Stoikiometri - Law of Chemistry

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: Hukum-Hukum Dasar Kimia

KOMPETENSI DASAR: Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan dan mampu menerapkan Hukum-hukum Dasar Kimia dalam analisis senyawa. INDIKATOR : Menjelaskan Hukum Kekekalan Massa, Hukum Perbandingan Tetap, Hukum Perbandingan Berganda, dan Hukum Perbandingan Volume. Menghitung massa zat dalam reaksi dengan menerapkan Hukum Kekekalan Massa, Hukum Perbandingan Tetap dan Hukum Perbandingan Berganda Menghitung volume zat dalam reaksi dengan menerapkan Hukum Perbandingan Volume

Law of Mass Conservation

GayLussacs Law of Combining Volumes THE FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF CHEMISTRY

Law of Definite (or Constant) Composition

The Law of Multiple Proportions

Law of Mass Conservation

Zn(s) + S(s) 65.4 g 32 g

ZnS(s) 97.4 g

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Paris, 28th of August 1743 to 8th of May 1794

Father was a pharmacist. He taught Chemistry in Spain. Napoleon destroyed Prousts labs while invading Spain in 1807.

Law of Definite (or Constant) Composition

Joseph Proust 100 lbs of copper combined with acid and carbonates always yielded 180 pounds of green carbonate. In 1799 he proposed the A chemical compound, no matter what its origin or its method of preparation, always has the same composition; i.e., the same proportions by mass of constituent elements.

Joseph Proust
Born: Angers (France), 1754 Died: Angers (France), 1826

The Law of Multiple Proportions

Law of Multiple Proportions: Elements may combine in more than one set of proportions, with each set corresponding to a different compound. CO2: always 3 g C and 8 g O CO: always 3 g C and 4 g O If two elements form more than a single compound, the masses of one element combined with a fixed mass of the second are in the ratio of small whole numbers.

John Dalton Eaglesfield, North UK, 1766-1844

Gay-Lussacs Law of Combining Volumes

When two gases are allowed to react, such that the gases are at the same temperature and pressure, the volumes of each gas consumed will be in the ratio of small integers.

Joseph Louis GayLussac (1778-1850)

Law of Mass Conservation: The total mass of material
present after a chemical reaction is the same as before the reaction (Lavoisier).

Law of Definite (or Constant) Composition: No matter

what its source, a particular chemical compound is composed of the same elements in the same parts (fractions) by mass (Proust).

The Law of Multiple Proportions: When two elements

form a series of compounds, the masses of one element that combine with a fixed mass of the other element are in the ratio of small integers to each other (Dalton).

Gay Lussacs Law of Combining Volumes: The

volumes of two reacting gases (at the same temperature and pressure) are in the ratio of simple integers. Moreover, the ratio of the volume of each product gas to the volume of either reacting gas is the ratio of simple integers.

Matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction. In every chemical operation an equal quantity of matter exists before and after the operation. Mass is conserved in a chemical reaction. Moreover, in chemical change, the mass of the elements is conserved, element by element. Development of this law was made possible by the analytical balance.

The mass of substances before and after chemical reaction is equal
QUESTION In closed tube, 32 grams of sulfur reacts with 63.5 grams of copper produce copper(II) sulfide. How many grams of copper(II) sulfide are formed as a product? SOLUTION sulfur + copper 32 g 63.5 g copper(II) sulfide 95.5 g

The ratio of elements mass in a compound is constant
QUESTION The result of salt research from Madura and Cirebon yields the following data: Salt (g) Sodium (g) Chlor (g) Madura 0.2925 0.1150 0.1775 Cirebon 1.7750 0.6900 1.0650 Prove that salt has constant ratio of element!

SOLUTION Maduras salt : % sodium =

0.1150 x 100% = 39.3% 0.2925 0.1775 x 100% = 60.7% 0.2925 0.690 x 100% = 39.3% 1.7750 1.0650 x 100% = 60.7% 1.7750

Maduras salt : % chlor =

Cirebons salt : % sodium =

Maduras salt : % chlor =

This is proven that the ratio of sodium and chlor in both salts are constant, although their origin are different.

When two elements form a series of compounds, the masses of one that combine with a fixed mass of the other are in the ratio of small integers to each other
QUESTION Nitrogen can form many compounds with oxygen. The data from the experiment as follow:

Compounds of Nitrogen and Oxygen 1 2 3 4 5 Nitrogen 14 g 14 g 28 g 28 g 28 g Oxygen 16 g 32 g 16 g 32 g 80 g

Does the result of experiment agree with law of multiple proportion?


QUESTION 1 volumes of nitrogen + 1 volume of oxygen 2 volumes of nitrogen oxide. In chemical equation : N2 (g) + O2 (g) 2 NO (g)

Soal untuk didiskusikan 1. Kalsium karbonat (10,00g) direaksikan dengan 100,0cm3 asam klorida (=1,148g/cm3). Hasilnya adalah 120,4g larutan (campuran HCl dan CaCl2) dan 2,220L gas karbon dioksida (=1,976g/L). Tunjukkan apakah hasil tersebut sesuai dengan Hukum Kekekalan Massa. 2. Sebanyak 8,04g tembaga oksida direduksi dengan hidrogen menghasilkan 6,24g tembaga. Pada eksperimen kedua, 9,48g tembaga dilarutkan dalam asam nitrat pekat. Setelah larutan ini diuapkan sampai kering dan residu dipijar sampai konstan, diperoleh 11,88 gr tembaga oksida. Tunjukkan bahwa kedua data di atas mengikuti hukum kimia 4. Merkuri dan klor membentuk dua macam senyawa. Dalam satu senyawa 0,66g merkuri bergabung dengan 0,118g klor. Dalam senyawa yang lain 1,00g merkuri bergabung dengan 0,355g klor. Tunjukkan bahwa data ini sesuai dengan Hukum Kelipatan Perbandingan.

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