling JOB ANALYSIS Performance
 Vocational appraisal
guidance Job description Job specification  Performance std.

Rehabilitation  Performance
Factual statement of tasks, duties and
 Counselling review
responsibilities of a job
 Statement of human attributes, abilities,
skill required to perform job
Engineering design & Training and Career path planning
methods of development  Future prospects for
improvement job design  Updating of skills movement along career
and matching of social  changing job paths
and psychological requirements
requirements of
employees technical
system requirements

Job evaluation and


Partial job analysis questionnaire

The information about a job is usually collected through a structured

Your Job Title_______________ Code__________Date_____________
Class Title_______________ Department_____________________
Your Name_________________ Facility___________________________
Superior’s Title______________ Prepared by_______________________
Superior’s Name____________ Hours Worked______AM______to AM____
1. What is the general purpose of your job?
2. What was your last job? If it was in another organisation, please name it.
3. To what job would you normally expect to be promoted?


Partial job analysis questionnaire

4. If you regularly supervise others, list them by name and job title.

5. If you supervise others, please check those activities that are part of your
supervisory duties:

 Hiring  Coaching  Promoting

 Orienting  Counselling  Compensating

 Training  Budgeting  Disciplining

 Scheduling  Directing  Terminating

 Developing  Measuring Performances  Other____________

6. How would you describe the successful completion and results of your work?

7. Job Duties – Please briefly describe WHAT you do and, if possible, How you do it.
Indicate those duties you consider to be most important and/or most difficult:


Partial job analysis questionnaire

(a) Daily Duties

(b) Periodic Duties (Please indicate whether weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.)
(c) Duties Performed at Irregular Intervals

8. Education – Please check the blank that indicates the educational

requirements for the job, not your own educational background.
 No formal education required  College degree
 Less than high school diploma Education beyond graduate
 High school diploma or equivalent degree and/or professional license.
 College certificate or equivalent

List advanced degrees or specified professional license or certificate

Please indicate the education you had when you were placed on this job.

Important benefits of Job Analysis
M u l t i f a c e t e d N a t u r e o f J o b A n a l y s i s

Work standards
R e c r u it m e n t
H u m a n R e s o u r c e
P la n n in g S e le c t i o n

J o b E v a lu a t i o n P la c e m e n t

J o b D e s ig n a n d
T r a in i n g
R e d e s i g n

P e r f o r m a n c e
C o u n s e llin g
A p p r a i s a l
E m p lo y e e S a f e t y

Who should conduct job analysis?

 Job incumbents themselves

 Supervisors

 External analysts

The process of Job analysis

Jobs must change acc. to the employees who carry

them out.Reasons leading to change
 Technological change
 Union Management Agreements
 People

Collection of
Deciding the Selecting the
information Collection of job
uses of job representativ
information information
e job

1 Procurement 1. No. of jobs to

2. Development Job
be analysed. Job
1.Organisational descripti
3. Compensation 2. Priorities of
charts on ficati
4. Integration different jobs. on
5 Maintenance

3.Work flow
Techniques of data collection
1. Direct observation
2. Interviews
1 (relation of one job with other jobs)
3. Questionnaire
2 (general requirements of job family) 4. Past records
3 (flow of activities involved in a job) 5. Critical incidents
Methods Of Collecting Job Analysis
Seven general techniques are generally used to collect job analysis data;
 Job performance: the analyst actually performs the job in question
and collects the needed information
 Personal observation: the analyst observes others doing the job
and writes a summary
 Critical incidents: job incumbents describe several incidents
relating to work, based on past experience; the analyst collects,
analyses and classifies data.
 Interview: job incumbents and supervisors are interviewed to get
the most essential information about a job

The Competency Approach to Job
This approach encourages employees to develop
role based competencies (knowledge, skills and
abilities needed to play diverse roles ) that may
be used in diverse work situations, instead of
being boxed into a job.

Behavioural Factors Impacting
Job Analysis
The following behavioral factors must be taken
care of while carrying out a job analysis:
 Exaggerate the facts
 Employee anxieties
 Resistance to change
 Overemphasis on current efforts

Job Description And Job Specification

The end products of job analysis are:

Job description: this is a written statement of
what the job holder does, how it is done, under
what conditions it is done and why it is done.
Contents of Job description
 Job Identification—title,code,deptt. or division
 Job summary
 Job duties/responsibilities

working conditions

 social environment

 machines, tools, equipments

 supervision

 relation to other jobs

Specimen of Job Description

Title Compensation manager

Code HR/2310
Department Human Resource Department
Summary Responsible for the design and administration of employee
compensation programmes.
Duties  Conduct job analysis.
 Prepare job descriptions for current and projected
 Evaluate job descriptions and act as Chairman of Job
Evaluation Committee.
 Insure that company’s compensation rates are in tune with
the company’s philosophy.


Specimen of Job Description

 Relate salary to the performance of each employee.

Conduct periodic salary surveys.
 Develop and administer performance appraisal
 Develop and oversee bonus and other employee
benefit plans.
 Develop an integrated HR information system.
Working conditions Normal. Eight hours per day. Five days a week.
Report to Director, Human Resource Department.


 grading & classification

 placement & orientation of new employees
 promotions & transfers
 defining & outlining career paths
 redressal of grievances
 investigating incidents
 locating faults
 defining limits of authority
 health & fatigue studies
 developing performance standards


•Questionnaire filled by immediate supervisor

•Actual observation
•Consultation with worker



Clear, accurate,detailed, easily understandable

Job specification: it offers a profile of human
characteristics (knowledge, skills and
abilities)needed by a person doing a job.
States the min. acceptable qualifications that the
incumbent must possess to perform the job
It is written record of the physical ,mental,social &
psychological and behavioral characteristics
which a person should possess in order to
perform the job effectively

It tells
 essential attributes which a person must possess

 desirable attributes which a person ought to


 contra- indicators which will become a handicap

to successful performance

Specimen of job specification

Education  MBA with specialisation in HRM/MA in social work/PG

Diploma in HRM/MA in industrial psychology.
 A degree or diploma in Labour Laws is desirable.
Experience  At least 3 years’ experience in a similar position in a large
manufacturing company.
Skill, Knowledge, Abilities  Knowledge of compensation practices in competing
industries, of job analysis procedures, of compensation
survey techniques, of performance appraisal systems.
 Skill in writing job descriptions, in conducting job analysis
interviews, in making group presentations, in performing
statistical computations
 Ability to conduct meetings, to plan and prioritise work.
Work Orientation Factors  The position may require upto 15 per cent travel.
Age  Preferably below 30 years.

In recent times, the traditional way of jobs having
a clearly-delineated set of duties and
responsibilities is being increasingly questioned.
For example, knowledge workers do not like
standardized, routinised operations to be carried
out in a fixed, predetermined time schedule.
Talented ones, again, may require jobs with
stretch pull and challenge. They may want to
carry out their duties in a flexible manner.


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